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4 thoughts on “Hotty_golllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I am a lawyer who exclusively handles custody matters, I am a woman with a 15 year old daughter from my first marriage and my daughter has a stepmother, and I am a stepmother myself to two amazing kiddos who are 8 and almost 10… so I think I have a fairly rounded perspective of your situation.

    This is ridiculous.

    There is absolutely value in a child spending time with their parent’s partner, even when the partner isn’t present. However, having parenting access time regularly when the parent simply won’t be present is insane. Would he want his ex’s new partner to take his daughter always without his ex? That makes no sense.

    My daughter spends time with her blended family when my ex-husband works. That’s totally and completely fine because he is still seeing her. But that is not your situation at all. His daughter would benefit greatly from quality time with her father, and it sounds like he can only provide that on specific weekdays. So that’s when he needs to be seeing her. Sure there’s value in you strengthening your bond with her, too, but not like this. You shouldn’t be burdened with mandated parenting time for a child who could easily be with her parent.

    Once or twice a year, my husband goes on a trip and I get a couple of days with his children. We make special plans, and it strengthens our bond. Again… I can’t impress enough upon you that that is not what is happening here. You deserve to relax and not be a forced babysitter.

    He has placed you in a lose-lose situation without your consent. Your resentment will only grow, and he is taking advantage of you.

    Does he hate his ex? It seems like he’s doing this partially out of spite instead looking for a real solution that was healthy for everyone involved an access period where he could be there for his child.

    I would have major hesitations moving forward in this relationship based on the fact that he coordinated you caring for his child unilaterally, against your expressed wishes, and behind your back.

  2. A tired dog that has enough offer of bones doesn't really bite plastic. Despite that, this thing can happen with young dogs and your gf is unreasonable. I'd always choose the dogs over such a person.

  3. Might seem like a dumb question so with my situation how much detail do you think is enough I was thinking about saying I lost it on a one night stand because technically it was to a massage therapist

  4. Might seem like a dumb question so with my situation how much detail do you think is enough I was thinking about saying I lost it on a one night stand because technically it was to a massage therapist

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