Elisa-foox live webcams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Elisa-foox live webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe online friends is a start? Do you have interests you can see if other people also have and are on Reddit?

    But also the anxiety. If you aren’t seeing someone about it, I encourage you to. I feel like a different human three years after working on therapy for mine.

  2. It sounds like he is having some anxiety. Sometimes with anxiety, someone can want to proceed even while experiencing the anxiety. Anxiety is often worries that someone knows are not actually proportional or reasonable. Like he doesn’t want his fears to stop the two of you from doing something you both want.

    I have anxiety. I know sometimes my worries prevent me from fully enjoying things, but I suck it up and keep living my life. I’m not going to prevent my children from doing normal things just because I am experiencing anxiety.

    He could try anxiety medication or counseling. Or it could fade on its own. Or maybe it will be manageable.

    Right now I think he isn’t ready to intentionally actively try because it feels too scary but he is willing to open the door as a maybe it will happen and he would be ok with it. Anxiety is often increased when there are too many choices. Sometimes is anxiety less when the decision is out of your hands. It’s a legit strategy to manage things sometimes if anxiety is keeping you from making an active decision.

    This is not your fault. You are not pushing him. He is just dealing with how his brain is failing him at the moment and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want kids.

  3. She can wash locally. I hate shower too but I wash down there and my feet everyday before bedtime.

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