Kheyra live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 9, 2022

46 thoughts on “Kheyra live webcams for YOU!

  1. She's been sleeping with him for months… Invited him over the 1st time they met but oh no now he's a possibly predator because he asked for a key to the house of the woman he presumably believes he's dating (possibly in a relationship with). ??? Cue the violins

    We are getting a one-sided view of their relationship… He invited her to meet some of his closed friends so there is clearly respect for her. He asked her to toss his sweaty gym shirt in the wash, likely because he didn't want to stink ? And it's highly possible she mentioned that she enjoys cooking or dishes that she's a pro at. That's not strange at all. Partners do things for each other. It's not always sexist and this definitely is nowhere in the realm of “assault” or crossing boundaries.

    You're clearly “projecting”

  2. A close friend of mine has it (we think). It's not the same as your gf coz he still has a sex drive but he's had ED for 7 years now. He's also not interested in anything and doesn't enjoy anything he used to. He has depression mostly because of that and he's on different antidepressants now but obviously still has PSSD.

    He's been dating a girl for a year who's ace so she's okay with the sex part, but my heart still breaks for him coz I know how much it fucks him up that he wants to but he can't. He also doesn't feel love like before.

    It's not wrong for you to leave. But I do advise setting a timeline to it, so it doesn't feel like you're abandoning her. And communicate with her. Maybe just focus on the kids part rather than the sex part though? When you tell her or anyone else that is.

    And don't think that she's going to end up alone and feel guilt over it. There's always someone for everyone. She'll find someone who doesn't want kids, doesn't really need displays of affection and doesn't mind the lack of sex. Ace people, aromantic people, all kinds of people exist!

  3. Sounds like similar to what I endured and when I asked, he lied or got very defensive! I should have given up but I didn’t and then found it all out and was sorry

  4. Simply going by the fact that she was seeing this dude for “a couple of weeks” then I don't think you should even consider forgiving her

  5. I wouldn't consider that cheating, but, try imagining your bf doing the same thing, either with another woman or even a man.

  6. Nah, it's not worth it, probably it would case an argument or bad feelings and you don't need that kind of drama right now. I don't think you're selfish, you're disappointed, people on the internet can be a little bit harsh, it's not taht easy to uave emphaty thought a screen. Just enjoy Christmas with your family ?

  7. You wait. Not just to see how it looks when the swelling goes down but to give yourself time to get used to it. It looks different to what you are used to, therefore your brain is screaming that something is wrong when you look at her, it’s not that it looks bad per say, just that it’s different and your not used to it. You didn’t fall in love with her because of her nose and your not breaking up with her because of it either. Would you dump her if she broke her nose and it looked crooked or had a bump? If the answer is yes then leave her now because you don’t love her and she deserves better. If the answer is no then give it time, you will get used to it, a couple of weeks is not enough time, especially if she has only just taken off bandages, your not getting used to a change like this in a few days. But in a year or two you will find the fact you were this dramatic funny, because if you love her, her nose shouldn’t change that.

  8. There might be something else that’s distracting her or that makes her feel that way. However on your end if that really a big deal breaker and she doesn’t want to have an open conversation like a normal adult. You should maybe start to think about letting her go. There is no point in being in a relationship if you aren’t happy and if you tried to make it work and it doesn’t well…

  9. Why did you drop a drunk guy off at his car so that he could drive it in the first place? Surely you are aware of the laws/dangers of drunk driving?

  10. You date a guy you met through family. You didn't grow up together and aren't related. It is like dating a family friend kid more than dating a cousin. The only reason it is a bit weird is because his mum married into the family.

    So yes, if someone hears 'I dated my step cousin', its a bit stranger. If you say you dated a guy you met recently whose mum recently married your uncle, it becomes a lot less weird. Your brother is a dick and your family is frankly horrible.

    You are so very young with so much a head of you. Do not let these people destroy your life simply because they share your dna. Disown them and live your life. It will be incredibly hard but I promise you it is worth it. An introvert can have friends too. There are support groups for people abandoned by their family. Book clubs if you are a reader. Join a running club, you don't even have to talk to people if you aren't up for it in the beginning.

    I don't know if you live at home or if you have a job. If you don't live at home, cutting them off will be easy. If you do, consider them terrible roommates and begin making a plan to leave. You ll be okay.

