Issabellee1 live webcams for YOU!


Hello love, I’m new here. Give me the welcome , ♥ goal anal♥ #latina #tetas grandes #culo grande [562 tokens remaining]

Date: October 14, 2022

42 thoughts on “Issabellee1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Never assume anything in any kind of relationship. Especially one you want to keep casual. I would honestly advise breaking things off, bc it sounds like he has feelings and there is no way going back if that’s the case. From now on, make your intentions clear via communicating with your sexual/romantic partners. It may feel awkward to have a “what are we going to consider this going forward?” Conversation but it is infinitely more preferable than a “oops I thought we were just fucking/exclusive” mixup later on.

  2. Why didn't he just tell me he doesn't like what I make instead of giving it to the dog

    this is an important conversation to have. seems very strange to me as well. but if he's not going to be direct about this, feels like he might leave you in the dark about other things in the future.

    hope your pup is on the mend soon!

  3. I didn’t even want to attend my own graduation, much less have my whole family sit through it. Why don’t you let her go see Taylor, then you two can celebrate your graduation together on another night?

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  5. I’d be all for a parternity test at birth (if I even wanted kids) because I think it’s fair but it has to be agreed on from previous discussions with no implication of cheating.

    Trying to con a parternity test 10-20 years later and being suspicious if I’ve never cheated on them – I’d take the test and then divorce them when it showed the kid is theirs.

  6. He's not even willing to follow your terms to “redeem” your trust so you know damn well he doesn't regret it or feel bad about what he did. Please leave him.

  7. Well then she definitely doesn't like you. You should have your BF go to your place, ND avoid going to his parents house.

  8. If I was married to someone like A, I'd probably decide I like women better too.

    I think it's appropriate for you to talk to A about this since you are friends. Just tell him that you're uncomfortable with him talking shit about his wife to you and you hope that they can work out their issues in a constructive way. Maybe suggest marriage counseling.

    I think it's a good idea for your wives/girlfriends to reach out to C.

  9. I respect your attempt to encourage OP who is suffering to find self love and heal. But you are a absolutely defending her husband by making excuses like youthful infatuation. He was prepared to throw away THEIR good thing if the friend on a whim decided to sleep with him, whether it was just lust or more. Real love may not be about looks, but it is about trust. How can she believe all the sweet things he’s told her over the years without questioning if he settled for her and has been pining for her friend, who she feels inferior to already? It boggles my mind how anyone is telling OP that SHE needs to work to repair this relationship and forget about the past when he was fully prepared to lie to her face in the present.

  10. If you want the honest truth about life… Very seldom do people end up with their first love.

    We all thought our first love was going to be it for us, but they weren't. Some couples to stand the test of time and make it through, but most end up being a chapter in our lives.

    The conflicting life goals are a big enough reason for you two reconsider things.

    Throw these points into the mix:

    Controlling behavior Friend/reletionship time imbalance Dying sex life I feel like a doll on strings (stuck in routine)

    The thing is… you're at a point where you're practically faking it in your reletionship.

    You don't need to worry about what everyone else will think, you're right on this:

    Everyone tells me how perfect we have it, but they don’t see us behind closed doors. I’m just not happy anymore.

    22 is an interesting age. Its the end of one age, and the beginning of another. It really is an age that you develop a lot at. Its coming to grips with your adulthood.

    And look… I tell this to everyone. If you cannot firmly plant both of your feet in your reletionship, and be 100% that its what you want. Maybe that is not the place for you to be.

    You seem to have an overwhelming desire to explore a brand new life. It's a scary step (letting go)… but it might be one you need long term.

  11. hugs, you may be her safe space but you may not be as sexually as adventurous as she is and you have shown your discomfort which she apparently doesn't care about how you feel as a person. She wants what she wants and she will stomp on your boundaries to get her way and have you in her sandbox. You may like her but if she is unable to acknowledge how you feel except by getting verbally abusive back away.

    She sounds like an ex I had, you told her “no” and she attacked, I told him know and he acknowledge my feelings, she isn't acknowledging your feelings.

  12. That’s a very good point you make. She does spend a lot of her money on random stuff and brags about how she doesn’t need to budget because she just makes that much money.

    And I’m terms of her accepting invites to come see me. When I was in college, I’d invite her to do stuff in my city with my friends all the time. She never came to any of my activities once but I was always going to see her (still am). The only time she’s ever come for me was my graduation and my birthday once. Both times she had a terrible attitude and on my birthday she made us go home early because “she was tired”.

  13. You shouldn't have gone back to the wife and kids. One divorce is traumatic enough. Now you've set them up for two life altering events.

    Btw, in a few years, GF won't be as exciting to you. The newness will wear off.

  14. I'm not here to excuse any behavior. He's a dick and, while I don't think you need to break up, he has some growing to do. You're both extremely young so you get a pass for things like this in my book.

    However, I'd like to explain why he's acting the way he is.

