Jordan the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Jordan live sex chat

Date: October 18, 2022

39 thoughts on “Jordan the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Ha? It is not obsessing. I just need to be aware of me dating multiple people is considered rude from his side if he is willing to stop. Because, I obviously do date more people at the time and certainly don't want to disrespect him in any way by doing that, so I need to know about that.

  2. Y'all didnt figure this out before spending 6 years with each other?? Regardless, this still would suck but someone definitely will want to marry you. You can have what you want too, just without him.

  3. So? Do you have a point or are you just putting forth tidbits about how the average height increases an inch every 65 years?

  4. He has accused you of not being honest about something something (it seems to be something significant) so consequently “you lose the good ones” (i.e., him). He's 30-years-old so it's strange that he's acting like a pre-teen but he's definitely broken up with you.

  5. He has accused you of not being honest about something something (it seems to be something significant) so consequently “you lose the good ones” (i.e., him). He's 30-years-old so it's strange that he's acting like a pre-teen but he's definitely broken up with you.

  6. I e had some basic jobs that I LOVED. The co workers were better, the customers were awesome because they loved the product. He can find something he won’t hate as much as his gf breaking up with him.

  7. Definitely give her some space, clearly some family drama going on that she's dealing with so you'll have to take a back seat on this one.

  8. To be fair his fiancee should be told he's been entertaining her, allowing her to flirt, disparage his relationship and she barely had to do anything to “confuse” him.

  9. That’s how I feel. I just don’t understand this weird control thing he has with them. I agree that it is a weird hill for him to die on…it’s like…why does he NEED to squeeze them?? Overall, he is never aggressive towards me or the kitties in any other way. It’s just this squeeze thing. Thank you for your response.

  10. I honestly dont know if im in a good place mentally. Ive had a few relationships before that all ended because I felt like i was loosing my interest/time spend on my hobbies (i build and race driftcars). Not in a “time to move on to a new hobby”, but more a “im loosing interest in the one thing that mattered to me my whole life because of a girl”.

    And thats also part of why I want to remain “just me” for a while, so I can focus on achieving my long life dreams, instead of spending that time on “finding a partner”. But the latter is something I cant seem to get my mind of

  11. Yeah right. Thats how marriage has been. In a time were women weren't allowed to work or expected to do all housework and caring for kids. Dude you life in the past. Marriage isn't about a man providing for a woman anymore. If a woman just wants to marry so someone can pay for that's just sad

  12. Does his wife also get 'me' time? If not that would also be upsetting her. Both parents need time to themselves, but when the kids are little it can be hard to carve out much time outside of work / child care.

  13. If you’re in the US, United way 211 can provide you a list of resources available locally. Women’s shelters tend to offer housing, parenting classes, childcare, job placement, counseling, etc.

    You’ve made a string of decisions to get you into this position and it’s not going to be a one step process to get you on your feet financially and emotionally.

    I wouldn’t waste another moment or ounce of energy trying to make this relationship work. Your energy needs to go towards supporting yourself and your baby independently.

    This guy wasn’t looking for a live in GF. Wasn’t looking to be a parent. He’s not happy because he’s trapped. The trajectory of his life is forever changed and not for the better in his mind.

  14. Yes, my first thought: a lot of these problems can be solved with logistics and communication. Avoiding going home is a red flag however. Is OP sure resentment hasn’t built up?

  15. you live and you learn my dude. next time you should have this convo before even making the relationship official. don't worry, you will find someone more open minded. don't let her make you feel like a weirdo, your kinks are pretty mild.

  16. And? I read similar stuff, yes, it can be a turn on but it in no way diminishes my attraction and love for my husband, it certainly doesn't replace him in any way. No different to having an erotic dream really.

  17. But the fact that they chose your husband over you, do you feel that has to do with sexism or something else?

    Even though there were two women that were chosen, their choice to choose your husband over you could be due to sexism. Your boss compared the two of you and chose your husband for a reason, and I would try to find out that reason. Whether it be because he's a better worker, they have a personal relationship, he's been working there longer, or sexism, this is important to find out.

