Keittyy live webcams for YOU!


fuckmachine max spe.ed 120 sec [380 tokens remaining]

Date: October 11, 2022

4 thoughts on “Keittyy live webcams for YOU!

  1. I just randomly checked his photo gallery

    Did the phone just randomly unlock itself and the randomly entered the photo gallery and then randomly opened that video?

    How dumb have you have to be to cheat, and to film it and then just leave it like that openly.

    This relationship sounds toxic….

  2. Well, this is gonna sound crude, but pedophilia is a growing epidemic around the world… so yeah, I think ageism is definitely also a real thing that is wide spread and gaining momentum.. both disturbing and unnatural, one is downright despicable.

    What your therapist could have told you is healthy people don't subscribe to this type of mentality, and for your own betterment find ways to limit contact with people who do.

  3. How do you want your relationship to go? It sounds like he wants sexual pleasure without emotional connection or commitment. Is that something you’re into? If yes, great! Enjoy it. If not, then I would suggest not seeing him again.

    He controls his own choices, and you control yours. Focus on what you want and don’t give in to someone else’s desires unless they align with your own in the moment. It’s okay to get caught up. It’s okay to not be perfect or perfectly align with your own values in every moment but make sure you always take a second to check in with yourself and ask yourself if what you’re doing feels right and good to you or if you’re feeling pressured to set aside your own needs for someone else.

  4. My advice as a fellow big girl who legit has a fit and very attractive partner who just keeps getting more sexy lol… just be honest with him. He cares about you or he wouldnt be with you. The comment he made may of just been in poor taste. If it wasnt..hes not worth your time.

    I too recently gained about 70 pounds more than I already weighed (too much). Grief and depression this last year really took its toll on me. My boyfriend getting more fit recently than me being weighed, seeing how big I've gotten. It crushed me. I talked to my man and he made a plan lol. Hes helping me get myself healthy, for me. But most importantly he reminded me that he didnt fall in love with me for my looks, but for who I am and the amazing heart I have. He had noticed my discomfort over myself lately but didnt want to upset me bringing it up..he was so relieved I finally said something so we could work through it. I cried. Was insecure and vulnerable. And now three days later I'm feeling rather hopeful I'll lose the weight..and happy I didnt scare off my bf lol. He never shamed me but I had a fear of him leaving me for being so heavy..he proved that fear false.

    In your position I'd do just as I did…and let him prove to me if hes a man worthy of my love and affections. Because no matter your size you deserve love and respect sweetie.

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