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EmilyShaklive sex stripping with hd cam


46 thoughts on “EmilyShaklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Bring a toy! You don’t know what kind of treats the dog is allowed, but a toy can be loved by any dog! She will appreciate the gesture.

  2. She just quit her job without communicating or figuring out if it even works.

    No one is defending or excusing that part.

    She’s saying if she could do it, his girlfriend can do it.

    And that's complete nonsense.

  3. See if he's willing to negotiate a domestic partnership agreement, involving lawyers but not marriage. If he can be satisfied that adding marriage to the mix will be genuinely legally inconsequential, the objections to it may disappear.

  4. You don't handle it because it shows a serious lack of respect, like typhoon level of disrespect.

    If someone doesn't value your time, they don't value you.

    Don't wait around and waste your time with people that don't care enough to communicate honestly.

    Respect your time and yourself more, because if you don't then people won't respect you in return.

    Give it 10 mins and then carry on with whatever you are doing without him. Don't even bother to inform them either.

    If they care for you they will show you, this is “I don't care about you enough to make you a priority in my life”.

    Imagine instead you listened to your feelings about being pissed off, realised that this person isn't worth your time and said “nope, I have better things to do than wait around for other people”.

  5. u/ContributionKind4877, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Not lied to your friends or lead one of them on just so you can get closer to the other.

    Always be honest instead of using people.

  8. Hello /u/ImpScum,

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  9. Investigate emotions. Feeling uncertain about your GF texting a coworker? Ask yourself “Why?” Why do you feel uncertain? What do you think it could mean? How does it make you feel? This helps you to build stronger emotional regulation, so that you can be your best self. Introspection is huge for personal growth. Open communication. The best thing you & a partner can do is make it safe and comfortable to ask questions. This way, when stuff like this situation comes up, you can just ask and trust her answer. Because trust is built through open communication. Conflict Management. What really helps your open communication is working on how you handle all kinds of conflict – large and small. Learning the tools for bringing up uncomfortable topics, responding when you feel attacked, and not just running away when things are working perfectly. In particular, I recommend Dr. Burns Feeling Good Handbook, which has an excellent chapter on improving how you deal with any kind of conflict.

  10. If he knows and accepts that you and your ex still talk on occasion and are friendly, then I don’t see a problem with wishing her happy birthday. Especially if you’re specifying friendship in the post so people aren’t confused.

    But when in doubt in a relationship, communicate with your partner. Ask him if he feels uncomfortable with it, and if so just privately message her to wish her a happy birthday instead of posting. But personally I wouldn’t have a problem with it

  11. I understand you have been with someone for 9 years. You want to see them as they were when you first fell in love. However, people change and not always for the better.

    I think you are debating what to do somewhat under the guise of sunk costs. You’ve been together for so long, you have shared financial commitments, you (despite not being married) have a marriage like relationship and life with him. Thinking how do you walk away from everything, seems you wasted 9 years. The bigger question would be how much more time do you want to sink into it? You have said he has become isolated, angry, violent, and refuses to seek mental health services or medications. With the way he is living it will only get worse. You are then not only wasting more of your life in this relationship, but are putting your safety at risk.

    Also, not sure what explanation he could possibly give to excuse his comments. The mass genocide of an entire race was not a good thing and has no defendable arguments.

  12. There’s only one solution for this and that is to leave them alone and move on.

    She used to reciprocate, we used to be friends. She liked me. Until I showed neediness and clingy behavior, that destroyed everything ? ? ? ? ?. I couldn't resist my anxiety, wanting to try fixing everything, that went exactly in opposite direction. The more I tried to fix, the more she started distancing ? ? .

    Now, she don't want me to see her at all ? ? ? ? ? . I am at a place where she is ready to take legal action if I reach out to her, imagine the kind of pain :(.

    I never had a breakup with anyone in my life, I never had any close relationship as this one. I always used to be homely guy.

    I am so scared, I don't think I can find like this joyful person ever in my life ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . She is very good person, very joyful and humorous.

    I don't know how to make friends, she became as friend naturally. I am so scared right now, I don't know. That rushed my emotions so high and wanting to protect this relationship at any cost. But you know ? ? ? ? .

  13. They suck. So, yeah. Step back. Don’t do anything dramatic bc she’ll find them much less interesting when she can’t torture you with them. She’s a piece of work.

  14. The video is definitely real. You seem very level headed and that just sounds like trying to come up with anything to not accept the truth, that your husband was video chatting with someone to get his rocks off and then lied to you about it. It was literally the clothes he was currently wearing when you talked to him about it, had y’all’s wedding ring on and a very distinct vape that he uses. There is no point in trying to kid yourself that it is a deepfake or his camera was hacked, because he was literally showing off to the camera. Now, even if the truth is he was video chatting with someone, that doesn’t make it okay for him to be blackmailed like this, and it is a crime.

    You should definitely first cut all contact with this scammer, don’t give them anything else to use against yall. And depending on how serious you guys decide to take this, you should go to the police. If he wasn’t doing anything wrong, I.e. underage, then he should have nothing to worry about, and the crime is actually being committed against him. I have dealt with people extorting me with nudes before and I know how your husband is feeling right now. It’s awful. But he should not be lying to you, especially with how relaxed you seem about the whole sex chatting with someone else. That makes me concerned, I don’t see why he would lie to you when you caught him red handed and you’re not even angry about him doing that. You’re more hurt over him lying to you, which he should know.

