JENNY MICHAEL STACY MAY STEFANIE FIONA the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: October 5, 2022

15 thoughts on “JENNY MICHAEL STACY MAY STEFANIE FIONA the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Right? And if she actually doesn't remember saying that (fat chance), that means it's like a normal every day occurrence for her and not a big deal in her mind.

  2. My last relationship I was in the exact age gap. She was 21. Simply put, this guy loves you for who you are. I would be more concerned about your fiends and family that would have questioning if they would stick around because they can't accept something or somebody in your life. Especially on just a first meet. Age is just a number. If you two have something good going, commit to, disregard others(to a point) Best of luck.

  3. Without knowing what it was, I'm not sure we can evaluate if she should have had to 'compromise' or not. Can you say more about it so we get the full picture?

  4. He wants to sleep with you, and thinks that if he can raise his value in your eyes that chance will increase. Any dude who has women throwing themselves at him would keep it quiet

  5. Wow idek why I'm doing this after the overwhelming negativity I got. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.

    A couple people went off about me being poly. One even said I did not use the right terminology. Right terminology to whom? You guys? I'm not poly. Poly is for romantic relationships. It's specifically meant to not include open relationships.

    Someone asked if there was a boundaries conversation. And yes. There 100% was. On the same day I told him what my needs were in a relationship I also told him how I have set up a whole savings plan for my routine STI testing, abortion care if necessary, STI treatments for both me and the person I'm dating, and for dates that aren't with the person I'm dating.

    My previous relationship which was my first relationship that was successful on the open relationship front was a lot of trial and error.

    Eventually we decided our boundaries were

    no friends/family, heads up if it's a date but no details, no dating apps/interacting with prospective partners when spending time with each other, Making it clear to sex partners that this is a sex only deal and that we're in a committed open relationship.

    These were the big four but we made up more along the way based on our comfort and needs.

    And. On this tell-all date with my current bf he asked me what would I do if I accidentally slept with a family member of his. Like his mom or something. And I immediately launched into my rulebook. And I asked him what he felt about that. He said that makes a lot of sense to keep things uncomplicated and asked what I felt about threesomes and stuff.

    I was obviously down. We joked around after that. And I asked him to be my boyfriend the next day. And since same people are so bent out of shape about terminology. I didn't say I wanted to go exclusive. I said I think I love you and I was so embarrassed to say that because it was like 3 weeks into us dating but I felt like he was the one. And he said he felt the same way and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend.

  6. I generally do things on my own already by now, but I mostly just wanna wait until I graduate around 2 months and earn my own income before doing that. But I'll still try to talk to my mom about it. Any topic related to the reproductive organs is a taboo topic in our household and is never discussed, which makes vaginal health issues a difficult thing to even bring up in the first place.

    But now that I read through your comment, it might be the products since it only started after that, so thank you for this.

  7. You didn’t do anything wrong – misunderstanding is not a crime . She clearly thought he wanted her to put water in his hair . When he asked for the water bottle . Wasn’t listening , didn’t do anything wrong

  8. First relationship and all. And yeah already broke up. I was just confused whether to trust what I deciphered based on the behaviour and patterns i saw or to believe whatever she said as explanation for these events

  9. I think when people have problems, going somewhere else doesn’t make them go away. If she’s depressed she might get a bit of a boost from travelling but rarely is that enough to get rid of a chemical imbalance in your brain. She should be going to a therapist to work out what exactly is the problem, not just abandoning her family and nuking her support network.

  10. She totally cheated. Never date women who want to go on late night activities without you, they'll cheat on you in a heartbeat.

  11. OP,

    My wife will never eat left overs, except when I make a soup or a stew, then next day it just tastes better to her. After the 3rd day, nope, not at all. If we order in and she doesn't eat something, she will tell me to put it in the fridge, but she won't eat it, so I either take it for lunch or throw it away if it is not something that I like.

    Stale drinks is not something that comes up, she used to drink a lot of soda's but she would only drink cans and usually made a glass with ice then put the soda in.

    Now, as to your financials, its really not that big of a deal. You have your account, she has hers and your both have a joint on to pay the bills. BUT you have to split all costs 50/50. So if she makes less her bank account is lower, less savings. Then what about the costs associated with children's clothing's, sports, etc. Again you have to talk about this, should be 50/50.

    As to the the last name, not a big deal to some, my wife kept her last name. Now what about your children's last name? Hers or yours? How will you handle if she says hers?

    Also the total number of children, remember she is the one that is carrying them but to switch the numbers before even having them is odd.

    With all the changes that she is making after you all discussed it sounds like something else is going on. To me it sounds like she is not really committed in this relationship and at the first sign of trouble will try to leave. You also note that she is BPD, that in itself to me would make me look hard at wanting to marry her. I know some that have wonderful relationships and others that fall apart because this gets out of hand in their marriage.

    You might want to have a pre-nup made. Something along the lines of if the marriage fails you each get 50/50 with the children, no alimony, no child support and the house sells and split of the difference. This way your protected in every way possible if her BPD causes the split.

    Or you figure out if you really want to tie yourself to someone who changes her mind and you only find out once she gets angry.

  12. “He doesn't hit me, but…” That's literally a red flag for abuse. It might be stable, and it may never escalate to physical harm, but my experience from volunteering at a domestic violence nonprofit taught me that emotional and verbal abuse is just as crippling (if not more so) than physical abuse. It's just less obvious because it's only your spirit that gets broken, not your bones.

  13. Get it diagnosed. Get medication. If she still doesn’t contribute ask her for money for a maid service

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