Emmy-walker live webcams for YOU!


I, ’m feeling naughty today ? // GOAL : Touch body, you decided how // PROMO: PVT ON 6 ! // Followme ?? [Multi Goal]

Date: November 3, 2022

14 thoughts on “Emmy-walker live webcams for YOU!

  1. Wow, that sounds super scary. But I have to wonder why you stayed ans kept dating him after seeing how angry he gets over minor things.

    Don't get me wrong being on time means a lot to me and I have a very hard time dealing with people who are habitually late. But I have never flipped out or punched holes in walls because of it.

    He does have anger management problems and I do worry that he will one day punch you rather than the wall.

  2. He drugged your child and took naked photos. I’d personally think the combination of the 2 would have me running for the hills and reporting the pedo to anyone that will listen.

  3. Oky.. despite who’s right or wrong, there are a LOT of comments being deleted by the mods which is annoying! And looking at the preview of the notifications, ironically the comments getting deleted are the ones that are “siding” with my point of view ? this sub Reddit sucks

  4. I mean yea, that’s why I qualified that as the only reasonable excuse, grieving through a suicide (or any death associated with stigma) is going to invite unpredictable behavior.

    I had a friend who I hadn’t seen in many years with opioid abuse problems. He ended up in jail and overdosed in his cell. He came from a family that was very old fashioned, they considered his addiction a moral failure and not a disease.

    They told literally nobody. Didn’t even receive the body to cremate or bury. I recently reconnected with one of his best friends and she found out through word of mouth in 2020- he had been dead for 4 years. She assumed he had changed numbers and sort of disappeared into his addiction, which isn’t entirely uncommon. He was the sweetest guy, and deserved so much better. Grief can do some wild things to people.

  5. Are you the sole breadwinner for your wife, your children, your mom and your mother in law? Reading between the lines, it seems that you are. She is being irrational and unreasonable. She bit your head off for being on your phone yet she was on hers too…. that is very absurd.

    You have both been through a lot and you have acknowledged that she has PPD. Her being medicine resistant and no being willing to follow up with doctor is very concerning. I think you need to have a conversation with her about that first and foremost, and encourage her to go in. Pull the moms into this if you think it will help. Her having untreated PPD and treating you like shit is not ok. If this remains untreated then your life will continue to be hard and hellish.

    From what you wrote, you are providing for your family, allowing your wife to be a stay at home mom, with the support of your mil and mom who live with you, paying for housekeeping services, and paid for a night nurse. You are an active dad when you come home and you try to do thoughtful things like bringing her flowers and chocolates. I think you are doing a great job to be honest.

    I think you need to sit her down and express to her that you are extremely concerned about her well-being due to the PPD. Be very gentle but do express everything you wrote in paragraph 8. Lastly, offer up marital counseling or individual counseling for her. Extra Credit- could you coordinate between the two moms for a date night day once per week? Maybe that will help you two to take the edge off in your marriage, decompress, and connect again.

  6. Yes – was just saying that sadly people tend to blame the victim for not making things clear and not believing their statements ☹️

  7. I don’t think an open phone policy is unreasonable. We do have each other’s passwords. He does ask me when he wants to go through it, instead of snooping or going through without permission, which I appreciate.

  8. I would not take threats to my livelihood, freedom, or free will lightly. He has actively and repeatedly done all three. Also, consenting to protected sex is not considered consent to unprotected sex. Morally that’s considered sexual assault. Depending on where you live, it can be considered sexual assault legally as well. You can’t have a healthy relationship without trust and safety. Your bf is practically screaming at the top of his lungs how untrustworthy he is and how little he cares about your safety.

    You don’t owe men anything. Dating is meant to be a way to find out if someone makes a good long time partner or not. Don’t stay in a relationship with someone who treats you like this. Don’t give him any more chances to ruin your future than he already has had.

  9. And honestly, it took everything in me to not laugh at my sister because the story she gave me

    the sister basically let her get r*ped. (according to her and the video) when you take a hard look at it, with the booze and the drugs, that is what she did, she didn't help her friend, like any normal person would from the bar to the hotel room, she said, nah I'm gonna let this person I know doesn't want to be here get violated.

  10. Sit down and talk with her, approach this with curiosity. Start with “I have noticed you make comments whenever I mention my assistant, where is this coming from? (Listen) What do you need to feel secure in our relationship?”

    For me, I started to worry after a noticeable drop in affection. So I brought it up to my husband and it ended up that he was stressing over health issues which decreased his drive. We both discussed what we need and were able to address the issue. He increased small, non-sexual gestures of affection and I’m trying to cook more healthy meals for us. What your wife needs to feel loved and secure will be different, but you have you find out what that is. That just might take a little bit of exploration together.

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