Garyymoon live webcams for YOU!


Show me your sexy ass [GOAL MET]

Date: November 30, 2022

9 thoughts on “Garyymoon live webcams for YOU!

  1. Urgent care isn’t enough. You need to go to a Hospital ER as soon as possible. Make sure you report as much as you can. Make sure they call child protective services immediately. Also, ask them for names of domestic violence shelters where you can stay with your child. They should be in locations that are hidden to protect you. Then, tomorrow, you can get help finding a lawyer. For now, it’s Hospital a drug test for you and your son, and reporting where he’s experiencing distress in his body.

    Sending you love and strength.

  2. You're talking from a perspective of an older person. People in question here are still kids. With sex ed as shit as it is, don't expect young men and women to know that. I only know that because i read scientific articles on my own. Sex ed never touched that in schools.

  3. You sound like a hater. My mom's one. I've never known her to be happy. At least you question why you feel that feeling.

  4. It was normal, but he’s been telling me about them with very little notice, 1-2 weeks advance even though these are annual events. He’s also been working late, not crazy late but maybe 30-45 minutes late daily, long enough to bang a coworker or meet a girl in the city he works in at a hotel/her place. We share location but conveniently his phone doesn’t have good service in the city he works in. His name always says “No location found” and shows that it’s loading, even when we are in the same house. He is tech savvy, so I have never liked that my location is always visible but he is “not found,” like maybe he sabotaged it. He’s also been critical of me lately and poking fun at me even though he knows I don’t like “playful” insults, I really don’t fuck around with that, I think it’s immature bullshit and not lighthearted at all. I also found one of those calculator apps that hides shit several months ago, I called him on it and he immediately opened it and offered me to look at it. I think I told him to delete it. I might check and see if it’s still on his phone tonight. I’m stressed because I’m like in love with this guy. I keep looking up wedding venues and dreaming about having kids with him. I have never been this suspicious of someone cheating before, although I do watch out for it. I cheated once in the past, I drunkenly kissed someone else once while I was with my ex and I feel like this may be Karmic justice for that ? I have NEVER cheated don him though, there has been nothing throughout the course of our relationship that I’ve done that would remotely be considered close to cheating. To top it all off, I just sold my place to live with him at his house in a different city and I’m scared that i’ll be packing up my stuff and moving out already.

  5. There's no logical way he's going to want to get back with someone who, within the first month of breaking up, fucked their best friend. Do you not realize that he was more than likely weary of your best friend, but you kissed him, which caused the break up, and then you fucked him?

    Leave him alone.

    Also, why are you best friends with and dating men in their thirties? You're barely out of your teens (that's a whole other post as to why men and women in their thirties go after barely out of their teens and underdeveloped brains). You have about 5-7 years of brain development to finish up, and you have much maturing to do.

    Learn and grow from your mistakes.

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