DiamondBright live webcams for YOU!


My first day here!

Date: October 24, 2022

11 thoughts on “DiamondBright live webcams for YOU!

  1. He’s on the lease, he should pay. Fuck him.

    He’s moved on in his life and no longer wants you in it. You should therefore do what is best for you. Don’t fall into the trap of being nice because you still have feelings for him. He’s laughing and you’re being an idiot.

    Get the money and then you can be saving instead of him having it all his way with free money every month to buy gifts for his new girlfriend.

  2. UPDATE; she turned up at the door. My girlfriend rang her and she said that she told her not to come and they’d arrange another day during the week when she’s feeling better. She would not accept this. She forced my girlfriend to show her face at the window and then started saying she has a bruise on her face. This is simply not true. She has not a mark on her body. She then started screaming at me through the window saying she’s getting the police and a welfare officer to come. Saying I’ll never teach a day in my life (I’m a newly qualified music teacher and just signed a contract to start my job next month). There was a crowd of people in the street watching this unfold. We decided to let her dad come in to see this imaginary bruise. He apologised for all this and said he has been against it from the start and that we’re adults and this shouldn’t be happening. Her mam was still shouting in the street. I don’t believe this is repairable at this point. I used to love this woman. My girlfriends parents are my mam and dads best friends and always have been so I kinda saw them as my auntie and uncle..

  3. Why wont he take no for an anwer?

    To answer this question of yours specifically… because that is who he is as a person. He doesn't take “no” as an answer. He badgers and badgers until he gets his way. You are STILL his f-buddy, so, why stop if he could actually wear you down and get it?

    Want it to stop? Cut him off and cut him out. Let him go badger some other f-buddy for it if you don't wish to oblige his fantasy.

  4. Unless it is brought up in the first couple months, most monogamous relationships in western countries are assumed to be heading towards marriage for one or both parties. Just because you decided to string someone along because you didn't feel like marriage isn't an important part of a relationship, does not exempt you from societal norms. By not addressing marriage early on, you allowed her to believe that you were of the same mindset of a majority of people.

    Since that is not the case, you led her on. Whether it was malicious or just stupidity on your part does not matter. The damage is done. She cannot get that time back from you. Time that she spent with you in good faith that this would be a lifetime partnership, which for many women means marriage and a wedding. You don't have to be a mean, vindictive person to make a decision that negatively impacts someone else. If you truly care for this woman, I'd go ring shopping soon and start planning a wedding. If not, leave. Simple as

  5. First of all, he's an asshole and I'm glad you stopped trying to prove your worth/grit to him. Your wife should have put more of a stop to that before the nickname came about.

    I am in line with my siblings to inherit multiple businesses and properties from our parents. All to be split equally and leave us and generations with care for a lifetime if we maintain it. I have worked in every position of every company here and there since I was 10. My parents are conservative and there was straight up abuse in thier attempt to drill us all into the perfect kids. Fuck anyone who thinks I'm weak or undeserving.

    Second, only you know your wife. Depending on how much of a fuss you know she'll actually make just go and keep to those who like and respect you.

  6. We see each other once a week-every other week. It's been a couple weeks since he's been sick though. When we're together conversation feels easy and light

  7. it is so wrong to allow a man to have children with someone else if she is unable. I think modern women are so consumed with the idea of monogamy that they dont they see the practicality of these situations. It’s a way to extend his line. If he doesn’t want that, cool. The mom was just trying to share another option. It’s easy to agree with everything now. But we all know he will probably back pedal later on life. Or be resentful. Kids are not a decision to lose lightly. I know in the moment it seem like something you can bury and move on.

  8. A 2006 survey found that 1.7 to 3.3 percent of fathers are unknowingly raising children who aren't their own. The study found that dads who opt to challenge the paternity of a child are far less likely to be the actual father than fathers who are confident enough not to challenge it. The percentage of fathers who are highly confident of their child's paternity are not the actual fathers 1.7 percent of the time. 41 percent of married couples report having an affair; about 36 percent report having affairs with coworkers There’s nothing wrong with covering his ass. If people didn’t suck, I would say he’s being an ass but people do suck there for you gotta protect yourself from them.

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