DenisseKey live webcams for YOU!


Topless play [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

73 thoughts on “DenisseKey live webcams for YOU!

  1. “there's nothing I can do”

    Sounds like you need a come-to-jesus talk with your partner because this doesn't sound healthy on any level.

    He's allowing her to have this power… and you're allowing it as well? Sounds pretty toxic for someone you're going to spend the rest of your life with. You think the daughter is going to disappear in 3 years? She's there for the rest of your lives.

    She's going to remember that you wouldn't stand up for her. She's going to see. Remember. be affected by.

    If she cries because her mom is unhinged? That's your partners fight and the daughters fight.

    I still think you're punishing her for something she isn't responsible for. If you're not willing to stand up then so be it. But don't be surprised when the daughter sees that and reacts accordingly.

    “Partner, I agree I'm keeping her at arms length. It's a decision I'm making because I don't want to be involved in the drama. Your ex is toxic and I don't want to be involved – and that include not doing some things with your daughter. I'm sorry if that's going to negatively affect my relationship with her.”

  2. I think we need some more info on your wife’s side of things. Does she want to lose the weight but doesn’t have the capacity e.g doing all the housework, liking after kids?

  3. Sorry for the situation. Glad you found out before you got in any deeper.

    If you jointly lease, talk to your landlord. There are often times a landlord will work with you when there is a breakup. You may

  4. Your post lacks a question. As per Rule 2, all posts must feature a question that you want specifically answering. We don't host, rants, vents, letters to other people, poetry, journal entries, hypotheticals or 'what would you do' posts, or reflections on past experiences to give other people lessons.

    We are here for you to ask specific relationship issue with a current relationship you have right now, in this moment.

  5. Well , my kinda logic is that . If i tell the other person to go out on a date, the bill is on me the first time. Bc im the on to ask you out.On the second date though if she doesnt even try to make her move its a red flag for me personally. If she says that she wanna pay, thats fine ” Ok , next one is on me “. But i feel its kinda creepy to communicate something like this on first date like ” Are you ok to split the bill”.


  6. I'm not saying it isn't important. It just makes me worried for a possible future. You could also just talk to him again and if he still dismisses you you clearly aren't on the same page. Then it's time to move on.

  7. Yeah, I'm kinda kicking myself for not figuring out earlier that his traditional was actually him wanting a bang maid. He said his wife would not pay bills. Should have known that equalled she won't have a job or money to do so. Some women enjoy it, but a lot of women end up financially abused, treated like servants, and just have the life sucked out of them. Gotta have the right man to be in that lifestyle, and chauvinism doesn't exactly promise a happy home life for the wife.

  8. The amount of income she’ll was figurative. The amount of hours she’d have to work to make that much would not work with our future plans which to build a family. I’m not sure how much she’ll truly make but for how many kids she wants I really doubt it’ll be that many. And far as the cooking and cleaning part, I love to cook so we split that just based on who wants to cook in any given order, I do the vacuuming and mopping and we do laundry together when we can

  9. You’ve got the ick, and for good reason. Your guts right on this one. There isn’t really a ‘good’ reason to seek out younger women to date. I’d be outta there.

  10. Divorce isn't like something you buy from a shop you can just return

    Annulment has very strict reasons for applying for it

    Buyers remorse is not one of them

  11. That’s fair, your original post gave a very different impression of the activity thing. I still think the heart of her reaction is a combination of wanting input, trying to act on your money concerns, and FOMO.

    So if she wants to extend the trip beyond what you’re currently planning for, and your costs already account for some of her preferred activities, you guys need to sit down and go through your options. Would she be willing to put in some money to get a longer trip and repeat activities? If not, then working with your current time and budget, what activities or changes to the current plans would you both agree to prioritize? Can you go with a cheaper hotel, is there parking for ATVs at all of the locations you want to go to including hotel, etc.

