No he didn’t decide to be a stay at home dad, our child doesn’t even stay with him when I go to work our child go with my mom he jus tv stays home playing the game
And why are you doing this to yourself? Why do you want your child to normalise this unhealthy dynamic? Just do yourself a favour, get in touch with a lawyer, figure out a custody agreement, and break up
I don't think he's a rapist but that's just the first thing I think of, it's shitty but it's true. Plus I've heard people say there's no smoke without fire when it came out that she admitted she lied. My point was once people are tarred with that brush it sticks.
You most certainly can divorce over a request. Your husband just told you that all you did, all you gave, all you planned for, and sacrificed for…just isn't doing it for him.
Imo he's going to cheat if he isn't already. It seems that most people who request this from their monogamous partner already have a side piece they are enjoying or plan to enjoy. You are nothing to him compared to his possible temptation or he never would have asked.
If you don’t just go and get your stuff you have no hope of ever having an equal role in this relationship. Like it’s do or die girl. Don’t let yourself be a dormant. I promise you it will only get worse. One day you will wake up and realize you are a shell of your former self, miserable, and wasted so many years you will never get back.
Say nothing. That’s what anonymous is for. Forget it and move on.
No he didn’t decide to be a stay at home dad, our child doesn’t even stay with him when I go to work our child go with my mom he jus tv stays home playing the game
And why are you doing this to yourself? Why do you want your child to normalise this unhealthy dynamic? Just do yourself a favour, get in touch with a lawyer, figure out a custody agreement, and break up
I don't think he's a rapist but that's just the first thing I think of, it's shitty but it's true. Plus I've heard people say there's no smoke without fire when it came out that she admitted she lied. My point was once people are tarred with that brush it sticks.
You most certainly can divorce over a request. Your husband just told you that all you did, all you gave, all you planned for, and sacrificed for…just isn't doing it for him.
Imo he's going to cheat if he isn't already. It seems that most people who request this from their monogamous partner already have a side piece they are enjoying or plan to enjoy. You are nothing to him compared to his possible temptation or he never would have asked.
He seriously asked me twice do i really think he's ugly and asked me did It feel good calling him that.
Ask him did it make him feel good saying it to you?
If you don’t just go and get your stuff you have no hope of ever having an equal role in this relationship. Like it’s do or die girl. Don’t let yourself be a dormant. I promise you it will only get worse. One day you will wake up and realize you are a shell of your former self, miserable, and wasted so many years you will never get back.