  15. Yes that all makes sense to me, I’m just constantly trying to make sure I’m not misinterpreting his actions due to his words haha so this is nice now to see I’m not totally delusional haha

    Can you clarify/elaborate your last sentence? What’s a world beater is that like someone with a lot of accomplishments? I do think he has a lot of accomplishments and I try to tell him regularly how much respect I have for his work ethic, tho I don’t think I do it quite enough

  16. I consider it being an ambassador for your partner, so you're doing your best to make them look as good as possible.

    It also shouldn't be a very hard thing to do if you truly love them.

    The only exception would be if you're becoming unhappy for one reason or another, then it's perfectly fine, frankly something to be encouraged, to speak privately about your feelings with someone you trust.

  17. Agreed. I just didn't really say anything before.. but now it's starting to bother me. I tend to make excuses for others . I'm too nice. An idiot if you will. And so yesterday i tried having a lil talk with him.. he was like “why this now? It's like the 4th day in a row we have these conversations” which wasn't even true.. we had a convo on Saturday, initiated by him.. coz he was high and thought i was gunna break up with him. Then yesterday.. and still we got nowhere and I quit bcoz i felt like it was going nowhere. Ughh… I love this guy and i think he's just codependent and loves the idea of me. ? Damn! He said he loves me more than he loves himself and i have a major problem with that!! This is really what I hear instead.. “I don't love myself, therefore I can't love you” Ooooff this is tough!

  18. It shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that the woman of my dreams has never slept with anybody and maintained innocence. She is not that. Back in the good old days women had a thing called morals, they wouldn’t sleep with anybody but the one man they intended to marry; is it so crazy to want to revert back to those good times and find a girl like that?

  19. We're they getting it on in the food court? No. They were walking out of the mall and if I had to guess, he put his hand on the small of her back while he escorted her out like thousands of other men do.

  20. I recently dove deep into the neurodivergent side of tictoc. You might want to look into a few put a finger down challenges. That's where I started.

    My wife and I are very much as you describe. Turns out we are both neurodivergent in different ways and knowing how and why is helping us work together better.

    Something like trauma dumping and instant connection is frequently how neurodivergent people find each other and never separate. Or so I am learning and that's how all of my relationships have been.

  21. He knows exactly why he did it. He cares more about jerking off to porn than your relationship or rebuilding your relationship from his cheating.

    I don’t understand why he is upset. You have broken up with him, so he is free to jerk off to as much porn as he wants. He is also free to try and sleep with any women he wants to. You gave him what he wants, now he can go lie in that bed.

  22. Yeah, “run yourself to therapy because this whole thing is ridiculous” doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with it being legal.

    I just think that grooming and abuse victims shouldn’t be made to feel stupid or ridiculous for being groomed and abused. I am sure that wasn’t your intention, just wanted to make you aware that it is how it came across.

  23. Yeah sorry man. This is done, move forward and do better for yourself, you definitely can. I’m sorry this happened.

  24. You said

    why should I cave and invite someone I hardly know?

    So answer the question that you damn well know I was asking instead of answering what you think makes you look better.

    If she were engaged to a man, would you invite him, even if you hardly knew him?

  25. Can I recommend a round of whole30 for him? It's an elimination diet where you guy out all common foods that trigger intolerance, then reintroduce them one group at a time to see what triggers issues. It means pretty simple eating for a month, but might actually give you answers as to what his food issues are so you can make a plan going forward, instead of the trial and error and uncertainty.

  26. There’s a difference in having a past vs doing porn for anyone to see. You’re such a fucking idiot!

  27. Again with the fake high ground. Stop being obtuse and lying.

    You have to know that being more emotionally intelligent would be the exact OPPOSITE of how you behaved.

  28. I mean, I would break up with someone that had a sense of humour warped enough they actually thought that was funny and even more so would show their partner. Like what response did she expect from you, it isn't exactly a kneeslapper even if you ignore the grim undertones.

  29. I just feel guilty and think I should accept the blame. I think it’s kind of my fault for going somewhere knowing there’s a chance of getting sick. But I’ve been to enough raves knowing how to take care of myself. The next day after the rave, I went home to visit my family even though I already told them I shouldn’t because I didn’t want them to get sick, but they thought I should be fine and still insisted me to go home. I didn’t get sick until a few days later, so I got unlucky this time.

    He followed up with “It was your control to go or not and you knew there was a chance of getting sick. Not like it was peer pressure. Guess you didn’t really care” and “Fine with going home sick to your parents, not seeing ur friends, then me. Was worth the risk right?”

    He has no idea how bad I feel, I tried apologizing and telling him how badly I want to see him. We seen each other in weeks and we’re supposed to see each other this weekend, but that depends if I’m feeling better or not. He’s kind of upset how we have to be cautious about us hanging out now.

  30. Actually what's worse is toying with people's emotions and thinking it's funny.

    That's what you should be breaking up for.

  31. You're treating your female partner like she is a man. Rigid rules like this don't work out, and you'll both waste a lot of time policing these rules. In my experience you can have one, maybe two hard rules in a single relationship. Very simple rules like “no cheating” or something like that. You can make a point to debate what “cheating” means, but anymore than that and you set yourself up for failure.

    If you love and respect your partner, and your partner loves and respects you, you won't fuck eachother over. It's the ideal form of the relationship, and it's what you want to strive for. That requires you to TRUST your partner and requires your partner to TRUST you.

    Its very hard, and if either of you betrays the other it will leave a deep emotional scars. Such is life. I wish you good luck and remember, a relationship without risk is not a relationship, it's a friendship at most.

  32. I would 100% not get married. He sounds pretty awful and draining. I bet you’ll find yourself feeling incredibly relieved once he’s out of your life

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