    Also take into consideration if this is a trip you may want to do again in future or if it’s a “once in a lifetime” trip – if the latter, then you guys might be better off doing a cheaper birthday trip and (both) saving up more for the blow-out version of this trip so you don’t have any regrets. If it’s the former, then sometimes it’s good to leave things to do for next time! I would also suggest never underestimate the value of rest days that are just hanging out by the pool/on the beach/in a cute town, as opposed to scheduled spa relaxation days.

    My partner and I have done “repeat trips” to two different locations: the first location we hit all the big activities the first time, and they aren’t really the sorts of things that change frequently so on the revisit they weren’t quite as enjoyable as the first time and we had to scramble for things to do when we didn’t feel like another rehash. The second location we did some of the big things on our first trip there but not all of them, so on the revisit we had plenty of new-to-us things to do as well as our previous favourites to do again.

  12. He talks about the stuff he did with him (it was a same sex relationship) and how he had so much fun with him and how it was never boring with him. I don’t think it’s not normal to think about an ex, but to always do that and compare stuff isn’t right either

  13. He’s on the account so theoretically he can withdraw all the funds. Understand that this is temporary. In addition to child endangerment, judges really hate people like your soon to be ex who try and take all the funds. He will eventually be forced to give it back. Now, that won’t help you in the short term. This is the time you call in favors. Pawn any jewelry etc that you may have. If you have a source of income, open your own account Tuesday at a different bank.

  14. Feeding your children drunk is insane. And if your alarms are going off at the nude photos, RUN. your intuition isn’t lying.

    “I cant accept abuse, but …” it’s also wild. At no point should anyone EVER accept abuse. It is not ok. It is not something everyone goes through. It is not something you should ever have to go through.

  15. Have you talked to a therapist or taken any steps to work through your anxiety on a mental and emotional level? Because in addition to the performance anxiety it sounds like you’re having anxiety about talking to your gf. I noticed in another comment that you said a few things about being in your head, and knowing that she probably will be accepting but still feeling worried. It’s great that the pills are working for your sex life, but the underlying causes of the anxiety are still affecting your life and you deserve help for that as well!

    As a side note, as a woman, I wouldn’t care at all, as long as the sex was good. I also highly value communication and willingness to address personal struggles and take the steps to work through mental health challenges, so Id be happy if my partner shared something like this with me.

  16. Wayyyyyy longer recovery than a vasectomy, if I were in OP's shoes I'd prefer condoms to going through a very invasive procedure in order to spare my partner an easy one.

  17. Not all men are like this. The men in my life would never behave like this or associate themselves with people who behave this way.

  18. What you feel is that Essentially he is not ‘getting you’. This is one of your biggest values and biggest priorities – to have your partner not understand…. I dunno it’s more than frustrating. I also dated someone like this. I’m still unsure about the damage it caused me

  19. This is so hard for me to wrap my head around. It’s like I see this thing as an ailment or a sickness that is afflicting her. It’s almost impossible for me to see her as a ‘narcissist’. But typing this all out for the first time I think you might be right. Ugh.

  20. Super creep. The part where he went to the daughter behind the mother’s back is a huge red flag. This should be a deal breaker for her.

  21. Yeah being in love after that amount of time is absolutely normal, in fact, call me an old fashioned lesbian but if I'm dating you for three months and I'm not in love with you, I'm not gunna be.

  22. You can't squeeze water from a rock. You have your financial limit and if he doesn't understand that then don't move in.

    Also you not having any say or even getting a room to yourself with that rent is bull. Him having final say with permanent stuff I can understand but if you're living together you should also have a say in decorations and furniture.

    All in all it sounds like your BF is not ready to live with a partner. It sounds like he wants a tenant/maid to cater to his needs while completely disregarding yours.

    Just one more thing, if he got a flatmate he would have to give up one of the bedrooms completely. The tradeoff being he could make a little bit more money (maybe) and he loses all the benefits of living with a partner: Cooking, meal plans etc that you mentioned.