  11. What a loser. He doesn't need to satisfy you completely. Don't tell him that. He needs to see it as a tool. And get a lovense so he can control it remotely

  12. This is why you feel bad. You‘re still trauma bonded but I‘m so happy for you that you will break this cycle!! It‘s better for you and the child.

    Don‘t feel bad, it‘s time to choose yourself. Remind yourself every day why you cannot be with your soon-to-be ex and also remind yourself that you must protect your child. You don‘t want her/him to grow up in an abusive household, right?

  13. Just cause she didn't enjoy does not mean you did anything wrong. It looks like her friends are saying you forced it, but is she? Or have you talked to her about it? Do you two still talk?

    Look, I'm old, and come from the school of if she doesn't say no, or stop or anything, if she into it, her body language says yes, then youre probably good. That said, if your old enough to have sex, your old enough to talk about it. So maybe next time before you get that far, just ask them what their preference is. Do they want you to ask?

    Some women have had it really rough growing up and it can jade their view of men. Although you would never hurt them (hopefully) like that, as soon as you start it can bring up suppressed feelings. Just be as responsive and understanding as you can. Everyone has a different story.

  14. You did nothing wrong. Your joke was not directed at anyone else, not mean-spirited, not racist or sexist of phobic of any group. It was graphically sexual, so if you had told it in front a child, or someone's parents, or a religious figure, I could see that being on you. But you made a sex joke to someone with whom you have sex. He may find the idea of the act disgusting, he may prefer you not tell graphically sexual jokes in the future, but if you're not put on notice you can't know that

  15. Now you have insight in to what he will do when you break up with him.

    There’s a reason she blocked him. You should go back into his phone, delete all your nudes. Take screenshots of what he posted of hers and report him to the police.

    “Trust issues with my ex” is frequently nothing but a way to manipulate the new partner.

  16. It's really telling when the argument basically boils down to, “well, those aren't real people so it doesn't count!” Yep, that's the attitude that keeps the industry going.

    I remember reading a thread on this website where a guy got tired of his shitty work conditions and quit by using the company card to go to Tijuana and spent a ton of money on “hookers and blow.” I posted saying that I wonder what the work conditions are like for the hookers, who are also humans, but it did not go over well.

  17. Anyone who believes that it is possible to have a sexual preference for women and not Trans women is delusional.

    Should we have the same rights ? Yes. Should Trans people be mistreated ? No. Am I obligated to date or celebrate Trans people ? Also no.

    Why try and force a situation ?

  18. Lol I don’t care how long I been with someone cheating is an immediate break up. You are not about to have me lose my mind trying to figure if you are still cheating or not I am good with that type of life.

  19. Z is not my bf and I am not romantically interested in him in any way ? I was still romantically involved with A up until now

  20. You probably think you are a good person too but then go around randomly telling people to shut the fuck up.

  21. You probably think you are a good person too but then go around randomly telling people to shut the fuck up.

  22. Tell his friends to fuck off and tell your bf that you're not driving end of.

    He can go by bus or stay sober.

  23. “We decided to take a week break because of too much fighting and lack of trust on both ends. Just to gain clarity on the relationship.” its literally never a good idea, how is it gonna help anyone?? You technically are not a couple atm so in his mind he can do whatever tf he wants. Great for fixing the relationship, right?

  24. When I used the term couple I just meant two people. They had just recently met at this event as well and were flirting the whole time the only one with a partner was me. He was going back to grab a smoke when this all happened and as soon as it ended I got her out and called it a night

  25. Its natural but any decent person would excuse themselves and not lay there trying not to cut while she finishes, that's crazy behavior.

  26. Yeah I'm thinking about starting therapy, but my boyfriend is totally in the right for feeling uncomfortable, I posted downright half nude pics, it's not something I expect any guy in a relationship to accept. Sadly I didn't realize it then, but I think it's totally reasonable to have your red line at your girlfriend posting half nude pics on Instagram, that's why I want to maybe try and balance it.

  27. I’m just going to throw it out there that if your bf lost his nearly 7 figure job and was investigated and found in breach of tax laws, he was likely “antisocial” before the rest of your concerns started, it’s just the 7 figure salary paid for some nice rose tinted specs

  28. It's an extremely reasonable jump.

    Girl obviously didn't forget the conversation from just ac ouple days ago. She's trying to not upset OP, that much is obvious. Just like her husband being inappropriate is the only obvious implication here

  29. Exactly this! This honestly seems like a precursor to abuse; abusive men try to isolate their partners from their social networks.

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