DannSoul live webcams for YOU!


spank ass really hard [Multi Goal]

Date: October 12, 2022

126 thoughts on “DannSoul live webcams for YOU!

  1. Job status, age, history of violence, having kids you don't have custody of, past drug addictions, etc. Anything that doesn't affect them in that very moment is supposedly okay to omit or lie about, just so long as you get what you want. Is basically what you're saying, right?

  2. You don’t need someone like this in your life. Look what he did to his best friend…imagine what he would do to “just a friend”.

    P & A need to deal with their own drama without trying to drag you and your wife into it.

    Don’t compromise your other friendships for this couple!

  3. The hotel is out of the way from where the club he was at. If he was inebriated it would have been easier, shorter distance to come home than go to the hotel

  4. You're either a troll or you didn't actually come here to for advice you just came here to brag about stealing someone else's trash.

  5. Frankly not worth the effort. OP doesn’t need to teach her a lesson. He just needs to get clear of her with as little drama as possible. You don’t yell at the trash bag when you chuck it in the can.

  6. Yes, because it's not the kind of advice you wanted to hear/read.

    Another advice and maybe you'll like this one better: Don't listen to anyone's advice and just do what you think is best. But… If you don't want to listen to the advice people give you on here, you shouldn't have asked.

  7. I would end it. Him not inviting you but being so willing to go knowing that she’s going and there are other singles there – it’s too much. If the roles were reversed, would he be alright with it ?

  8. Find out why. There might be a compromise. Does he not want a big ordeal? Elope and go on honey moon. Does he not like government involvement? Get married unofficially. Does he fear legal ramifications if you split? Depending where you are he will anyway, but you can sign a prenuptial agreement. Have a conversation about a compromise, both of your wants are important

  9. Madness. This friend has clearly romanticised your relationship to the point where he's seen this play out like a love story in a movie. Both of you would be better to put the nail in it sooner rather than later, then in a few years you can try to be friends again.

    Note: I'm speaking from personal experience, you'll be better off letting him down super easily and distancing yourself for a while.

  10. I didn't say committed partner, i just said that you can still be experienced with sex and not have had many partners. You aren't experienced when you're just starfishing even tho you've had lots of partners.

    On the other hand its often not that hard to adept to new partners if you just ask them what they like. It's not rocket science, just communication and having only few partners does not take you ability to talk.

  11. Your lawyer gave you seriously shitty advice. I would be inclined to report him. Unless you are an unfit parent, Ii's absolutely crucial to the kids to be with both parents throughout the process, whatever the arrangement may be. It never should have occurred to begin with. He should have been with you at least every other weekend from the start. Your ex obviously took advantage of the bad advice you were given. Unfortunately, this was at the expense of your son. I hope you can find ways to undo the serious damage that was caused here.

  12. Well, if someone here were to tell you that she's right, and that every women should be considered as the “prize” in a relationship, would you believe it anyway ?

    As I'm quite sure everyone told you already, yes, breaking up is the best, it seems clear you're not the one for her, and sh'es not the one for you.

  13. With this here is what I can say, the disrespect usually continues till you eventually get tired of it so leave while you can.

  14. “I don't want to destroy everything”

    A little late now.

    Tell your wife, she deserves the right to know the kind of piece of shit she's married to.

  15. And imagine that this really important life event she skips for a Taylor swift concert. I mean, is this not just setting them up for failure

  16. lol. this guy thinks theres other tickets out there for this concert. lol. the whole tour sold out like minutes after going on sale. its a miracle she got 5 tickets at all. any tickets now are going for thousands by scalpers.

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  18. Yes I think it’s gaslighting. My ex who was a psychopath did this to me. Starting saying things like “what’s that white stuff?” Mind you he was 40.

  19. Sounds like you're speaking different love languages. Just where does she go on new years for the past three years?

  20. I'm don't know, I really love him and i cant imagine a life without him, ive told myself to leave so many times but i miss him and this is my first serious relationship. he told me that im still the same during the 12 years and that hes changed.

