KateWiinlet live webcams for YOU!


KateWiinlet Public Chat Channel

Date: October 5, 2022

13 thoughts on “KateWiinlet live webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe, maybe not. I would try reaching and just asking him if you guys can talk about what’s been bothering him. Try to set a specific date, like Dec 7th, maybe you guys can meet for breakfast or something and chat about everything. He sounds stressed out, and sometimes, people just need some alone time. Is he mostly introverted? Introverts recharge oftentimes by being alone.

  2. My guess it was the brother testing his own dna with the nephews dna and filled out the information with his brothers info

  3. I've had these same thoughts concerning the harassment-part of the incident. I know about the fight or flight responses people have and I could excuse his behavior in this case.

    However this explanation doesn't really work for or justify him not supporting me when his best friend berated and pressured me for hours :/ so that's where I'm still really torn because this situation was when I needed his verbal support the most and he just kept quiet

  4. I agree, this sub is very anti threesome but i feel like if theres enough trust and communication its not an end of the world situation. Just consenting adults looking for a good time. Appreciate the input!

  5. I see, have you tried delta-8 strands? You can getvthem otc in most states, and they have a much less extreme high. My wife prefers delta-8 specifically because she says it doesn't make her feel self-concious and dumb.

  6. Very true, walking on eggshells is definitely not something I would stick around for the long term. Thank you

  7. I’ve been named called and degraded my whole time I’ve been with her.

    Throw, how long have you two been together and how far into the relationship did you get before her verbal abuse began? I ask because, in this thread, you say you've been abused “my whole time I've been with her.” In your earlier post, however, you state “Recently, since the birth of our child, things have slowly declined from worse to worst.”

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