Killasimilla live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 16, 2022

12 thoughts on “Killasimilla live webcams for YOU!

  1. If it is over for you, move on.

    If it's not over for you, then talk to her. The result of that discussion will tell you if it's over for her. If it's over for her, move on.

  2. Have a little more trust in him and self confidence in yourself. You are the one he wanted to be with. If he loved her or had any feelings more than friends then he would be dating her. Those feelings are reserved for you.

  3. I know you don’t WANT this advice but oh well, it’s the advice you need…… this is about your insecurities. Not porn. If he stopped watching what’s the issue? You don’t believe him? You should probably date someone you trust. And then you are mad because you had to ask him to give it up rather than him volunteering. That’s slightly immature. Who cares why he did it? The fact is you asked him to stop and he did. End of story. And if he is still watching it that means that now he isn’t attracted to you?!? You really should talk to someone about these insecurities, they will be toxic in a relationship.

  4. She shouldn't have to ask you not to go there anymore, that should be a given. They discriminated against her on the basis of a disability, why were you not already boycotting the place??

    My wife has a service dog. She was refused entrance to a restaurant once. I don't eat there anymore either. She didn't have to ask me, it was automatic. Why would I give money to people that discriminated against someone I care about? Why would you?

  5. Fair enough…. I’m just wondering why you are so keen on staying with this man given the circumstances. You posted here for help and are quite defensive in your replies, which is another clue that there is some shame going on here. Whatever is going on with him is no excuse to abuse you. Your very young children and you may be hanging in there for now… but this abusive situation you are choosing to be in will absolutely take a toll and your lives won’t be as good as they could be in a healthy and happy home (especially when your babies become more aware of the screaming fights their Mommy and Daddy are regularly having). A happy and healthy home is not what you or your spouse are providing at this time- I understand this is hard to read but it’s the truth. Research on Google or get a parenting book how parents having these kinds of issues and fights impacts development if you question this information.

    It also appears you are back tracking on everything you said in your post and are not really open to any advice or able to make any changes at this time. As I said before you already know what you should do… and something is holding you back from doing what is best for your children and yourself. Best of luck to you.

  6. She’s an able bodied 26 year old woman. She has ways to make money. She will never progress in her life if you baby her. Perhaps what she needs is a cold hard slap of reality to get her shit together.

  7. He needs help with his insecurities from a professional. Seriously he's judging you for behavior when you were a teenager. Wtf

    A lot of this sounds like you are breaking your back for him and he's doing nothing but taking. He takes you for granted, takes a toll on your mental health and confidence.

    A partner gives equally ideally. He isn't.

    He's an emotional leach. Please do what is best for you and move on.

  8. Yeah but the real question is should I tell him the truth or is it okay if I just cut it off without saying anything or make up an excuse? Haha

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