  21. You’re in love! Congratulations! Your first real love affair is an amazing feeling. Enjoy this time and don’t rush into any decisions. Focus on planning on how to close the distance for now.

  22. I totally understand. And on top of that you're pregnant again. I hate to be a Debbie downer but this relationship looks bleak. Without true trust and open communications then its bound to fail.

  23. But it’s not just that one thing, is it? It’s her behavior over time. Reread your own post history and remind yourself. Good luck in whatever you decide, man.

  24. You also don't have to make breakfast for your spouse, or go visit their parents. But you do it.

    Also, why isn't sex a present? What's so special and sacred about sex?

  25. How do I get her to change her mind before she sleeps with anyone behind my back?

    You can't really, she is inappropriately pressuring you to let her sleep with other people. For her to want to go this far, is scary, I'm worried about what happened at this retreat.

  26. Personally I would leave that relationship. Once someone shows genuine interest in having sex with other people outside of the relationship, it's over for me. She has made up her mind about what she wants to do, she's hoping you'll be ok with it. You are a sane minded individual who doesn't want to bang other people, time to move on my man.

  27. This happens to me and it makes me so irritated. Sleep is incredibly important and your partner disturbing your sleep because they aren’t happy with how and when you do it is borderline abusive.

  28. For what it’s worth I just assumed my husband was my age when we were dating and his birthday came up. I was very shocked he was 9 years older than me lol

    It was nothing he hid. I just never thought to ask how old he was because it didn’t even matter.

    Alll that aside, I don’t think I’d be comfortable dating someone who actively avoided women my age when they are older than me

  29. I mean I gave him a scenario in which I would set a boundary for his body and asked if it was fair. He didn’t answer.

  30. The worst is the amount of grown women on here that say “I can’t imagine why a 30 year old would fuck a teen but when I was 18 I dated a 30 year old and it was fine.”

    It wasn’t fine. You were taken advantage of. You know it. Please be better and protect children and teens from this vile bullshit.

  31. Now that we found out it’s all taken care of. We see what she says tomorrow. I’ll update for sure. I doubt she will regret or admit anything as she’s very proud and doesn’t see anything wrong ever with herself whenever we mentioned the little kid. We often bring it over to our house to give him food or help him with the homework. Just basic things the mother should be doing, especially how she isn’t working .

  32. He doesn’t want to go. He went to try and appease you.

    You can’t force someone to get help. You can’t change them.

  33. No sex for 2 months? Mid 20s couple living together. That seems a long time without intimacy. Is the relationship rocky?

  34. I'll tell you what I'd do/have done. I've been in this sutation before, had a huge crush on this girl but she was into my best friend. I distanced myself, some people can distance permanently if they feel that is what is best for them, others can be temporary. I distanced and worked on how I felt and myself for a little while and eventually started hanging out again. Just because it worked for me doesn't exactly mean it will for others though.

  35. If he’s willing and looking to PAY to cheat on you you best believe he’d leap at it if offered it for free. Dudes a walking red flag, get out.

  36. She didn’t cheat but I understand why you feel the way you do. I think it’s a little meeh to have a one night stand two weeks before getting into a relationship. You were crazy about her during that time but she wasn’t feeling the same about you. She may feel that way now but I don’t know. I wouldn’t blame you for feeling like you want to end the relationship. Just don’t make her feel bad about her actions. She didn’t cheat.

  37. Maybe it's a generational thing. I'm Generation X, so my sex education classes were filled with constant reminders to use condoms because of AIDS. Of course, AIDS is still around but it's not as deadly as it was in the 1980's and 1990's.

  38. Right, but I was reading something like if it's going to fail it fails at the beginning? Like someone who has been sterile for 50 years won't be making babies tomorrow? I really am not a doctor, just going by what my doctor said which was that I have really no worries once I am confirmed sterile a year later.