    Your boyfriend sees your mistake as a reflection on his choice for being with you. He's now stuck in a mode figuring out whether he can respect you moving forward. His belittling you is a way of testing those waters in the hopes that you can either reconcile or move on. It's a survival instinct.

    From his perspective, if you cave and don't learn from this mistake this could be the beginning of the end. He'll latch onto every minor mistake you make from now on, mapping it back to this. If you still want to be together you have to show him you've learned and grown. You essentially have to disarm his survival instinct.

    This obviously is besides the main point that you may not want to even be with such a person to begin with. I think the same could be said from his perspective though he carries the weight of being an asshole towards someone else.

  15. Your friend is a mooch who only does the bare minimum in an attempt to make it appear as if he is not, indeed, a mooch and you paying for him every single time you hang out is enabling him to save his money to take out women.

    You've mentioned him pitching in and he has an excuse, that you allow to pass, every single time. The answer to this is to stop spending your money on him and see how long he sticks around.

  16. You don’t even have kids though so why do you keep bringing up taking away from kids that don’t even exist?

  17. I understand how you feel.

    You aren't stuck, though. You just need to leave and find someone who treats you the way you deserve. Cheating might give you a brief emotional high, but it will come with serious and potentially dangerous consequences.

    You have no idea how great it will feel to be free and safe. It will be the best feeling in the world. Then get therapy to process what you've been through so you don't take it out on your next partner(s). Then find a healthy relationship where you're treated with respect and value. That will be the best revenge. I promise.

    Your solution will make your life worse.

  18. This sounds really dangerous for her.

    Putting your own parental instincts aside, do you want your girlfriend to die carrying your child? If she doesn’t die, can you afford a kid?

    You can always build a family later, if she’s still alive.

    Or you can take the risk of being a single dad to a child with a dead mom.

    So..whaddaya wanna do? What’s more important to you, your partner or the clump of cells in her uterus?

  19. I'm a woman with a high sex drive. It is very important for me to be compatible with my partner sexually. Just like you don't understand the drive, your ex doesn't understand not having sex.

  20. Him being dependent on you emotionally is a really bad reason for staying. There seems to be nothing but unhealthy relationships happening in this post.

    The only person who can make changes happen aka give you two private time and ensure that there are boundaries, has put down a clear boundary – with you. He has said that he does not care about your needs or your anxiety, as his mother’s comfort is more important to him. He has no interest in compromises. You might be able to get private time for yourself, but your husband has already put his line in the sand. The only options that you have from here is accept that – maybe try to make the new life more bearable – or leave.

    I’d really deconstruct what is going on within you at this point, because staying for your husband’s emotional well-being isn’t a healthy way of going at the situation.

  21. Seriously. This guy thought he was and aspired to be a ‘rock’ – like I don’t think he knows what stoicism is but that’s what he wanted. But he wasn’t. Hair trigger temper, would get easily offended and assume every comment was a dig at him. And then he’d project and assume every comment he made at me offended me. Or most, the truly hurtful ones didn’t count.

    It was EXHAUSTING.

  22. He doesn’t give me money first of all. Secondly do you know how much an average lawyer makes at a medium size law firm lmao. I was trying to make a joke When i said i owe him a Ferrari (he takes me out to nice dinners, i always offer to pay)

  23. Your girlfriend's safety and life are in danger when she consumes alcohol. It doesn't matter what label you put on her behaviour, whether you call her an alcoholic or something else. She's got two choices-1/admit she has a problem and take steps to change her behaviour or 2/continue with her current trajectory until she's either in hospital or dead

    I think it's totally fair to give her an ultimatum. This is not some trivial matter that can be compromised with. All the best

  24. Sort of. I texted my mom and told her I really wanted to see them and didn't want to go to my MILs and asked why my aunt needed to know immediately(as in this morning) so my mom said “talk to fiancé tonight and let me know”

  25. OP! This post is making me so happy and giggly at the moment, and I'd love to help. I couldn't afford all of that, but I love gift giving so much, I feel like your wife and I could be like sisters or something. So if it's okay, I'd just like to tell you my thought process as to what makes a good gift.

    Once you gift things, like objects you can wrap, the magic just kind of fizzles until the person gets excited to use the gift. So I like to draw it out and do like smaller gifts and things to lead up to the day. I get more excited for other people's days than my own.

    What are some small things that make her happy? Glitter gel pens? Cozy socks? A good book? Nice cup of coffee? I feel so appreciated and loved when someone cares to notice the little things. The festival is a great idea, so you could enhance it. Offer to take her shopping for a nice outfit, maybe a bit of makeup to make it a dressy occasion (especially if you dressed up as well). A nice dinner on the day, or maybe a bit of planned sight-seeing before. If there are small things that also make her happy, you could wrap gifts and leave them with notes where she might use them.

    I like to start small when considering celebrations and tying them to the larger surprise later, almost theme the day.

  26. Ask if he would feel comfortable watching you have sex with another man. If not, he’s not just into some kinky swinger stuff. He wants out of the relationship and is trying to find ways out in a weird way. I’d end things with him.

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