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dirtypublive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “dirtypublive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. How so? Because I think it’s immature to throw around money? If you find that sexist it’s because you are associating men with money. That’s a you problem, not me.

  2. Seriously and wonderfully put. There would be comments like “something is missing from this story… If you thought about doing it, you likely already cheated on her before”. This society is a mess.

  3. So you change one little thing about yourself and he treats you horribly?

    So it seems he doesn't think you should be allowed to make small changes about your appearance without his permission? Doesn't seem like he has much respect for your personal autonomy

  4. brother. I love you. You are worthy of a great life. Just please be patient and break up with her the correct way. Dont let her gaslight you and manipulate you

  5. My eye started to twitch when I read this.

    You're 30 years old. You have your own home. Why in the world would you EVER consider moving into thIs icky home with him and his *MOM?” Throwing cantalop rinds into the front yard?? Yikes! Bedbugs are probably considered canapés at this place.

    Do NOT let him put your name on the deed. Do not move into the “house next door” if he buys it. Do not become engaged to this guy.

    Your BF is beyond eccentric. He's…I don't know, but just reading your post gave me the heebee jeebies. I got serious X-Files vibes, and the music from “Deliverance” is playing in my head.

    My advice is to tell him he needs therapy to deal with his Mommy issues. Then go have a spa day for yourself.

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