Koko Kay live webcams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Koko Kay live webcams for YOU!

  1. I would be very uncomfortable to tell my BF to stop shaving his pits and I'm sure he feels the same about asking me to start. I really don't consider that request normal. Would you be comfortable asking her to dye her hair? But yes, her reaction makes it seems it's not about having preferences but about having control.

  2. Yes, that’s another thing I’ve considered. But I feel as long as we have communication (without being overbearing) I think we will be okay. 😀

  3. Do you think that A) you’re the only SA survivor in this conversation, and B) being a survivor of SA makes either of our opinions more valid in relation to a topic that has physical evidence that directly contradicts what you are saying?

    The top comments are visible. We can see them. You can’t claim people are ignoring that it is sexual assault, because they’re literally calling it out in almost all the top comments.

    And woopty do, you’ve been hated. Do you think that means you’re allowed to be hateful?

  4. I’ve blocked people on my phone (US) and if they call and leave a voicemail, it’ll be saved in your phone under blocked calls or something at the bottom of your voicemail list. At least on iPhones.

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