KathrynTaylor live webcams for YOU!


for the first day on soda [838 tokens remaining]

Date: November 23, 2022

11 thoughts on “KathrynTaylor live webcams for YOU!

  1. This sub makes me feel glad that Ive worked on my mental health at a young age. Cant imagine justifying this stuff

  2. Why are you so bothered by something very normal? She didn't owe you anything at that point.

    You sound a little possessive and insecure. I hope you can work on that.

  3. Thanks for your response! You’re right. I do have an anxious attachment style which made me stay in relationships that were toxic. I’m definitely going to start working on myself again.

  4. Do I really have to spell this out to you?

    Look up ‘beard gay culture’ for a more detailed understanding but that’s not his friend and you’re about to have a very bad time

  5. Too much, too strong, too soon. Yes, it's possible regardless of what people hiere will say. That's what you have; you can find someone who doesn't demand you bonk a long-term friendship just because you're exes (have done it).

  6. This is clearly a problem with her inside parts and not yours. She is probably becoming more sensitive or something, and maybe SHE should discuss it with her doctor.

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