Kate-Stone live webcams for YOU!



Date: January 7, 2023

48 thoughts on “Kate-Stone live webcams for YOU!

  1. Honestly it’s MORE of a reminder of why someone wouldn’t want to talk with them imo. I don’t know how the hell parents can betray their kids and take away their love like that. Just goes to show how many people love the idea of what their kid should be but don’t actually love their kids as they are.

  2. You know what's going on and you know her behavior is no coincidence, time to start gathering evidence and prepare to get some bad news, at this moment you appear to be the ex

  3. Firstly seperate your finances NOW. Open a new account for yourself, prepare to transfer your money into it.

    Then send her to her parents, tell her that it’s so you can have a little time to fully finish processing everything. When she’s on her way, phone her parents and tell them that you caught her cheating on you, and need time apart.

    Then. Lawyer. Divorce.

    She is the one that moves out. You will have enough to deal with without having to find somewhere else to live, let her cheating arse have that problem.

    You want custody of the children and the house.

    Also get your children dna tested, she’s cheated on you already, why believe that your children are actually yours just because she says so.

    As soon as you have served her with the papers, tell all her family, and all mutual friends exactly why you are getting divorced. They deserve the opportunity to decide for themselves how to deal with her, but will need the truth, not the story she spins making her out to be the victim.

  4. We both truly love each other

    You've only been dating for three months. You're not deeply in love, you're still in the honeymoon infatuation phase.

    As for the rest of it, there actually is a program in the National Guard called Split Training, where you take Basic during the summer between junior and senior year of high school, go to weekend trainings your senior year, and go back for more training after graduation. That secondary training is called Advanced Individual Training, and I can understand why her family wouldn't understand the difference. Basic training is the physical fitness part, AIT is job specific training. So, no, it's not guaranteed that she's lying just based on this.

    However, in order to become an Officer, you need a college degree. That's why ROTC is a college program. That could just be something she wasn't aware of, or something that was miscommunicated to her by her recruiter.

    After reviewing everything she told me, timelines, fort locations, parameters, etc, I can confirm this was a lie.

    How can you confirm it? You're not immediate family and she's not a minor. They wouldn't be giving you any information about her. Tell me how you've decided that she's lying.

    Specifically, her being surrounded by a bunch of young men in the Army who are incredibly horny and will constantly attempt to seduce her

    You don't know much about Army guys if you think this is what they're going to prioritize.

  5. I don’t know I didn’t ask a lot because I was in shock. I just told him I was faithful and repeated “he’s yours” again and again. It was awful and I’ll get other details later it’s still processing now really.

  6. Spend some time thinking about your priorities. All you can do is either become okay with it and date her, or decide you aren’t okay with it and break up.

  7. Alex and i have a meeting scheduled next week. I've requested that Chloe join but not sure if she will yet.. if not I will have to schedule one separately with her to get to the bottom of this. the review has been submitted but I havent acknowledged it and don't plan to in its current state.

    it's formatted in a way that we write lengthy paragraphs reviewing ourselves in different aspects, then the manager responds to those with their own comments and determines a final score. needless to say it's littered with my actual name.

  8. Tell me, what monumental thing would you do first after being wrongfully incarcerated for 12 years? Waiting…

  9. OP it’s not the first time young couples have faced this and gone into panic mode. Get a pregnancy test. This is the only way to be informed. Then you have a discussion about how to proceed from now on.

  10. Not a chance in hell. You're absolutely and inarguably incorrect. If you can't recognize how stupid your suggestion is, you need to hear it from a stranger. It's fucking dumb.

  11. Sometimes this happens :/ it happened on one of my posts before too where I was looking for advice and I couldn’t see anything others left.

  12. I couldn’t be with someone who did this, he cheated on his wife with 150 different women? Cast aside that it was with sex workers, he CHEATED WITH 150 WOMEN. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who cheated on their spouse with 1 person let alone 150.

  13. This would be a hard NO for me. A financially responsible person and a financially irresponsible person are going to have a really crappy marriage. Financial compatibility is very important. Imagine what years of anger and resentment will do to you.

  14. if he wanted to “protect his assets” from me, then we can continue to keep our assets separate and that there was no need to think about marriage

    I'm all for pre-nups, but this quote here makes you NTA. You don't want a pre-nup, but also aren't enforcing marriage on him either.

    Marriage = pre-nup.

    No pre-nup = no marriage and you carry on as you are.

  15. You said that lately he doesn’t want to cuddle. Does that mean he used to cuddle a lot and he suddenly stopped?

  16. Ouch. And I had to check the ages because he is way too old to think that outsourcing love letters is a good idea instead of expressing himself.

    I don't think he is capable of having the kind of relationship and connection that you are looking for.

  17. Well the auntie network is such that they/we can help get people to states where they can receive medical care agreed upon between patient and doctor. If it’s not too late, I’d look into it as this guy is not going to be in your life long.

  18. How do you handle this? You screen shot who is in the group, a few shots of their text message string and you forward it to their girl friends. Why? Because they have the right to know how their boyfriends are talking about women.

    I'd be disgusted too by this.

  19. Yeah…your husband is not a person you can rely on to be sane, or look out for your well-being.

    He literally just destroyed his life because being an arrogant scary asshole was more important and “funny.”

