ElenaGriffin live webcams for YOU!


16 thoughts on “ElenaGriffin live webcams for YOU!

  1. No my brother hasn’t. The argument occurred five months ago so it pretty much has been over already. But do you think it would give any help given the situation? Is it worth to try? Idk if my brother is willing to reach out to him after all this but my brother is pretty much over that whole argument already.

  2. I'm going to need to do some thinking over the next few days, but I think the most likely outcome is that we will either get counseling or break up.

    Neither of these things will happen.

  3. Luckily I see both a psychiatrist and a therapist. I have had depression/anxiety for years, and I think what this is now is a mixture of postpartum depression. And no worries, he was with his grandma when I was drinking. I couldn’t put my son through all that like my mother would do to me.

    But thank you, it has indeed been rough ?

  4. I wonder if this is part of my problem too. Both of my parents were alcoholics, dad still very much struggling, so I sometimes wonder if I have a sensitivity to it almost.

  5. He will never leave her. She knows about you and she doesn't care. He tells you she's crazy. He probably tells her youre crazy and he can't leave you cuz youre crazy pregnant and might off yourself. I've been in a similar situation. T–T

    Honestly you should leave him. It's not worth it.

  6. Then judge him for who he is now, shaming you for mentioning a personal boundary about openly “liking” thirst traps and then getting angry with you when u have a casual chat with a male friend.

    All those reactions are manipulative. He should respect how u feel and if he's going to think about the attractiveness of other women, he can do it in silence when you're together

  7. I mean, is your husband cheating on you? Because if he isn’t, I’m not really sure how he could draw enough parallels between your and Sami’s situation to expect you’re going to want an open marriage too. Realistically, their marriage sounds in name only. She should still divorce him though.

  8. Even though when we were in the relationship, she expected me to share a lot of details about my past? And I respected her want and shared..?

  9. I hope you are able to find a way to talk through this and see if you can find a way to a abetter place for both of you.

  10. You just say the following to her.

    “Hey gf, you seemed to get a lot out of that retreat and you know I think I need something like that. Can you send me the details as I might check it out and book myself in. Actually, I wouldn't mind booking myself in now – what's the name of it and I can google it and book it whilst I think about it….”

    And watch her reaction.

  11. He has been talking to somebody else for 2 years he is projecting and wants to take it to physical thinking that talking is not cheating. When you told ok but there are risks to opening, I may find somebody who’s not gonna treat me like shit and move on he panicked. He is controlling do not let him go through your phone do not let him go through your private thoughts by leaving him.

    You know there are plenty of decent trustworthy caring guys out there.

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