Flora-Alfy live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 28, 2022

8 thoughts on “Flora-Alfy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Let him know it's his friend. There are men out there that think sex toys are the enemy. Like, seriously, I rather have sex if I was given a choice.

  2. More trouble than it's worth. When you said trauma, I thought you meant the kind of thing where one could potentially develop PTSD. Imagine what she's going to tell people about you for showing interest faster than she wanted when she's “traumatized.” I'd leave it there so more of a story doesn't grow

  3. This is a wonderful, reasonable and mature answer. OP sounds like he has a way to go before being able to grasp this concept

  4. No but I can see why you misunderstood, I didn’t want to add too many details but I guess you need them to understand fully.

    Brit goes to some guys from work and tells them about any trouble she and Wayne have, whether it’s an argument or something he did to set her off. She texts these guys a lot, 2 have made moves on her know she has a boyfriend. And one of these 2 drunk calls and texts a lot of weekends. So Wayne gets upset she gets so close to them where they think it’s okay to constantly try and get with her. And she doesn’t seem to realize that it isn’t okay what she does.

    We’ve only ever been to a bar once together and Wayne was with us and he doesn’t and didn’t mind it at all. So no, he just is trying to use her in his side of his argument by sort of twisting it into another way

  5. I cant BELIEVE your girlfriend had the GALL to cheat you on…checks notes the adventures of Pedro Pascal and Grogu >:( I’d be furious if my partner did such a thing. Seriously though, your sister and her friend are fucked up for trying to pull this on you. You’re gonna need to add some distance with your sister because that’s some sociopathic shit.

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