JennaMarbless live webcams for YOU!


Hello, I’m new here)Let’s play!)Xoxo #new#sexy#titts#skinny#c2c#ukraine [GOAL MET]

Date: December 16, 2022

33 thoughts on “JennaMarbless live webcams for YOU!

  1. In all honesty, I have done this. I’ve been caught by surprise before and the next thing I know my mouth is agreeing before my brain can catch up. Particularly when I have been at work where I am required to be polite and professional.

    I’m not sure how helpful that it, but at least you know that the woods experience isn’t unique to your girlfriend. The way women are trained to socialize can be weird. Sometimes the engrained polite response comes out before you even know it is happened

  2. You haven't been together that long. I don't see anything wrong with her wanting to spend Nye with friends and not you. I'm very relaxed in my relationship but neither of us would want the other to miss plans or change things.

  3. Bingo ! Depression affects the way one thinks and acts in more ways then people know, it’s hard to want to get out of the house for most because just the thought of doing it can be overwhelming, add in the extra stress of meeting your family for the first time ever and the pressure to make a good impression when he doesn’t feel good about himself is basically asking him to lie and fake it. I’d tell your family just to back off for the moment and when he’s ready to they will get to meet him. It’s not him trying to control you or isolate you from your family let them know that he’s just going through a lot right now and needs time to deal with some life things and once he feels better he is more then happy to meet them.

  4. Look up Narcissists Triangulation. By creating conflict with a third party, it sows doubt and insecurities in your mind and gives them a sense superiority. Can you think of one single reason he would repeat this insult to you otherwise? This is exactly that. Going by the history of his past and the current situation, he most definitely seems like a narcissist. Younger women are easier to manipulate and so are women with mental health issues. I've been in a couple of these relationships. Try standing up for yourself and putting up a boundary and watch what happens. They also let you get close to their kids. They literally don't care.

  5. When I was a child my mom used to beat my dad and as my siblings and I got older she became abusive to us too. I couldn’t make one mistake or she would pull my hair, slam me into the wall, punch me and strangle me. It got to the point that she broke my brothers nose by punching him in the face. Get away from her before she causes horrible damage to your kids!

  6. Hey I mean thats fair. The only thing I’ll say is that she got a new phone about 3 months ago so it wasn’t an old phone from years ago. It just presented me the opportunity to look through her phone without trying to sneak her phone away from her. Trust me I’ve never said I’m “mature” enough to date and I’m sure I’m not. But the point really is that it happened and now I’m trying to deal with the information at hand

  7. I’m sorry but I don’t believe this at all. Throwing a bachelor party and not being invited to the wedding. Nope. Doesn’t make sense. Either your story is a lie or your husband is lying. If your story is the truth, welp, you have your answer.

  8. r/asexuality

    Contrary to popular belief not everyone likes sex and you should never force yourself to do it. I would see a doctor about the pain because you might have a physical issue but it could also just be that you’re not turned on at all so your body isn’t relaxing

  9. I don’t know man, seems like you put good amount of effort into liking what she likes and not getting the same love back. Doesn’t seem unwarranted.

  10. So the 21 year old has to take accountability for the old man who is 12 years old doesn't?

    He is disgusting and you said NO! It's assault because you said no.

  11. You are VERY young still. See this as a blessing in disguise. She has shown you her true colors. Move on. You'll be really very greatful in 2 years.

  12. It's not always that weird. I mean, since I work from home, I don't need to have a cell phone (we have a landline and my online connection via my desktop is great), so I share a phone with my husband. Although he often has the cell phone more than me. When I go out alone, I'll take the cell phone usually.

    This has been going on for all of our married life and pre-. All my friends know about it. They don't care. In my household, that's our decision to just have the one cell phone between the two of us…

    It's none of your business though how they conduct their relationship, that's jmo. He just gave you a heads-up so if you cross boundaries/line, it'll get caught…um, it makes me think that maybe he got caught cheating so now they have to share a phone?

  13. I doubt his life would've been on the line if he had just told his own friend to STFU during the 2 hours the guy spent badgering OP not to do anything about this.

  14. I'm confused. The best friend sent the videos and then said that OP should give her a chance to explain herself?

  15. This is what got me. She's probably upset about being slapped, but if I were here, I would be more upset that my significant other resorted to violence over (assumingly) a verbal altercation. Maybe physical responses to verbal altercations are the norm for OP's family, in which case she was probably hoping to defuse the situation before it came to a head. But if this is the first time she's witnessed OP get physical, she is probably working through a whole lot.

  16. Ok, so he hides you, he cheats on you, he ghosts you, leaves you hanging, is cruel to you, stands you up, does nothing nice for you etc…

    Why are you trying to keep this one sided relationship alive?

    Like there's plenty of better fish in the sea, one's that'll match your effort.

  17. Thank you. I guess I just figured that Ella would call me as she knows we live together and would have come straight away… it was all just very cryptic which I don’t understand if you were really scared for your safety. For context my boyfriend and her rarely text so the comment ‘very dapper’ I agree is harmless but she never comments on his or my pictures… So I guess it’s just the sudden change of behaviour

  18. Op, you might want to reconsider marrying her. She's manipulating you, using her son as a weapon against the dad, and I highly doubt she asked the son how he felt about it. 8yo or not, he might still have an issue with it.

    She reminds me of my narcissistic mother that i don't talk to.

  19. If this is a new relationship it’s more likely all the porn. If you spend a lot of time together I’m sure that’ll go down over time on its own.

  20. I want to know how can I get better on relying on my fiance to do things or buy things for me without feeling like I don’t deserve them .. How do I improve my self worth ?

    Through a therapist.

  21. I had and LDR with an autistic man once.

    He's my husband now. You know why? Because IT NEVER ONCE OCCURRED TO HIM to call me a cunt or a bitch. I would've dumped his ass right then and there.

    It's not about his autism; it's about his RESPECT (or lack thereof) for you. Dump him.

  22. I can guarantee the thought of you with another man does not excite him. In fact, even if you hinted at the prospect of someone else, he would suddenly stop and think.

    He has the best of both worlds now. He has the free pass to cheat and a loving wife who does what he says. What are you going to do about it? Have some dignity for yourself. You’re still very young.

  23. Guys are far less concerned with a woman's success and earning potential. If he thinks you are cute, you will have a good chance.

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