Erika-Fox live webcams for YOU!


❤, ️❤️Panties off❤️❤️ [Multi Goal]

Date: February 9, 2023

40 thoughts on “Erika-Fox live webcams for YOU!

  1. so tell me why you are with someone who has to live with you, doesn't work but part-time, and has a child that he doesn't engage with because you do everything for him. You are acting like his mom, his bang maid all because he stays are your place without paying rent, buying food, doing laundry, or helping around the house. I hope the sex is amazing because I as a mom don't like seeing other moms used. You should be enjoying your weekends hanging with your teens, going hiking with them, biking, and traveling but nope you hook up with a loser that has a 5-year-old child.

  2. You may want to try adding dish soap to the toilet from time to time. Before,during, and after the clog. Don’t stop plunging. I’m also shocked we’re 4 hrs in and no one’s mentioned the poop knife? Or commercially available poop sticks.

  3. Well she told me to not come to pick her up, and she'll just get an Uber. She also said there's no difference between me picking her up at the queue & getting a taxi/Uber at the queue. That didn't feel good. She isn't giving me shit, but she's not happy about it.

  4. You need to start being more honest and assertive. Stop letting it slide when you feel uncomfortable. Listen to the other comments and learn to say “no”.

  5. Oh, I’ve sent him today multiple messages how I love him and I won’t leave until he says so. That I miss him, his smell, voice, his shoulder, that he is my dearest, my best and he is worthy. I said I wait for him and won’t go anywhere.

    He keeps checking WhatsApp every hour and has just left me on read.

    I have no idea what should I do, or does he even love me, no clue what to do.

  6. Why are you friends with her? She sounds unhinged and yes… she will steal your bf. He’s being really good now but she is going to catch him off guard and play victim to gain your sympathy. Don’t trust her.

  7. Eh, I found a notebook filled with suicidal scrawlings in my parents house this Christmas. I don't remember the book. I don't remember journaling in it. I sure as hell did sometime between 1996-2003. I took it home to put into storage.

  8. Oh dude he’s totally gaslighting you

    Definitely feel free to leave and stick to your guns. As a child of an eventually separated household it was so much better when my parents weren’t together then when they were, but miserable.

    He treats you poorly and that would be a way worse model for your son to grow up watching than being mostly just with you. Don’t be afraid to trust yourself to leave, no matter what he says to you.

  9. Ewww, you walk away. I'm a 33/34F, I would not have the hots for a kid who was born when I was 13 and into boy bands. Please, this is predatory behavior.

  10. These experiences are not universal. My bf and I have a very healthy relationship and we watch porn both separately and together as foreplay.

  11. Nope, she lied to you plain and simple. Y'all both discussed this as a boundary in your relationship and she agreed and then watched it anyway. And then to say you were “emotionally unavailable” after you found out you had two brain tumors is just….. I don't even have the words.

  12. Don't let people tell you, you have no value. There's a 5 yr old that strongly disagrees and her opinion is the only one that matters. The same goes for doing what you do: You do what you need to do to survive. Not everyone can do that. It might not be a degree, but you sure know yourself well enough to know what you are capable of to survive.

    The only advise i would give you is: study. Study business economics, professional English, common computer programs like excel, powerpoint and word. Get a head start in math and other lessons your kid is gonna get in school so you can help her with her homework. You're 19 and making decent money i think. But when you're 40+ you need another job. Use the time you have to get your hands on anything that will help you in the future. Like you said: it's surviving. There's surviving day to day, and there's surviving by planning.

  13. I'm so sorry.. He sounds really unhinged. He locked you out of the house? I don't even know what to say.

    Is it characteristic of him to act this way? You mentioned that his attitude towards you is getting nastier and nastier. It sounds like your husband believes he's stuck in an unhappy marriage.

  14. Girl , don’t be dumb. Come on now. A boyfriends pride Vs property / an investment for your future?

  15. OK well the guy was clearly drunk on all dates. We caught up in the moment. The bad incident came at the very end. This was the creepy part and I consider myself lucky

  16. Because she can still kick him out at the end of the agreement. But, at least he'll have some notice to get things in order if he has the agreement.

