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39 thoughts on “kasandraxhot2live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I don't have all the details of your relationship, but you say it was toxic so I'll take it at face value. The toll a negative relationship like that takes on a person can not be understated. Feeling helpless is normal. Feeling confused is normal.

    Red flags:

    we first together 5 years ago but I broke it off as I found out she was engaged to someone else.

    she kept pushing me for marriage and kept blaming me for moving too slow

    Everytime we'd argue about it, she would always say that it's my fault

    She would always say how she wants someone who loves her more than she loves themselves,

    In answer to your question, no this is not normal or healthy. You have to have a positive relationship with yourself to create positive relationships with others.

    I don't get why she'd tell me to talk to her about anything then end up throwing it back in my face!

    Do you really need anymore? She's reaching out to you because she wants something from you. But if she hasn't done the work to fix what makes your relationship toxic (if you both haven't, honestly) you are doomed to repeat the same pattern. Not to mention she isn't respecting your boundary of not wanting to be friends.

    But then a other part of me wants to move to another country and completely away from her because I feel humiliated for feeling like I've been mentally and emotionally abused.

    Stay in this emotional space for a bit. Keep her 100% on block. Stop interacting with her. Keep yourself busy. So you had decent sex, but she didn't treat you well. You deserve both.

  2. Kinda what happened to me at the beginning of the year, I was down bad lol. Totally not worth it, it took me much more time and pain to recover from that than it would have if I just parted ways from the beginning. Useful advice bro

  3. I can’t help myself and now I feel worse. Just saw he posted he enjoys spending time with his fiancée and 3 children! I’m 3 years older and I felt weird about the gap, when we first matched. I’ve been really late to dating. All the major milestones while past standard age due to shyness and strict parents. He knew this and I had mentioned it before and he said it didn’t bother him. Well, his fiancée is older then me, and is 8 years older than him. Somehow that makes me feel worse, I’d have understood if he was with someone younger or his age but this just makes me more sad. Maybe if I’d have more experience, I wouldn’t have taken this so hard. I really don’t know how to get past this, I feel like an idiot. I was never one of those to plan an imaginary life with someone but I did that with him and now I don’t think I will ever get over that. I’m so sad, and I can’t talk about it to anyone else. I really fought the urge to message him but thought no, that won’t fix anything. I don’t want an apology, I just want to be able to forget.

  4. Yeah true, but there’s no way he’d be comfortable with that. He should respect his wife’s boundaries and vice versa.

  5. There is not one single instance here where you think about your wife's life or experience being married to you and how lonely she must feel

  6. My thought too. OP should Google that particular piece of mobile phone technology. Of this whole bizarre story, that one insignificant detail feels the most… significant.

  7. Indeed. I don't blame him one bit. Huge break of trust.

    I'd like to think he wouldn't do it to me because he knows he can't push me around like he can with Sean. Sean's great, but he does have a problem with letting people joke around with him at his expense, make fun of him and he just laughs. In a way I think Mike respects me more as his equal. I could be wrong of course, but I think that he knows that I know how to take care of myself and that no actually means no and that people can't push me around. That's why I think he would take it far more serious if I told he dun goof'd, than if the roles were reversed and Sean were to tell him.

    Of course I could be wrong on that.

    And yeah, he's 33 and he's a big boy who can make his own decisions. Sadly we haven't had that much contact recently so it may backfire if I tell him something like “seek help or I'm out as well.”, as he may think “we've barely seen each other this year, so not really much to lose.”

  8. don’t be an idiot. you work 42 hours a week, and she works 0. That already limits the amount of time you even have to spend with her. it sounds more like she just doesn’t want to see you, lad.

  9. Oh lol, ok.

    You’re right, I did assume that a reasonable person would look at her reaction and think she’s being a brat. My bad. I’ll leave space for those who think acting the way she did is reasonable (for those who do think it’s reasonable, probably shouldn’t be handing out advice).

  10. Oh lol, ok.

    You’re right, I did assume that a reasonable person would look at her reaction and think she’s being a brat. My bad. I’ll leave space for those who think acting the way she did is reasonable (for those who do think it’s reasonable, probably shouldn’t be handing out advice).

  11. Thank you this is helpful. He mentioned this to me after too. Asked if there was something we could do together. So we are planning something.

