Judeflowers live webcams for YOU!


Judeflowers Public Chat Channel

Date: January 22, 2023

5 thoughts on “Judeflowers live webcams for YOU!

  1. his friend bought a house but doesn’t get a tax break as he’s not married to his girlfriend.

    If you live in the United States, your bf is either lying to you, or is ignorant.

    Tax break is on the mortgage, and it goes to whomever is paying it. Also there is a local tax deduction that applies to all state taxes paid up to 10k, and that to goes to any filer.

  2. Man dump this loser. I have a wife and I dunno her location at all times. Anyone that's gonna accuse you of cheating because “of past relationships”….

    Look, that's just abuse. It's controlling. And to straight up accuse you? He's cheating, no doubt, which is why he's projecting it onto you. But that's another story…

    You need to leave him. He's abusive, that's a sentence in of itself. He can blame past relationships all he wants, you're not those girls, if they exist. If that happened.

  3. You know she is intentionally and carefully creating this facade of excellence before you. She keeps you because you believe it and that fuels her ego. She wouldn’t easily be able to replace you with another guy, and keep show on. She feels like a star around you. Most other guys would call out her bullshit immediately.

    However, I do agree with her that proper traveling entails talking to locals, exploring quirky, living culture. But must-sees and museums are great too. Eating the same dish 3 times a week though, that’s just plain boring, no matter if it was a 3 Michelin star dish.

    The best and brightest people I know can enjoy culture from underground raves to fine dining, pizza to Himalayan Lotus soufflé, Cardi B to Chopin, all in the same night. They don’t need to put up this image of being superior.

  4. One up your fiancé and fuck your fiancés best friend. In all seriousness, glad she did you that favor

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