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FataSarahfeetlive sex stripping with hd cam


28 thoughts on “FataSarahfeetlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I like the idea of staying put, it’s the easiest path for me, at least in the short term. But it feels gross knowing about the recording device and if it were me, I’d want to know.

  2. Realistically, I don't see you leaving your husband after being together for 15 years which is completely understandable. He has to earn your trust again which will take some time. I'm sorry that happened to you. You're doing great! Good for you for getting healthy again!

  3. What kind of advice are you looking for? You made a very serious accusation, and your parents backed you up.

    You feel humiliated, embarrassed and hurt? You feel sick to the stomach and have no idea how you can show your face? Just imagine how Adrien feels.

  4. Relationships are difficult as hard as we try to avoid disappointment & hurt it may still occur. Good luck to you

  5. Great to see you're getting a reality to check, you might be “better” looking on the outside, but this post has giving enough insight to how ugly you are inside. He deserves better

  6. This is a common right wing media sentiment that everyone who exists outside of straight, white and male is “obsessed with identity” and exist in opposition to it as opposed to it just being a fact that they exist.

    BF needs to get over himself and either accept you for who you actually are (rather than a version of you he has in his head) or he needs to hit the road.

    Sounds like he’s been readying the Daily Mail Online and letting it go to his head.

  7. Why would you wait for someone that may never want you? I guess he just had a rush of affection in the start and threw words at you like that.

    And now it early comes to show, that's all they were. Words.

  8. So to start, I have herpes. I don't know if that's the STD she has, but if it is, I think you were amazingly accommodating. For many, that is a deal breaker.

    So maybe she's not into the heels, but I don't like her reaction to it. Even if she's uneducated about the whole thing – no, shoes don't make one gay – she was so judgemental about it.

    Why are her friends going to find out? Why is that one of her reactions at all?

    Her initial reactions – her gut reactions, if you will – were harsh and judgy. For me, that would be a deal breaker. I'd expect someone I love to at least be kind.

  9. Sounds like you have strong feelings for her, but she doesn't reciprocate them. You can't force someone to feel something they don't.

  10. I know you said you don't want to hear it but if you have so little trust in him, why stay with him? isn't trust the bare minimum in a relationship?

  11. I just have bad relationship history so I guess I have a little bit of commitment issues atm. In my head having this one night stand was a way to make sure I wasn’t getting into a committed relationship w Kam. However, now I really regret it as I do really like him. I was also smashed when I made the decision to have the one night stand and it honestly was so stupid! I literally feel so disgusting and dirty for doing it but it’s happened now so I can’t do anything else. Kam said it was his fault too and now on we need to just communicate openly what we want and he said he’ll still see me so it has kinda resolved. I just hope this doesn’t change our dynamic cz I like it how it was!

  12. Is he not allowed to have thoughts now ? he didn't fucking force himself on her or something, just shared a thought with his PARTNER.

    He just put his foot in his mouth. He said something dumb out loud.

    I'm done with this discussion, you can keep painting him as a villain if you want.

  13. Honestly he’s 44 and he’s had enough time to learn to be respectful in the workplace. I would recommend that you document, document, document and advise her to do so as well.

    Speaking of pushing back, I think you should push back to your boss a bit – “he has never treated me with respect – could YOU talk to him,” or “I don’t feel comfortable without you or another man in there with me. He has not shown me respect in any one-on-ones so far so I don’t believe it will be productive.” It’s your boss’s job, and in his best interest, to do this.

  14. You're violating his privacy by posting ANYTHING that directly related to him, unless he gives specific permission. If they are choosing to keep things low key, that is absolutely their right. You do not get to roll into their family and change their rules.

    I would also have a good think about why you are posting at all. Bragging? Making THEIR money into YOUR life is showing off inappropriately.

    If YOU made the money to buy the BMW, then post as much as you like. If YOU paid for the trips, or dining experiences, and the lifestyle you talk about, on line, then you have every right because YOU earned bragging rights.

    But you don't appear to have earned any of this lifestyle yourself. Their money, their rules.

  15. This is what makes most sense to me.

    She didn't spend all day at the co-worker's house, but she was there for a bit. GPS places her there for a reason. She either stopped by on lunch or on the way or something. However, since she did go to work, her smart watch showed a typical work day as well.

  16. Maybe it’s time to consider if he is suitable to be a step parent to your older child full stop.

    Anything that risks the mental health and happiness of a child that has no say in the matter is not something you as a parent should even be considering.

  17. It's fair to tell her you don't want to do a LDR and that you're ending it now before things get too serious. The reality is that LDRs usually don't last even if both parties are trying their best to make it work. So no one could fault you for wanting to make a clean break before you leave.

  18. My schizophrenic ex was very much like that. He never wanted me to go to work either, or spend time with my family. He had no problem spending my money though… He was great at making me feel guilty for not doing what he wanted, making himself seem like the victim.

    You're not happy. He's not even nice to you.

    Get out now before you end up needing an order of protection.

  19. My dad was impossible.

    We learned to buy gift cards and/or always to include the gift receipt.

    It was always his job to return the gifts, though.

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