  23. £3K is one designer outfit: between dress, shoes and handbag you can easily spend that much. She’ll want at least one a year.

  24. You are an immature child and I hope your girlfriend breaks up with you and no other women will date you until you grow the fuck up.

  25. What kind of waste of carbon actively prevents the mother of his child from parking in a safe parking spot rather than the street? I’d rather eat dog shit than have a partner like that

  26. I think that's what you believe. But you're not working on it it he can't tell you where he is.

    That's BS. It's long over!

    Some men change like a switch got flipped when the first baby comes, and they become abusive.

    It happens to thousands and thousands of women.

    He had abandoned you. You also don't KNOW where he is with your baby. That's not acceptable!

    Get a lawyer and follow through and make him accountable under the law.

    That's why he doesn't want the courts involved- he's up to something that he doesn't want anyone to know about.

    Does he seem attracted to anything like guns, militias, drugs, or anything shady? Would you even know if he was endangering your child?

  27. She's lying. What you do about it is up to you, but if she's doubling down on her lie there doesn't seem to be much point in talking to her about it. A lawyer would be a better choice.

  28. Thanks! KA1SAM as of today lol. Been licensed since 2/8

    Anyhow, it’s a unique situation, she’s in nursing school Monday through Thursday, she works Friday and Saturday midnight shift, I worked basically the same schedule, I work security, we both work, busy hours, shift work.

    The only time we’re really together is when we do go to friends, houses, things like that, and we knew that this would be an issue going forward, it’s not impossible to have a relationship while in nursing school, not really recommended, but sometimes it doesn’t turn out well

    I can’t even bring up the fact that I got my vanity call sign without her, saying… Is your thing, I really don’t care. How would I ever get her to a ham fest, or even to a radio group meeting in person? It honestly wouldn’t be worth it. And I was giving her the heads up so that when she gets into my car after everything is installed, she doesn’t freak out. She said she doesn’t want to hear it, and I was honestly just blunt. I told her that if she doesn’t want to listen, fine. But I don’t want to listen to her when she better than moans because she chose to be ignorant.

  29. i acknowledge his talents frequently. he has a lot of them! really smart guy and super hard worker. hell, he's a biomedical engineer. that takes some serious skill. i give him complements all the time.

    he just sings…a lot…and very off pitch. even sometimes when i'm trying to have a conversation with him he'll just start and once he's done, he looks at me expecting me to say something. again, i'm autistic, so i have an incredibly hard time sugarcoating or lying about things.

  30. thank you ?. I actually talked to a mutual friend about this… well two… and without even talking badly about them i explained the situation.

    Its shitty being talked bad about especially if you did nothing wrong

  31. You’ve been engaged for 4 years, are pregnant with his third child. And you are not married? Did I understand that correctly?

  32. Oh holy hell. Anyone reading this comment knows damn well that the two of them are already fucking.

    First thread I read here in a while …. this shit.

  33. Okay. Have the talk with him.

    He secretly enlisted his parents? Okay. I don’t think that is enough but then maybe in this one instance you can let him have his way. Not because he is right. I think that the most important issue isn’t the sleepover anymore. It is resolving how you will both parent.

    If you have a bad feeling about the sleepover (yes, always trust your intuition), one of you has to stay behind. Can you reschedule the visit to your parents? It is better for you to opt out than for you to ask your husband to stay. Let him go visit your parents if he wants to. Be there for your daughter.

  34. Stone wall him act as cold as possible don't talk unless it about the kids, do not have sex with him or any intimacy,

    Contact local domestic violence group tell them everything you have said here, you want to end the relationship he won't let you leave the relationship or the house, see if they can help you get out.

    Or contact your friend when he at work gather yourself and the kids and leave.

