Kisimotokey live webcams for YOU!


15 thoughts on “Kisimotokey live webcams for YOU!

  1. You absolutely shouldn't feel safe with someone that hurts animals to hurt you. Please, please leave. Don't become a statistic.

  2. OP in a comment said they'd been together for 3 years and had been having unprotected sex which mean if he doesn't have it, it's most likely her infection happen recently.

    Imo only two logical explanations exist here. 1) she cheated 2) it's a false positive.

  3. Hello /u/blueberry_cuppie,

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  4. Hello /u/MetallicFretz,

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  5. It's 2023 , why should all the financial part on getting a engagement ring be entirely his? I mean isn't it possible for you both to go in on paying for it? Is it even still needed? It's a symbol anyways.

  6. That comment wasn't made in reference to himself, it was made in reference to her. Insecurities and personal problems are never an excuse to be rude and disrespectful. He characterized his partner, a living human being, as something he gets sex out of, instead of an activity they participate together. That shit is degrading, end of.

  7. You won’t be able to make her do anything, and you won’t be able to be able to win an argument her on it because she is clearly suffering from mental illness. The only hope you have is for her to see that she may lose her family if she doesn’t work towards some process. The best advice I can give would be that if she is willing to work on it, be patient. She isn’t going to flip a switch tomorrow and be convinced to work 40 hours a week

  8. Please don't go back to him. If you do and you get older, you will have a hard forgiving yourself for that mistake.

  9. No one lets a potential employer contact a current employer for references. That would get everyone fired if that happened like ever.

  10. I think it’s very weird that you don’t just “share” the chore of cleaning up the poop. They are both your dogs so it’s a responsibility of both.

    The way you talk to each other is very rude and not compassionate at all.

    Idk what the “general” chore split is, if you were doing everything maybe now he is sulking because he has to pull his weight. Or maybe he is unhappy that he’s suddenly doing a new chore but he doesn’t see you working hard too. Idk there isn’t enough info except someone here needs to be the mature one and sit you both down and talk about what is expected in terms of chores and house upkeep. This is a convo that every couple needs to have, usually more than once

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