Hazel Jean the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Hazel Jean, 99 y.o.

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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Hazel Jean

Hazel Jean live sex chat

Date: October 27, 2022

41 thoughts on “Hazel Jean the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You want to wait until you’re okay with the age gap? Honey that big of an age gap is not okay especially not at 20. It’s pretty pedophilic of him to go after women or rather girls that young. Besides that, don’t have casual sex when your intention is to have a relationship. It never works and always end it one person being hurt and heartbroken. Like you now being hurt that he fucks other people. He could very easily be exclusive with you but he isn’t. And no it’s not because men have urges or some dumb crap like that. It’s because he doesn’t want just you. I know it’s harsh but it’s the truth, this will never end with a happy ending. I’ve been there, i’ve done all that and i thought it would be different for me because well I’m me right? No. It’s not different for you. So let it go and go after a guy your own age who is emotionally available.

  2. She's doing it on purpose or imagining him when you're with her. Young man, you need to run, and never look back. Like now.

  3. Yes you can. Drugs/Drinking impairs. A lot of ppl do things they wouldn't normally do while impaired… because they are impaired. The fact is that he told her what happened. Most ppl would've never said a word and hid it completely. He fucked up, he told her. Forgive him if u love him. Humans are not perfect beings and alcohol only makes it worse.

  4. Agreee with all the grooming comments but am I the only one who saw the part where he had already had a long term relationship? He's 24, how long term was it?

    For the sake of arguments, let's say it was his high school sweetheart and they were together six years. So now he's 22-23, in a long term relationship, and STILL trolling the internet for younger people. While in a relationship! Maybe that relationships demise was a red flag in and of itself!

    Your predator (sorry, boyfriend!?) is a creep at the very least.

  5. Thank you so much! I just googled what N95 and KN94 are and it seems they're about the same as our FFP2 and FFP3 masks – and FFP2 is what I have at home. I will bring hand sanitizer, wash my hands at the doctor's office and the moment I'm at home and then also sanitize whatever I have touched. Thank you for the reassurance that it's possible for me to dodge it!

  6. Honesty is always the best policy.

    “I'm just feeling it with someone else.”

    That's it. No more foreboding, no more brooding. “I like you, but I'm just not feeling a connection.” That's it. Tye it off.

  7. NSFW:

    This comes with a lengthy story to kinda show the extent. When we first met he told me he would stop watching porn wouldn't go to strip clubs, etc etc. And HE was the one that set those boundaries. So recently I found out about his porn addiction. We've been together for almost 2 years and I have trusted (occasionally questioning him because I am not perfect) that he has not watched porn. However early January I found out that he lied. He told me he had only recently started watching porn. That was the other lie, he has been watching porn periodically throughout the relationship. So even during the time of confrontation he still never gave me the full truth, and when I asked how long he lied about the length. He's also lied about drinking several times. First he lied about how much, then how many days he did it, then the other occasions. Before I ever found out the lies he told me, he has gaslighted me. Explaining he wouldn't do that. Or literally making me feel like shit because I called him out on a story he “forgot” (he didn't, again he lied) to tell me. But I have forgiven the drinking and the porn, I am upset because of the lies. I am afraid they will turn into something larger like cheating

  8. It's her problem, not yours. You didn't do anthing wrong. She seems to have deeper issues than you can address and take care of, that can only do a professional. You didn't open any wounds, they were never fully closed.

  9. He is angry I read it though and sees it as an invasion of privacy. I hope we can rebuilt our trust on both parts.

    I'm sorry, but he has nothing to rebuild. You read something that was PRIVATE. That is unacceptable, regardless of content. But then you come to the content, and see that it's private thoughts, and you still insist on reading and processing them.

    Your boyfriend is absolutely right that you need to rebuild trust, and he is right in presuming privacy is guaranteed. Sometimes people have thoughts that are their own, and no one else has a right to them. That applies in any context, and any situation.

    I don’t like his reaction to this as he seems annoyed and hadn’t offered me enough reassurance just yet. I know I invaded his privacy by reading but it’s happened now and I think I need some reassurance in order to move forward.

    That's all your problem to solve, not his.

