Kathryn live webcams for YOU!


kathrysweet Public Chat Channel

Date: October 6, 2022

17 thoughts on “Kathryn live webcams for YOU!

  1. Do not say absolutely anything

    The safest way to go about it would be for your SO to, in an inconspicuous manner, tell your MIL something like “Oh I don't know if you already got OP her present this year, but she really has her eye on X. I would get it for her myselt but I was already thinking about buying something else.” Or something around those lines depending on their dynamic as mother and child. Don't say anything yourself.

    Maybe next year she asks if there's something you're looking forward to and you create a cycle where you can make more direct suggestions.

    If it doesn't happen, drop it and suck it up.

    Don't point out anything about previous presents. She probably really tries to make you happy and it's going to break her heart. It's something so small to mess a good relationship with your MIL.

  2. Oh girl stop being soooo pushy, needy and making your relationship all about the engagement! So you are basically saying all of this year has been mostly about your guess work …instead of just letting him do his thing… obviously it's soooo freaking annoying! Get over yourself and trust your partner to make it special.

  3. Ahhh, I see. Sincerely, I think you should move on from this relationship. Its not beneficial to you or her any more.

  4. No one gave any medical advice, just warned about the worst case scenario, which you also agree with. Just because it's rare, doesn't mean it's not good to know about it when the post is discussing risk factors related to it (reoccurring UTI's, having sex with a UTI).

    I agreed with you that the comment has a slippery slope fallacy. Kindey infections are still a very likely problem that she could face if she keeps having sex with a UTI.

  5. She thinks they will know based in my behaviour/demeanor. This was one of the reasons I was upset because I don't like the idea of people making assumptions or judgements about me

  6. Oh no that’s fine, everybody is free to draw there own lines where ever they like as long as they don’t try and change each other due to their own beliefs.

  7. If your gf wants to cheat on you, she’s gonna. You “allowing” her to go to the clubs or not won’t change that. You either trust her or you don’t.

  8. Well, my ex says they're not dating, but the way they act… sure. Her and her other friend tried to name their daughter after themselves, too. And my ex still doesn't get why I'm upset. Luckily, she lives in Canada, so I don't understand why my ex thinks she can watch my kid when she's born when I live in Southern USA. I will definitely probably be able to get full custody her first year, and he can have visitation because he refuses to move back to my state. Once she's able to travel though, unless she misses visitations, my lawyer says it'll be hard to keep full custody unless he abuses her on his visits or does drugs. I plan on moving to the Midwest, but I'd still be in another state than I'm in. I am really hoping he's in Jamaica when she's born, because he has a trip planned out a week before I'm due, and I can probably fight to terminate his rights since he has only made one prenatal appointment and none of them others along with missing delievery. I'm already upset because I've been advised to give her his last name simply because he can petition the last name change, and while he'll probably get denied, the lawyer fees and court costs are a hassle. And he's a sexist asshole who would petition.

    I really feel for OP, and I feel hers is much worse since her daughter is at a very impressionable age, and this happened so suddenly. I'd be really scared of her ex filing to change the custody agreement first with him and his girlfriend trying to say she's crazy. I do think OP should avoid talking about her and their dad with the kids because they can argue that OP is trying to do the same thing… she should have a counselor to talk to them about it and testify for OP in any custody hearing.

    Oh thing sucks and I really hope this crazy lady doesn't try to hurt OP.

  9. You have checked out, because he is dead to you for suck a betrayal.

    Keep that up and get rid of him.

  10. I…What? Why are you jumping through hoops and doing everything to make it up to him, he had an affair and was planning to leave you?

    And is it just me, or is he only even with you because his side piece ended things.

    Also, could you maybe explain why he quit his job? How is the childcare and household chores being divided?

    It feels like important information is missing.

  11. No one should ghost unless they feel like it would be dangerous or more harmful not to. But if the question is why a woman wouldn't want to go out with a guy again after having sex, I'd say it's because she didn't like the sex.

  12. Those are just your rules being applied in hindsight.

    With that attitude you are doing her a favor by calling it off, as it wasn’t going to work out anyway.

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