    Please make smart decisions here, OP. Good luck

  20. Your husband and his colleague wanted to have their good time, but we’re thinking selfishly and weren’t prepared for the emotional repercussions of seeing their spouses with other people as well. They wanted what they wanted and you and the husband were afterthoughts.

    You have done nothing wrong, this was all driven by your husband and the colleague, you were just playing by the rules they set. At least the colleagues husband made an effort to care about how you felt. That’s more than your own husband did.

    They fucked around and found out ?‍♀️

  21. But she did say that, and her mother even said that to him in her comments. It was the mother's birthday party as well. Theirs a time and place for such a distressing conversation

  22. There might be a disconnect where he doesn't understand what you mean by “talking about emotions”. For example this:

    I usually vent about my job, relationship with family

    Doesn't seem to me to be necessarily talking about emotions, but talking about events that may or may not have an emotional impact on you.

    So he might not understand what you are expecting of him.

    He might also not understand that discussions like this are partner-bonding events for you. When I think of venting about frustrations about my job, I think I'm helping myself by getting things off my chest and my wife is helping me by patiently listening to whatever I'm talking about. I've never thought she was getting anything out of the experience.

    He probably thinks he's doing you a favor by not bringing up things outside the relationship that aren't bothering him.

    Also, if he's like me, and I think many men, his ideal emotional state is one of equilibrium and contentment. From his perspective, if he doesn't have any strong feelings to talk about that means things are going well.

  23. When I was elementary age, I attended the funeral of a close classmate’s grandfather. I sobbed like it was my own grandfather’s funeral. To this day, I do not understand why I reacted so strongly. Possibly her boyfriend has had the same intense reaction as I did. Being as he is 23 and I was 8, his reaction would include more adult-like physical touches to show our grief than an eight year old would show.

  24. Your girlfriend had a NEED and you met it. There is nothing in the post indicating OP’s girlfriend needs a new car and can’t afford it.

  25. To work against his masturbation you need to know where it is coming from:

    It is something psychological and he only gets an erection when he does it behind your back.

    He is a disgusting person and doing in in front of people “without them knowing” turns him on.

    He is ashamed to talk to you about his preferences and isn't happy with your guys's sexual life. (Maybe he likes to belittle you and that's why he doesn't want to talk openly about it)

    He doesn't even notice he's doing it (he's old, and it might explain why he feels attacked when you say he's masturbating).

    Those things are sure: he doesn't want to talk about it, he won't see a doctor because of it. Bottom line is: it's your partner and you have to accept him as he is, and if you think that he is disrespecting you and will not change maybe you should break up.

    Talk to him about it, tell him everything you wrote on this post, see how he react and work from there.

  26. Just to speak from a similar position as what she was in… You guys were broken up for a long time really. She may want to wait until she’s sure you actually want to be with her to be with her, not just to be with the kid you share.

    You’ve only lived together for 7 months, only slept together for 3. Getting back into a committed relationship for a second time with the father of your child is scary. If it doesn’t work the second time it means even the hope of it working is gone.

  27. She doesn't need to be with someone asexual because she still likes sex. She has a reactive libido rather than a spontaneous libido. She can get aroused with an outside influence pretty easily, but on her own, no, she's not just going to spontaneously think about sex. Generally more women have reactive libidos and more men have spontaneous libidos.

    My ex initiated far more than I did but I was always down when he did. We had an active and healthy sex life. We did have one conversation like the one OP had with her partner, but it was a pretty healthy conversation, and he was understanding. I did make a point to just be more affectionate because I do like that, and sometimes just regular physical intimacy could start getting me aroused enough that I definitely became the initiator. Of course, he still initiated more because being affectionate and touchy feely got him super hot and bothered, too. ? It worked out for us.

  28. When this goes to court the ex will bring up the cheating and the fact that he had reasonable doubts, but then she bounced before the pregnancy so he was never able to confirm. Sorry but op is a baby stealer. I hope ops ex gets to be a father to his children.

  29. I agree with everyone else who thinks that you're being played. This guy does not have your best interests at heart and if he was such a good catch, why is he single?

    Real people have visible flaws and quirks – 'perfect' people are monsters.

  30. This is toxic manipulation on his part. You seem to think he can't 'help' any of this where it reads like manipulation to me.

    You say 'hey this dish isn't clean' He says “Why are you blaming me' so then you shut down. Victory for him, he just manipulated you from calling him out for not doing his chores correctly or actually ever again. It's a Win Win for him and a total loss for you.

  31. I have no problem with sarcasm but sometimes I wish he'd be fluent elsewhere or with someone else.

  32. Well speaking from my experience, the past men I have been with that won’t kiss after literally tell me they think it’s gross because it’s like having dick on their lips. And one said it’s “gay”. Yeah that’s a deal breaker for me ?‍♀️

  33. Is spending a lot of money equals 'care and love' to you?..coz it sure looks like it based on your post.

    Look past all this shallow stuff his attractiveness, sex and money, does he care about you emotionally, encourage your growth as a person (you're still way too young for him), make you no 1 as compared to his friends and acquaintances, value your opinion in order not to make you sad…are you happy

  34. no, it wont. cheating is definitely one of those things you don't forget, and probs broke her trust. she already seems like she had some insecurities with you cheating on her with a guy, and you actualized them. I think the relationship should end, but she should break up with you.

  35. If nothing remotely flirtatious happened, she is probably not aware of reddit and is using you in the same way we use this

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