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Hanssalive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “Hanssalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. As a corporate guy, I think she is withholding the real story because it may involve her boss & her mischarging their time & expenses to the company. If the Philippines trip was real, maybe it was for a day or two less than they claimed they needed to be there for. Of course the real reason for the extra days was for them to sex their brains out. But if she told you that, you could trigger a career crushing investigation for both of them. Her veracity is crap, so anything is possible here. This was a planned sexfest, just the two of them as you saw. You said that she traveled often for work. I guess the questions involve whether this was typical behavior by her over the years, probably with management as she is ambitious. Sorry you’ve been played, she’s almost as smart as she thinks she is.

  2. Sorry I’m living with my grandma and living off of social Security and disability checks and the prices of places in our Area are higher then we can afford

  3. Same.

    But this is not a “to do” entry on your daily list, this isn't something on your checklist thaz you need to remember, this is an agreement made by two people that causes a big change. It's dumb to say “after the trip”, because that's just like saying “okay okay we can fuck whoever we want but after the trip not anymore”, which I think is weird and stupid as hell. Especially when considering that, according to you, you already had “feelings” for each other. Absolute nonsense.

  4. If you keep up with the sour attitude you have now, you’ll continue to put distance between you and your wife. Marriage isn’t about anyone being right, it’s about getting along. Sometimes that means minding your manners. Good luck!

  5. Your marriage is over.

    Your husband will continue to cheat on you because that door is open now. The first time was cheating, you withdrew consent and he did it anyways.

    There is no coming back from this and yes, this was a self-sabotage by even opening this door in the first place without even talking about it first.

    I would really recommend therapy and go ahead and get into contact with a divorce lawyer.

  6. That is very true. I've been trying to accept not being with him. And I know if we do break up, I'll be okay. I know I'll be sad, I know there will be times when I think of the good moments, or wonder how he's doing. But I also know that this relationship isn't going anywhere. I've tried talking about the future, about moving in together. He never seems so know what he wants in the future. All he is sure about is going to university.

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