    Big business decision like this, especially in unmarried relationships, need some type of legal protection for both parties.

  17. “hey I don't really like gift cards as gifts. I feel like they're lazy and impersonal”

    Most effective when he brings up plans for your birthday or mentions gift giving.

  18. Yeah I agree with both parts here. Two people communicating badly. But one is tired with a headache and the other is embarrassed.

    The way I would solve this, as we do make mistakes like this… would be to go up and say all of this.

    Eg.. 'Hey I know you're still mad at me. I've thought about it and you were right, I wasn't polite and could've just said hi and explained I had a headache so to excuse me. That being said, I'd really appreciate it if after I'd made that mistake and you realised I was exhausted with a splitting headache that you also gave me the benefit of the doubt, and let me know someone was over or communicate back with something like, 'the above post'. I think that way we could both get a bit better at communicating and avoiding fall outs like this.

    Or something. Its definitely not such a terrible situation that two people who've gone as far as getting married should be in huffs with one another. That just says some communication work is needed to me.

  19. The solution is to invest in your marriage and to work on yourself so you can bring the best to your relationship. Talking about your wife’s weight gain, bemoaning your lack of sexual experience prior to marriage and bringing another woman into your bed, who you openly admit being more attracted to than your wife, are not the actions of someone who values their marriage.

    You can leave a marriage for any reason. If your wife were posting here I’d actively encourage her to leave. If you don’t address your issues you’ll wake up in 10 years and leave anyway, and not on any kind of amicable terms. You haven’t put in any work other than finding another woman. I think you should take some time and honestly think about what you want for your life. It’s easier to keep attraction than get it back when it’s gone. I would not stay in this marriage if I were you or her.

  20. None of my social media accounts are my actual name, and I have different names on different platforms. So she could not have social media, or she could not want to be easily found. Dumb question is: did OP confirm she dialed the correct number?

  21. My bf is 45 (I’m 43) and his daughter is about to turn 22. This age gap stuff is cringey.

  22. After reading both accounts, I personally believe yours is far closer to the truth. Even if only one tenth of this post is true, it is enough that I would still be deeply disturbed. I honestly cannot understand why you married this woman. Being alone would have been so much better. I'm sorry that you have had to go through this, and I think it is good that you are getting help. FYI, for next time, people who love you don't threaten to blackmail you, make you give up your friends, or obsessively stalk you online. You need to get a lawyer immediately and file for divorce. She needs to be blocked from all contact, and your attorney needs to know about her threats of destroying your career.

  23. You are supposedly 44 years old. Pull up your big girl underwear and act like an adult instead of a helpless child.

  24. You don’t seem to understand what i meant with this post, i love him and forgive him but he has hurt me. I’m not in any way calling him a bad person for watching porn and I’m sorry if i gave you that assumption i want advice on how to manage my feelings and have conversations with him that will help us heal and move on together. Ive told him if he wants to watch porn he can i just ask that he doesn’t lie about it. You and I have different views of porn and ik i am young and insecure but i view your manner of communication and your replies to be unnecessarily cruel.

  25. I am not the OP…if someone told my mom at 18 she was groomed she would probably go “I don't know what the fuck you are talking about cuz im not dating someone older”..I was just curious what you thought the reason was. Still think my option is the real reason

  26. Way too many people come here just to whine and have people say there there. They have no intention of facing the truth.

  27. OP wants to know how to handle this problem in their relationship, not how to convince his partner to get on a plane.

  28. You said you want to break up to be independent, focus on yourself. You’ve said that, and this is the first step in doing that. Even now, you’re still worrying about him instead of doing what is right for you.

    You can’t break up with him? Of course you can. Sit down, and tell him you want to break up.

  29. You are 38 going on 23. The reason you went after someone so much younger is because you are emotionally immature.

    Together for 5 years, pushing 40 and only just starting to think about the relationship long-term.

    She grew up. You never got around to it.

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