Jane Servus live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 1, 2022

14 thoughts on “Jane Servus live webcams for YOU!

  1. The way you are behaving is not healthy, it will fester and get worse. If you have forgiven him, you need to work on yourself and your triggers

  2. Whether you decide to do it or not, no one else can decide but you. But it’s up to you to have the conversation with your partner. Letting them know how you feel and that you want to make them happy. I’m sure with that you’ll land where you feel best so long as you are both vulnerable and honest.

  3. Yeah that's true. It feels so.. I can't even put words to it. He abused her trust here and should be taken accountable for it

  4. You’re both young and you need to really be smart about this decision if you want to keep it. Both of you need to be on the same page. Realize what you’re getting yourself into. Being a parent is NO joke. I grew up with inconsiderate, broke, mentally ill parents who lacked common sense and self awareness. My life was miserable until now. Please think twice before bringing a child into this world.

  5. if you don’t wash your face and beard it’ll carry the bacteria naturally occurring in your pores, in your food, and every time you touch your face after touching your phone etc.….which goes on my lips and time I go in for a kiss. his skin looks flawless, im not asking for a 12 step vanity regimen, just better hygiene.

    home slice I’m not sure if you meant what you said in a disparaging way towards me or towards him, but I’m not trying to belittle or drag my partner through the mud, or control his life. We have a partnership and that means sometimes being asked to do things you wouldn’t otherwise do for other people because you love them and understand that two people have different needs. Asking that someone be mindful of their partners needs when reasonably possible isn’t a punishment, it’s what happens when you live with other people to keep things running smoothly.

  6. Mistakes happen, to good people, bad people, and everyone in between. When someone else's mistake affects you, hopefully you can understand and learn to forgive; so give yourself the same courtesy and forgive yourself… because it sounds like this guy did.

  7. The 'strategy' or whatever that i use to deal with negative emotions, ive been doing that to like 10 years now, and it gotten me through things like my best friends suicide, why is it that you dont think its healthy when in my experience it works? you guys keep thinking like im just shoving down every negative emotion until i explode and kill myself or whatever. I'm dealing with things in my own way, those ways do not include other people or crying.

  8. what he’s doing is intentional and is called negging. he tried to make it your problem when you pointed it out. kick him to the curb.

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