  10. Yeah I made it initially to surprise her but I’m just worried now if she knows I have a list every date we go on she thinks will be be planned.

  11. I'm so sorry that it took you this long to see this red flag.

    But, sometimes, others save us the work by revealing their own red flags.

  12. He will have to take whatever job he can get wherever he can get it. Likely not in his industry. You will either have to go where he goes, or you will have to move in with a roommate. I'm so sorry.

  13. this isnt how poly relationships work, this is just cheating; ive been in a poly relationship for many years now and you do not get with a partner who isnt comfortable with it, because when one party doesnt consent, its cheating

    im sorry, but i think itd be better if you broke up, all that will happen is that you will get hurt, she is a coward and a cheater and its unfair to you to be treated this way

  14. Both of our names are on the lease. I live right next to my mom too so I don’t want to move out. I could talk to the apartment manager about it because we recently had an inspection and she saw the mattress and commented about all occupants needing to be on the lease.

  15. I get that you're scared!

    His mom is very likely in immense pain of losing her son and just wants somewhere to direct the blame. I wouldn't interact with her at all, she has her own battle to fight and I think contacting her would just feed her anger.

    I doubt that she actually blames you. She just wants to blame someone and you are the closest.

    But think of it this way: If she was going to send someone after you, it would be right after it happened when her anger and mourning was the deepest.

    Do you have a friend you can stay with? I really don't think she'll come after you but it seems like you could need someone around you until you feel safer.

  16. Holy shit, you should have been gone after a few months, let alone years. Dump him immediately. He doesn’t care about or respect you at all. You’re either a backup plan or a side chick. Cut off all contact with this asshole. And get yourself into therapy please. You should know you deserve better and be able to stand up for yourself more.

  17. We all live in the same building, the 21 year old introduced us and the three of us started hanging out during the pandemic when we three were only allowed to hangout in our apartment complex.

    I always have them the benefit of the doubt because they are younger than me but there’s only so much I can do.

    All our parents have also become friends which is where the awkwardness comes in

  18. okay but thats for you, not him, he just doesnt care and wants to have sex, literally thats it and i dont get why youre trying to rationalize him when you could just ignore him and not have sex, you have the power to just leave his life and not deal with him again

    are you just here to argue with people about it? youre 35, act like an adult and deal with your life like one

  19. I'm sorry but this is a bit of crap info. Sure, there might be data that abusers do this but that in no way implies that all men (or women) who practice/like chocking during sex are abusers. The dude clearly should have asked about this kink before engaging in such activities but I definitely wouldn't compare him to an abuser or rapist based on just this info. Keep in mind that after being proper punched, he didn't return any physical violence. Very likely this was just lack of communication and careless assumption from his side

  20. Get the lawyer now. Get everything about your kids' custody formally on paper, because believe me, even with the best intentions no one will be hauling 4 kids cross-country every month especially once they become school aged. If she moves away with your permission like that, you'll be seeing them rarely.

    Get the custody hammered out before she moves away; or rather, before the children leave the jurisdiction.

  21. EXACTLY. honestly that part alone makes me feel like this isn't real, because who would take the time to go to the bathroom for that ?

  22. He wants to work on love but his way of expressing that is accusing you of holding back which is why he thinks you both can't get there. He's younger so give him the benefit of the doubt on emotional experience. However, you can try a bit more and if that's not good enough for him then you'll understand it'll never be good enough because it's not a you problem it's a him problem.

    Your partner should make you feel an exhale of vulnerability from the world. He's making you question the sound of your very words.


    If he wants more he should try more or different. It's not like once he had you figured out the first time he could coast on that understanding forever.

  23. Is this a big deal? – YES it's a big deal she cheated. Curiosity is not only not an excuse it may be the worst one. Very likely that kissing is not the only thing she is curious about and the chances that this curiosity goes away are somewhere between slim and fuck all.

    Is it Salvageable? Yes. Worth salvaging? That's another story, only you can decide if it's worth the pain and suffering to try.

    Can things get back to normal? No, that boat has passed. No matter what happens the relationship you knew has now changed and will never go back the same it was before she cheated.

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