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Horny_birdslive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Horny_birdslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Seen the face of the ex, and now pictures day to day things that would have been done with the face in mind, intimacy etc.

  2. Interrupting is annoying, but covering someone’s mouth with your hand is way beyond an acceptable reaction to that.

  3. He doesn't need to accept it. You just need to stop responding to him. Don't block his number yet in case you need evidence for a restraining order.

    Please stay aware of your surroundings and stay safe. Call a DV hotline for support.

  4. Why are you on here asking for help but won’t take any advice. Then sit in your abusive relationshit and deal with it. Otherwise you gotta grow some guts, and look after yourself cause no one else is gonna do it for you.

    He has the power over you that you give him. Go to the police. Immediately. Tell your family and your support system he’s threatening all of your lives. I honestly think it’s just tactics to keep control over you, which gives even more reason to get it over with and take care of your problems. But if you really think your life and your families lives are in danger, the worst thing you can do is just sit there and deal with this.

    You need to go to the police right now. Bring the police and family that you trust, take your shit and leave. You can do it. We are all strong enough to do these things, you just have to believe in yourself. Isn’t your family worth it? Aren’t you? No one can help you if you don’t reach out and ask for help. Get a restraining order against him. Make sure you file a police report. Don’t be afraid of what will happen with him. He’s a grown man and his own actions have consequences he brought upon himself. You need to worry about you and your family.

    It sounds like you have your family in your life, which makes it easier to leave. But there are always other resources like women’s shelters, domestic abuse groups, government assistance, etc. No one is saying it’s gonna be easy, but it’s necessary and you will feel a million times better once you aren’t dealing with this. Don’t waste your youth on this walking piece of shit.

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