Fernanda93 live webcams for YOU!


Fernanda93 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 27, 2022

10 thoughts on “Fernanda93 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think the search history is as damning as it gets.

    He's into your sister.

    Maybe she knows, maybe she doesn't. But are you okay with staying with him if he's in love with someone that's not you?

    If you can I would suggest therapy, and when you feel comfortable, bring it up. But also screenshot the search so he can't just delete his history and deny.

  2. Fuck this guy. Honestly. Better to be alone than with this narcissist. Im serious keeping him around would be much more stress than being alone. Do not let him think for 1 second that you will allow him to take advantage of you. Put his ass to the curb

  3. It's a reminder how women are expected to care for men if they're disabled or hurt, but women in the same situation get warned by their nurses how common it is for men to leave them in the long run.

    He says all this started in the last 2 years and includes physical pain. Of course therapy hasn't helped much yet, she's probably only gotten in during the last year and it isn't a quick fix.

    Men get to say “they tried” and “they have needs”, but women get horribly shamed if they try to leave in the same situation.

  4. He doesn’t need to see anything differently lady. You are suggesting his needs and emotions and desires are not important and demanding he simply forget about them. You honestly don’t care about other people’s feelings and emotions? If that’s the case, you need to seek serious psychological help. Based on how you’ve presented this and demanded he comply, you sound as though he’s your property or a child. You do not own him. You do not get to tell another human being their emotions and desires no longer matter. You do not get to be vile in the name of your religion and then suggest he’s not spiritual enough or he’d see it your way. I am disgusted by your complete lack of sympathy or desire to understand your spouse. That man deserves better than you. The kids would be better off seeing their father happy than being treated like trash by their mother.

  5. People have different outlooks on sex. It's not wrong and there's no rule.

    But you should be honest about that at least a few dates in and expect that it will turn some people off. And that's okay.

    Personally it's on the border of too much for me but I'm also realizing I saw someone I think six times recently before sex. Granted we were both dating around and I was sleeping with other people so it wasn't like I needed to. She was really cool and it didn't turn me off, but it was also just that both of us didn't make that first move to do so and had plenty of fun without sex.

    Normally if I feel a connection with someone it happens within the first three dates. Which I understand is fast for many. For me it helps feel out the connection. I talk a lot and am open and generally have a very good idea of where we sit by three dates in, and sex is very important to me. I'm high libido and that needs to match. A high libido woman that feels a connection to me generally won't wait that long lol.

  6. God that entire response makes me sick. Nothing in there is anything I would even remotely associate with “manhood” but more with sexism and being a vile predator who forgot to evolve since the Middle Ages.

  7. stop hinting and start being direct. Say no, directly..tell him to stop sending you messages..stop the hinting nonsense and just say you aren't interested and that he needs to stop.

  8. I honestly wouldn't waste my time speculating as to whether there's deeper meaning to what he did. He could have done it because you two are close friends and he was talking to you like close friends do. He could have just been venting. He could have been trying to make you jealous. We can't possibly know.

    If you're into him though, why not just ask him out on a date. Why just live your life based on what's been “alluded” to? Shoot your shot.

  9. Does she have some past trauma around sex or nudity or abuse?

    Sometimes people who have been through some trauma have issues with openness and intimacy. For instance, maybe she was abused and has some scars she's not ready to talk about, or maybe she was assaulted and feels too exposed when nude with the lights on.

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