Ellis-Red live webcams for YOU!


Whirl around and show more of me [Multi Goal]

Date: October 24, 2022

10 thoughts on “Ellis-Red live webcams for YOU!

  1. Ok, I have totally googled compatibility for like everyone I know… especially bosses and coworkers lol… like, oh god, the new hire is a cancer, what am I in for now lmao. It's all just fun. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but I suppose you could always ask.

  2. Dude, your wife is 38 years old.

    You could safely play the “let’s wait until the babies are out of daycare” and wait her out. Maybe bring up allowing another couple adopt your embryos to see how she reacts. After the babies are out of daycare then say you need to save for IVF. What’s the max age for a transfer in the UK? 45?

  3. Fuck this idiot off There's nothing wrong with you don't let this fool ruin your self esteem, get rid he needs to grow up

  4. You should tell her future husband. He ought to know that the woman he’s about to marry already wants to cheat.

    How did you deal with your bf?

  5. No she's not. She and her friends often take trips like these together just to hang out and spend time with one another. They're just friends being friends.

  6. We slowly stopped eating lunch together and now we will go days without texting or seeing each other. I’ve had so much anxiety and sadness about this for months and even developed a bad anxious-attachment style. I just spend my days staring at my phone praying that he will text me back or anything. I’ve communicated this to him and he just says that he’s busy and isn’t a good texter.

    If he wanted to communicate with you, he would. If he wanted to see you, he would. He doesn't. The communication you are asking for (to see your partner who goes to the same school as you) is not unreasonable.

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