Katty-lorenz live webcams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “Katty-lorenz live webcams for YOU!

  1. Considering condoms are among the least effective methods of preventing pregnancy, pregnancy isn't proof they weren't used. That said, precisely due to situations like these I still recommend the good old rubber. If pregnancy is a big deal, they can still be combined with another method.

  2. Does she normally not notice things going on around her when she is talking to people? Some people focus on one thing and kind of tune out other senses. Does this sort of thing happen when she is drunk that she doesn’t notice things? Does she have an alcohol problem that she is drinking a lot but seems so functional that you don’t notice how drunk she actually is? Is she usually touchy feels with friends or normally reserved? Someone who is very physically reserved would be hard pressed to not notice, where as someone who is very huggy and used to sitting close to people might not register it.

    It is completely normal for one person to say how could you not have noticed the baby was crying, the stuff on the stove was burning, the baby was using Sharpie on the couch right next to you, the car was out of gas, the baby’s diaper leaked on your shirt, you never made the rent payment, etc. Couples fight about what they can’t imagine the other person not noticing. You can figure out, however, what kind of person you think your girlfriend is.

  3. He's screwing with you. Just stop. Walk away. 5 mins of being nice v. a few days of being an arse. Stop. Get your life back. Find help or keep talking here while you get your stuff together and find yourself again.

  4. Yeah I don’t know why the interactivity is so bad for me but the porn isn’t, of course spending money on something that is free is financially stupid – but as far as I’m concerned all of the feelings of cheating come from the fact that they are actively doing something to or with a real person. I wonder if your friend feels the same.

    There’s not much sadder than not breaking up when you know you should though.

  5. Be honest. Tell her that it's taken you 5 months, but you're going on a date.

    1) she'll be ok 2) she'll reveal she wants to reignite the relationship 3) she'll reveal something that shows she can't just be friends and you need to cut her out.

    Also, before date 3, your new interest needs to know if your ex still us still in the picture as a friend, or if you had to shoo her away before the first date.

    Do not allow a lie, even of omission, to sabotage a future relationship.

  6. It is hard but it is what you need to do. You can lose feelings and end a relationship for any reason, and the fact he left you for three months to fuck around is a good enough reason. Don't ever be someone's plan B. My suggestion do what you did when you last broke up, block contact and move on.

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