    I would definitely talk to an employment lawyer to see if there are grounds for your boss showing discrimination here.

  18. Sit her down and have the serious conversation.

    She either moves in and pays her share, or moves out.

    She is not permitted to half move in.

    Be clear. Give her a clear choice – she must select one or the other.

    Do not allow the conversation to be detailed . Statements such as “that may be, but …” are helpful for bringing the conversation back to the subject you need resolved.

  19. If she is sexting or doing other things like that, she is not a hoe, she is an incredibly stupid one. Making fake accounts is a thing, and she did everything in her power to make you suspect her.

    Did you marry a toddler, or is it karma farming?

  20. Trying to figure out why anybody bothers getting involved in a relationship anymore seems like everyone cheats anyways

  21. Before you do anything else, I’d be demanding a proper explanation. Him saying he doesn’t know why he kicked you out is BS as he knows perfectly well why, he just doesn’t want to tell you – don’t take “I don’t know” as an acceptable answer.

    If he can’t even do that, personally I’d be considering a divorce (especially when you consider how suspicious this whole situation is).

  22. He is 36 years old and he acts like that. Let that sink in. Just that, nothing else. Just think that and there's your answer.

  23. Yes yes she should. But not for that reason. Why should a woman have sex with all these disgusting misogynistic pigs that dont even respect her? Its not your “sex life” you're just letting guys use you. Do you think the guys you hook up with see you as a human being? Most don't have any respect for you. And most of your male friends hang out with you because they want to have sex with you. Of course they dont see you as a person.

    Its not insane if have self respect. Protect yourself and dont hook up with guys that don't even see you as a human being. They don't deserve it.

  24. The fact that she saved more than him despite earning less does not factor into it.

    By “saved more”, you mean “inherited more”.

    IMO they should split 50/50 until he builds up similar savings to her, and then proportional makes sense. It’s not fair that he can’t build up his own savings because he’s subsidizing her, meanwhile she sits on a load of cash she’s unwilling to invest any amount of in to the relationship.

  25. Tell him you lost feelings for him and can't see it changing. Say you're sorry but you think it's best for both of you to go no contact for a while. (keep the details vague)

  26. There’s never a perfect time to breakup with someone. She’s probably going to be upset, and she won’t be less upset because it’s a random Tuesday with no holidays in sight. You’re just stringing her along under the guise of protecting her feelings. Let her go so she can move on.

  27. I don't think just leaving it is an option for you. So I'd talk to your wife. Write a letter to your potential daughter (let's call her Jane), and leave it with your wife if Jane makes contact after you're gone.

    i'm not sure how she would ever find my wife, or for that matter, me, unless i make the effort to contact the mother?

    Once you've done that, if you think it would be best, you can try one last time to talk to Jane's mother.

    I'd like to. I just feel so awkward after all these years messaging her. I dont want her to get the impression that im interested in rekindling a fling or anything, and if the kid isn't mind id feel super awkward asking about it. Ive thought about having someone else message her for me, or using a burner account to message her, but i just dont know.

    If she is proven to be your biological daughter, do you want her to meet her half-siblings? Do you want to leave her money in your will? Visit her by yourself? Introduce her to your extended family?

    I'd want to meet her. But i'd also be absolutely devastated to find out after all these years. My heart would be broken knowing that there was a kid out there with no dad for 12 years or whatever. Granted, it wasnt entirely my fault, but maybe i should have kept trying to get more information back when we first stopped talking. I really dont know.

  28. Would you like everyone in this group to reach out and text your husband for you. I understand the kink and yes a lot of people are into it, you are not and should not be forced into it. Especially when you may regret it or it could become the expectation you do it repeatedly

    Hard stop. No. Don’t allow him to manipulate you into it.

    Everyone here has your back from these comments please tell him no and Stand firm. Also let his friend know you are not interested

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