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Jocelynjamesslive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “Jocelynjamesslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Bro. Honestly, if you have already been dating for 5 years, mid 30s is absolutely absurd. I would not agree to that at all. If you want to have kids that’s incredibly late. Im with your gf. If you don’t want to marry her you need to break up with her because she can easily find someone who is ready to settle down wayyyyyyy before mid 30s. Get real.

  2. There are a lot of great points about this being unhealthy that's he broke your controller and that she needs a hobby etc. All valid points.

    But I'd like to add that she may be feeling hurt and jealous. You mention you don't have much time together. Othe commenters have said you had one date with her recently.

    So imagine her- struggling at home raising a baby, the evenings are full of you both doing chores and tending to baby. And she sees you planning video games ahead of time, putting all this time and energy into arranging a night with your friends, organising it all, planning it all out because it's so important to you. But maybe she's not seeing you spending time each week planning time with her, you carefully thinking it all out, putting the time aside, making sure it happens because it's so important to you.

    So she feels hurt because you put do much more effort and energy into making video games night happen with your friends, but you don't put the same energy into planning nights with her.

    Sometimes people don't get that what is valuable (apart from having time together) is knowing that someone is thinking about you, wanting to spend time with you, planning out a nice night for you both, looking forward to that happy day each week.

    I think maybe that's what she wants- to feel so loved and desired that you spend great mental energy planning and organising to make it happen

    So I mean, I'm going to go with either ESH for your mutually poor communication that you can't discuss her real needs (and her maybe bring an AH for breaking the controller, that's not cool) or maybe NAH because you're a just two people struggling to balance life ans not quite getting it right

  3. You don't sound clingy or overbearing at all. Your expectations are completely reasonable. You've only been together 2 months – prime honeymoon phase period. Singing each others praises and even mild obsession is par for the course for this timeline.

    Why even be concerned about seeming clingy, if he isn't concerned about himself coming across as uninterested? He could be waiting for you to open up, he could be nervous about opening up himself possibly. I say go for it, tell him what you've said here, it could make things much better.

  4. Hold on, I don't think your viewing it like I am. I'm not like on him about this anymore because I've already addressed it many times. He knows how I feel but he also knows how HE feels too. He is apparently just dealing with shit, wether it be the fact hes staying with a friend to also the mental bit, but I'm not babying him at all? It's a two way relationship, and he does his part beautifully besides the 3 times a week ignoring. He always apologizes tho, and it seems like he's tired of ignoring me but just reeaally needs those breaks, like he doesn't want to but he doesn't know how to cope either

  5. If she wasn't coerced into it, then she did this for herself and you. You wouldn't complain that her doctor saw her nude would you? I wouldn't make a big deal about it unless there's other things going on in the relationship. Ex: has she been overly flirty with this guy when you're all together?

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