  39. Many people could easily get a job that traveled less but choose to keep their existing job for selfish reasons because they like it. We all have choices we make, and having kids doesn't mean you give up your ENTIRE individual identity – in fact, that's probably not a good thing to model to your kids anyway. They should be encouraged to have hobbies and interests, and I think parents should model how to manage their time with that in mind. (obvs a little different when they're still infants where everything not the baby needs to take a back seat)

    Often times poly people incorporate their partners into social events and hobbies. Again, it's time management. I also tend to specifically date people who I find restful to be around, so date nights for me are often rest and recover nights since my day job is really stressful and I struggle to fully relax on my own. I'd take a night with my partner over a massage to relax any day.

    Frankly I think a lot of teens especially enjoy having time where their parents aren't around and they have more freedom, tbh.

    But yeah just… Every relationship will look different. It's the responsibility of everyone involved to make sure it's working. If something isn't working, they need to communicate and prioritize and make changes until it does. It's totally possible some poly relationships won't work out once you add in kids if the parents or other partners can't handle the shifting priorities. Other relationships will be totally fine and parents will work it out so they each get x amount of time to spend as they choose to recover from the stress of being parents. That might be dating or hobbies or whatever.

    I mean heck, even in this subreddit, how often are we telling parents to give their partner a break and a night off from parenting? It's no different, just more baked into the relationship structure, here.

  40. I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to your own question, but I'll give it, and provide some footnotes.

    It's over, and it's time for you to commit to moving on. “He who hesitates is lost,” says the old proverb, and you're proving it. You moved too late and too slowly.

    And if I can be harsh but affectionate with you for just a second, you did what all of us have done and treated her like you were the star of this movie and she was a supporting player: keeping your feelings to yourself set you up for where you are now, because suddenly now she's the star, and you're scrambling just to get a little screen-time.

    We've all been there. You learn from experiences like this. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake twice.

    Right now you're going through limerence, which makes it hard to date or function properly. Your brain is going to take some time to figure out a new normal: it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. It's a form of grief for what you lost, and a particularly cruel form of grief because she's still in your life, just not in the way she was. Your brain and your nervous system were used to her being there in a certain way, and depriving yourself of that makes your brain feel a bit like a junkie deprived of a drug.

    It gets better. The more you establish normal routines for yourself (exercise, eating well and regularly, avoiding excessive alcohol or drugs that compromise your emotional filters), the easier it gets over time. One day you will wake up and realize you're happy again. But that might take some time.

  41. This person is ridiculous and controlling, it sounds like you are doing everything to prove to them that you care. Especially not being receptive to therapy is a huge red flag to me. I’m not going to be one of those classic people to say break up with them as I don’t know about the more positive parts of your relationship, but the relationship in its current form doesn’t sound healthy and you are not given the space to be yourself or to have independently meaningful experiences which is not conducive to growth or supporting acceptance

  42. Toxic partners often try to make you feel worthless and that you cannot get any better than them. Don't believe it.

    As far as being an introvert, that's something you need to work on. I'm the same way. It took a lot of work for me to push through my fear of interacting with new people. But you can do it.

    Dating apps for a guy who isn't very attractive is a good amount of work, but can be done. You can also switch jobs to one where you regularly interact with new people, and you can meet a woman that way. It's uncomfortable, but you can learn to do it if it's important to you.

  43. One of the purposes of physical intimacy is to create an emotional bond. That is a hard instinct to fight against and why prolonged FWB always results in one person or the other getting attached even if they didn't mean to.

    If you don't want her to get more attached to you then break it off right away before it gets harder.

  44. Uh… I dunno how to tell you this, but…

    Your girlfriend feels like you don't care about her because shes nowhere on your priority list.

  45. If she always gets blackout drunk she may not have remembered the multiple assaults, or was too ashamed to say anything.

