JeanGreyBianca the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


JeanGreyBianca, 24 y.o.

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JeanGreyBianca live sex chat

Date: September 24, 2022

7 thoughts on “JeanGreyBianca the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. To be clear, I’m zoning in on the fact that you believe that there would be a difference in response if it was a woman, not the fact that you used the word everyone. You are the one being pedantic by focusing on the word everyone when I never even used that word in my response.

  2. I am baffled that you don't understand the problem. She is not angry at you because she thinks this is cheating, so your argument “i have no intentions with these models” is not important. It's not about your intentions.

    that the way they talk about women is inappropriate and disrespectful

    This is her reason, she thinks you are seeing women's bodies as your entertainment, which is very dehumanizing towards women. You actually prove this by saying:

    they are just eye candy, and they don't mean anything more.

    You might not say the same inappropriate stuff as the other men she talked about, but you still harbour the same misogynistic view as them.

    She is not sad because she is jealous or something, she is highly disappointed in you because you proved yourself a misogynistic turd that uses female bodies for his personal entertainment, not caring about them as people.

  3. Welcome to the real world.

    If you want nice things in life, it takes effort and dedication to achieve it.

    No one gets a free ride.

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