  12. Your father is old enough to be able to do nuances and try to look at things from both sides, like your boyfriend did. It's his job as a cop not to ignore the bad things other cops do. If your father can't do that, that is his issue to solve.

    You don't need to reevaluate your entire relationship with your boyfriend because your father disagreed with him one time.

    The conversation was about something that happened seven years ago. Did your father know one of the sniper victims? Has he himself been shot at on the job? Cause if not, it wasn't especially insensitive or poor timing for your boyfriend to make that comment. Your boyfriend was being honest and he didn't personally insult your father.

    What kind of advice are you looking for though? Do you want to know how to help your boyfriend and your father get along, or are you taking your dad's advice seriously?

  13. If this isn't bait, then I want you to understand that it feels like it should be. This is unwell. You feel uncomfortable because on some level you realize that. The discomfort here is a protection mechanism. Don't ignore it. Sit with it, think about it. You can still love her deeply while needing to separate. This is codependency and enmeshment and is very clearly her way of dealing with anxieties and sexual needs she is avoiding confronting, because you are both extremely young and not fully grown. You cannot help her the way she needs. You are not a professional, and the best thing you can do for her is to support her pursuing professional support options.

  14. True , True’, I second this statement please retract my previous comments…

    Look just be honest… and ASAP do not delay, do it right now over the phone’

  15. well that’s the thing. I was telling him how I personally have always felt embarrassed for rappers girlfriends and wives when they talk about sleeping with other women in songs. He told me I’m the only person that feels that way, and anyone who understands rap knows that their lyrics have nothing to do with how they feel about their partners. “Rappers talk about killing people all the time. you don’t actually think they’ve killed people right?” … ugh

  16. If she doesn't think that's cheating, then you best not stick around to figure out what qualifies. Agree to disagree.

  17. Well, I wouldn't. Even if it really bothers you, it isn't worth the risk of maybe hurting her or causing a bigger argument.

  18. He needs therapy.

    I mean there are many exes I'd still be with except what ever we broke up over. That makes sense. I don't think I'd ever say it, but duh.

    However years later still being her up? He has issues.

  19. If it was her good friend then she would obviously know u or about you and your character , so if it wasn’t a full blown excited hello on your part I’m sure her friend wouldn’t think much of it

  20. You're not worthless

    I'd say limit contact as much as possible. Wouldn't pry any further for information, or entertain getting back together. I've been cheated on by my ex by people I couldn't believe either- its something that happens with people like this.

  21. Lmaooo “this goes way beyond that”

    How? she’s taking a 2 day break ONCE a month.

    She’s even said she’s willing to do it every other month. She’s offered MANY compromises but he’s unwilling to be happy unless she caves how HE wants her to.


  22. Except you doing that would be out of the ordinary for you. Op was doing it long before she met her boyfriend and intends to keep doing it. Think of it more like your favorite recreational activity that you've been doing forever. Now think if your wife, while she was still just your GF demanded you entirely drop it or fundamentally change it so that the activity no longer gave you the release that you even did it for.

    You cannot expect that a person youre dating will completely sacrifice their activities just to appease you. Especially if those activities have existed long before you.

  23. Flirting can take many forms. Does she refer to smiling to a stranger randomly on the street as that could be an innocent flirting or to giving out her number to a dude she met at the bar?

    My first thought is to clarify with her what exactly she means by flirting and state your boundaries.

  24. I have sensory issues. It’s my responsibility to accommodate myself as necessary. I have ear protection in my bag at all times, try to keep sunglasses on me.. that way when I’m being bothered by something it doesn’t have to become a problem.

    Honestly, given that your partner isn’t like this around others, I think this is manipulative and passive aggressive behavior that he’s using to opt out of your relationship. Is this what you want for your life?

  25. First, she’s not actually his sister so you need to stop telling yourself that. You’re making it seem like an incestuous relationship when it’s not. These are two people who have clearly crossed boundaries and you need to leave. You appear to be clear minded enough to notice the signs of cheating so don’t stay in this relationship. Would you honestly be able to trust him again? Do yourself a favor and move on from the drama. Don’t let history repeat itself.

    Also, he’s throwing your past relationships/experiences in your face to make you doubt your instincts. You know something isn’t right.

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