Elizzabubble live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

7 thoughts on “Elizzabubble live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don't need to be this nice to someone who doesn't treat you equally (not about the amount of money). Also in the back of your mind, you wouldve always had a question for yourself is it worth it? I dont wanna give him anything. You already know the answer. Just stop treating him like that. Do the same as he does. He doesn't deserve your kindness and effort you put in.

  2. I did express myself to her. Since our oldest was 4 and in prek I asked her to work. She made it clear she would not work since she didn’t want to miss the kids growing up. Well. I missed a lot at work. I was told everything will be better when she work. Well she did work and then told me she wanted to cut her hours. I agree to a cut in hours from 4 days to something less. I never agreed with her quitting her job. When I say why are you not working she says she has a job. I say you quit in January. She say no I just reduced my hours. Somehow 0 hours is having a job since she can go back when she wants. It is a circular argument.

    She somehow wants to go update the basement. She plans to save money by going to IKEA when things are on sale. I said you can do it when you work. She said she does work. Again circular argument. We just go round and round.

    I lost it and said if you want money to redo the house call your parents your mom offers you money all the time but you never take it. Don’t tell me we would be fine if I made more money. Just take it from your parents which she will never do.

    I called her mother and said hey we need money. My mother in law said if we need money just ask. I said “I am asking”. She said no your wife has to ask. And my wife is still angry with me for asking her mother for money. I was told we can’t tell her parents about money. Also that her parents didn’t need to know about our finances. I said hey ask for money if you are not going to work. And the argument goes back around in a circle.

  3. Oh the tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive…

    Just tell her you saw it and ask her about it. Apologize for looking at the message.

  4. Been married over 20 years, and those ball and chain jokes always have a tiny bit of truth to them. Especially once the alcohol kicks in. My guess, the thought has crossed her mind at least once.

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