Giatailor live webcams for YOU!


movies and chill PLAY WITH ME

Date: October 18, 2022

10 thoughts on “Giatailor live webcams for YOU!

  1. You mean pubic lice?

    Because pubic hairs don't start growing until puberty.

    So pubic lice don't have a place to stay, they need hairs after all.

    No pubes, no pubic lice.

  2. Why does he have Tinder in the first place if he is with you? And sure Tinder can be hacked just like anything else, but there is not to much to gain from hacking someones Tinder.

  3. Find someone who finds your attractive. You don’t have to date someone who makes you feel like he settled. You are doing a disservice to yourself. Let him go. He’s a jerk.

  4. How come any time there’s a wedding post everyone goes from zero to 100 on the drama scale? I’ve never seen anyone in real life do anything like that. If I heard someone had made a condition like that leading up to their wedding I’d think they were nuts. And I would think loving your partner and marrying them were more important than ultimatums about an asshole brother you only have to see every once in a while.

  5. You’re not going to find anyone here to feed your delusions. You asked a group of strangers on the internet if we think your daughter is a psychopath? I have a BS in Psychology with a focus in child development and Cluster B personality disorders, so I feel I can answer your question.

    No, your daughter is not a psychopath. In fact that’s not even a real psychiatric diagnosis in the field of psychology, it’s not a diagnosis in the DSM. What your daughter is dealing with is CPTSD, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    CPTSD is found in teens and adults who have experienced severe trauma in childhood. Your daughter experienced periods of prolonged trauma during her childhood. She experienced this trauma because you left her at 6 years old to care for her dying father. She was lucky to have her aunt, who she calls her mother now, because her aunt was there for her when you weren’t.

    You said you left to make money for your family. I have to ask if you were unable to find work that didn’t require you to leave your family? I’m struggling to believe you were absolutely unable to find work that didn’t require you moving across the world from your family. Did you weigh the cost of leaving your small children with your dying husband? What was your thought process thought this?

  6. I haven't told him that yet, no. I dread the thought because there's not much worse you can hear from your own partner.

    If he would just grow up and show some consideration for me I'd absolutely want sex with him. I suppose the coming days will tell if I have to tell him this part.

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