in situations like this, it's doubtful you'll find any one bit that will relieve your anxiety. not to say that your feelings aren't valid. actually an honest expression of how you feel about it to him would seem reasonable. if he continues on the blasé attitude and saying you're just being jealous, that's a whole nother issue entirely. why can you not go with them? are both you and bf's friend's bf both unavailable for a double date? is her boyfriend cute? maybe you should take him out to a movie (kidding, kidding)
“Girlfriend, I know that growing a human is hard work, but we can't afford for you not to work. Especially now when we need to save every dime we can. I need you to get another job even if it's just part time.”
Otherwise, start cutting back on unnecessary expenses… like internet and streaming services.
You can try asking her out but also be prepared for a rejection
This has happened to me and once a guy has rejected me I put my emotions in a box and set it on fire. End of romantic interest for me, might be the same for her
She was too drunk to consent. OP also admitted in other posts to strangling his gf “in self defense” and sleeping with this brother’s mistress earlier this year.
His brother raped his gf, likely as revenge against him for sleeping with the brother’s mistress.
Honestly from what you've said, if you really think she's that important reach out in a week or two. If not I would suggest letting the sleeping dog lie. Also, you definitely won that encounter.
In all honesty this is a good reason why people need to live with each other and have sex before marriage. Imagine finding this out after you've swapped rings and signed contracts. I had this issue with an ex, do I watch porn often ? No. A few times a month when she's on her period. I don't like watching it while sex is available. The problem started when she used abstinence as a weapon. She'd get mad because after a few days of me not buckling under whatever ultimatum she had for withheld sex for.
Honestly if it's not addiction or dependency it's just masturbation. And that's healthy.
It’s not necessarily a DEMAND (nice use of caps…) if they have an AGREEMENT that he goes out to work and pays the bills and she keeps the house clean.
We all have to add some level of value to a relationship. If he’s holding up his end of the bargain, why shouldn’t she? If the 1950s housewife thing isn’t working for her, she could get a job and they both split the cleaning. Problem solved.
You still have a right to be upset whether he could have controlled it or not. Yes, he should not be using anything psychiatric as an excuse. I’m thinking he will only do that if it is not a manic episode. If it truly were ( which i doubt), and he gets help, he would probably take responsibility.
Just block and be prepared to get the police involved/a restraining order.
in situations like this, it's doubtful you'll find any one bit that will relieve your anxiety. not to say that your feelings aren't valid. actually an honest expression of how you feel about it to him would seem reasonable. if he continues on the blasé attitude and saying you're just being jealous, that's a whole nother issue entirely. why can you not go with them? are both you and bf's friend's bf both unavailable for a double date? is her boyfriend cute? maybe you should take him out to a movie (kidding, kidding)
It's not just sex, or at least to me it isn't
The answer is hiding somewhere in there. Your “relationship” is focused on sex. And maybe he feels different about it than you.
“Girlfriend, I know that growing a human is hard work, but we can't afford for you not to work. Especially now when we need to save every dime we can. I need you to get another job even if it's just part time.”
Otherwise, start cutting back on unnecessary expenses… like internet and streaming services.
I think you think
If she takes care of kids + Y amount of chores < She Works + Y amount of chores
She Works + Y amount of chores = WFH + X amount of chores
Then She takes care of kids + Y amount of chores < WFH + X amount of chores
The question is have you communicated any of this? What was the discussion for her working for from home?
Was more house chores for her part of it? Was it finically reasons? Was it tempest?
Ooft I would give a dude like ten minutes grace and I’m Then long gone. Jeez. The bs people put up with never fails to shock me.
I saw red over that line.
You can try asking her out but also be prepared for a rejection
This has happened to me and once a guy has rejected me I put my emotions in a box and set it on fire. End of romantic interest for me, might be the same for her
Thank you for making me feel like I'm not totally crazy to feel this way
Any kissing should be suspect until you know what’s going on. I personally would leave if someone was kissing my significant other.
She was too drunk to consent. OP also admitted in other posts to strangling his gf “in self defense” and sleeping with this brother’s mistress earlier this year.
His brother raped his gf, likely as revenge against him for sleeping with the brother’s mistress.
Honestly from what you've said, if you really think she's that important reach out in a week or two. If not I would suggest letting the sleeping dog lie. Also, you definitely won that encounter.
“You know, there's a reason I only slept with him once.”
In all honesty this is a good reason why people need to live with each other and have sex before marriage. Imagine finding this out after you've swapped rings and signed contracts. I had this issue with an ex, do I watch porn often ? No. A few times a month when she's on her period. I don't like watching it while sex is available. The problem started when she used abstinence as a weapon. She'd get mad because after a few days of me not buckling under whatever ultimatum she had for withheld sex for.
Honestly if it's not addiction or dependency it's just masturbation. And that's healthy.
Which country? Government.
you don't share bank accounts but you have access to his bank account?
It’s not necessarily a DEMAND (nice use of caps…) if they have an AGREEMENT that he goes out to work and pays the bills and she keeps the house clean.
We all have to add some level of value to a relationship. If he’s holding up his end of the bargain, why shouldn’t she? If the 1950s housewife thing isn’t working for her, she could get a job and they both split the cleaning. Problem solved.
You still have a right to be upset whether he could have controlled it or not. Yes, he should not be using anything psychiatric as an excuse. I’m thinking he will only do that if it is not a manic episode. If it truly were ( which i doubt), and he gets help, he would probably take responsibility.
Fake as hell
Keep on going dude dont fall for it and gtfo, find someone better shouldnt be that hard
My husband doesn’t wear his wedding ring either. His calluses and his job just made it unbearable after awhile.
It confuses me every time someone says “their cheating was accident”
Like how exactly was sleeping with someone who isn't your partner an accident?