  35. Why are you still with this girl? She is obviously not someone that's worth being in a relationship with. You're being played for a fool. The amount of shit people put up with is so pathetic

  36. No, our relationship isn't sex centered. We love and care for each other very much, it's just that things were generally very hard when we were living together. I was sick so I couldn't help with the chores, so my bf had to do it all alone plus take care of me. Besides, we only had one room to stay and put all our things (since there's another guy living in his house and that guy's a complete mess), so it all because very hard to manage.

    We might truly be sexually incompatible, but that isn't the issue here. The issue is that he put my trust on him into trial with all the lying and half-truths.

  37. How does it hurt you if she isn't as serious in her French study? Just keep on and practice talking to her at whatever level she can manage. Don't check up on her.

  38. It is not a gift but a trap.

    And her friend is more than a friend.

    Moreover, can you offer her the same gift for her birthday?

  39. She doesn't really seem interested right now but I think it would be really immature to block her over it. Just move on with your life.

  40. If she were interested she either wouldn't have been busy or she would have suggested an alternative day.

    Your response was fine.

    Dating sucks but the answer is to take more shots and ask more people out.

  41. If she cheats with you, she'll cheat on you Are you the kind of man to date a married woman? The fact that you are here asking pretty much says you are better than that.

  42. If she cheats with you, she'll cheat on you Are you the kind of man to date a married woman? The fact that you are here asking pretty much says you are better than that.

  43. Same financial situation when we first moved in. Earned double my salary. As for the current split? Right now we equally pay rent since she cover more utilities (water, gas, internet). But in the summer, electricity is expensive. And in the winter, our gas bill is high. So it ebbs and flows, if that makes sense.

  44. Tell him you don’t like how he’s let himself go and also tell him that you need physical attraction to like him.

  45. I had this issue in the beginning of my relationship. I told my partner that I didn’t like him posting those types of pictures. “Thirst traps” as the kids call them.

    The ball was in his court. He stopped posting them. If he hadn’t, I was willing to end the relationship over it. I couldn’t MAKE him do anything. But I could certainly decline to continue dating him because of it.

    That’s the only thing you can do. You can’t make her stop posting them. You can only express your discomfort and then decide what YOU will do moving forward. Which ultimately is going to consist of either dealing with it or dumping her.

    So now it’s time for you to decide how to proceed

  46. I've been married for 40 years and neither my wife nor I know the other's passwords. Separate finances greatly reduce financial stress.

  47. i’m very open to the idea of just not drinking anymore. i’ve considered many times whether or not i have a problem and i’ve discussed it with a lot of people. i literally stated that i limited my drinking this past time

  48. My favorite response to this level of immaturity is ignoring it and going on with my day. Nothing pisses off someone who's trying the “Ha! THIS will show 'em” approach more than being unaffected and unconcerned about it, except maybe being completely unaware.

  49. You should probably have a test based on hand, and have access to real clomid/nolva.

    There’s a lot of information about SARMS that makes them seem a bit less dangerous than gear, but that’s not necessarily true. I have no issues with anyone being a lab rat, I’ve done it, but you want some “in case of emergency break glass” stuff on hand. Trust me on that

  50. Listen bro, I've been through the same exact thing with my ex gf & her guy bestfriend. She was transparent about them hanging out, texting & face timing each other all day and I wasnt cool with it of course but she knew him a lot longer than me & I didn't want to be that guy telling her who she can & can't see so I tolerated it for awhile until i felt like a 3rd wheel, it got out of hand like he was seeing her more than me, felt like i was the friend and they were in a relationship so I told her how I felt about it & she understood but nothing changed.

    I knew she wasn't gonna ever ditch him. I didn't wanna breakup their friendship and be that guy & I also didn't wanna be in that situation anymore since the anxiety was slowing killin me & affecting my mental health so I left and they got together immediately afterwards pretty much confirming she was cheating on me as I suspected.

    After that i vowed to never date women with guy best friends simply because I can't handle it. To be clear I don't mind them having guy friends. I just dont like it when it gets to a point where my boundaries are crossed and feel disrespected because I would never do that if the roles were reversed.

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