This is so bad that my vagina just imploded. It swallowed itself up and blinked out of existence. I wish it was 3 minutes ago, before I clicked that link.
There were occasions where we were both out of work so money was extremely tight. They did give us money at times but it was £10 here, £10 there for formula milk. I had PND so he had to give up his job to take care of me and our newborns. I later went back to work and he stayed at home with the babies. Childcare was too much for both of us to go to work at the time. My wage barely covered everything and we never really caught up. His carelessness with the bills stressed me out when he went back to work when i was later made redundant. I later had a bar job, but that didn’t really help very much.
As a bisexual woman who hypes up my friends to let them know I think they’re awesome in every way, I’d be disgusted if they were like “You think we’re attractive? Want to fuck us?”
This was really harsh, and unnecessary. OP is struggling with mental health issues and was making an effort to organize she room. Dad acted like a jerk and undid all the work she had put into it, and made it worse. You sound like her dad.
not a sociopath, standing up for himself, finally You should be proud of your spouse
Take your shot. Or live the rest of your life wondering what if.
I did. The implant is a little stick that usually goes in your arm, you dont seem insanely comfortable with an IUD.
This is so bad that my vagina just imploded. It swallowed itself up and blinked out of existence. I wish it was 3 minutes ago, before I clicked that link.
There were occasions where we were both out of work so money was extremely tight. They did give us money at times but it was £10 here, £10 there for formula milk. I had PND so he had to give up his job to take care of me and our newborns. I later went back to work and he stayed at home with the babies. Childcare was too much for both of us to go to work at the time. My wage barely covered everything and we never really caught up. His carelessness with the bills stressed me out when he went back to work when i was later made redundant. I later had a bar job, but that didn’t really help very much.
As a bisexual woman who hypes up my friends to let them know I think they’re awesome in every way, I’d be disgusted if they were like “You think we’re attractive? Want to fuck us?”
This was really harsh, and unnecessary. OP is struggling with mental health issues and was making an effort to organize she room. Dad acted like a jerk and undid all the work she had put into it, and made it worse. You sound like her dad.