  46. You can help them by talking to them about it, and encouraging them to see their doctor, or other relevant professional.

    What you can't do is use force to compel them to not do the thing you disapprove of.

    I'm also far from convinced your GF is an alcoholic. Sure, she gets pissed at a party from time to time. Pretty sure most of us probably did that in our late teens/early twenties. That does not an alcoholic make.

  47. So you think it's acceptable to reject him for months on end because he gets upset that you're rejecting him for months on end? Were you in a monogamous relationship? The agreement of a monogamous relationship is not only that you won't have sex with other people, but that you WILL have sex with your partner. If you “don't owe” your partner sex, then they don't owe you monogamy.

  48. Tell her you are not forcing her to never meet him again. It's just you can't stay with her if she does. All decisions have consequences. If she wants to move forward with you, she needs to leave him behind. If she wants to hold on to him, she needs to let you go.

  49. It’s because you’re young so birthdays are much more important and meaningful to you. At 27, you can look back at this and roll your eyes.

  50. Op THIS!!! If you want to bond with kids, your wife should work too! Dont sacrifice your time with kid and compromise with your wife and this man!! She should know how to contribute income to the home too!

  51. Does he think he is living in a sitcom? He has shown that he isn't mature to handle this situation. Now that you are trying to make him see this in a different lense you're the bad guy.

    If he can't reflect on it and wants to live in a fictional world of black an white, it's better to leave him. Also the line of you never knew him at work, does he transform into the Hulk? Or is he always lying?

  52. 3 years and 2 kids? Maybe you should have got to know him a bit better before rushing into things. I dunno it seems like shutting the barn gate after the horse has bolted to me.

  53. I would get couples counselling to figure out why he's trying to compete with a dead guy you've never slept with. Especially when he was insulted by turning the situation around. Double standards are bad. Especially to how much he's picking fights.

    You are allowed to feel pain. Whether they were a friend. A partner. A celebrity that impacted you. Family. A coworker. Grief is normal and a process you need to go through.

    Was your current husband one who pushed for the move? With how angry he is it almost feels like he might have separated yall on purpose even once you were married to him.

  54. YES!!!

    If he's a reasonable person, he will consider knowing that about you to be a huge advantage. It means that, unlike most people, you are being honest and transparent. As long as you're clear to him that you will always be faithful to him, it shouldn't matter.

    If he rejects you for this reason, you shouldn't be with him anyway.

  55. Me not letting my close friends see me nude has absolutely nothing to do with me not being comfortable in myself or not trusting my friends. I am in fact very comfortable with my body and i honestly couldn't care less if my friends saw me nude. But i know my girlfriend wouldn't feel comfortable if i basically stripped for a female friend. And i wouldn't feel comfortable with her basically stripping for a male friend. I would be “okay” with another girl taking the pictures, but If that isn't an option then i would MUCH prefer an ACTUAL profession that my girlfriend doesn't know beforehand.

    My personal experience dictates no one. I'm giving my point of view. And my point of view is that being a mature wife should include thinking twice before taking “pornographic” pictures suggested by a “friend”

  56. Tell him “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent” and then pack up and call a divorce lawyer.

  57. 'I trust them not to find it sexual'. You wouldn't even know if they did, unless they mentioned it. This is definitely confirmation bias.

  58. As a guy I can understand not wanting you to hang out with a random male 1-on-1, but saying no to a girls night? Thats just controlling. You should be able to have friends and if he's not okay with that, it will probably become problematic down the line

  59. He fully has intentions to, and he's pushing to see how far your boundaries will stretch and whether “justified trust” is within those boundaries.

    Considering he was thinking about her while fucking you, and doesn't admit to there being a serious, I need to change my life sort of problem about that… Well, he was thinking about her while fucking you, and not on accident it would seem.

  60. Wow he sounds way too immature for a relationship. Plus the minimising your feelings and trying to shut you up about your hurt is a sign of selfishness and nastiness. There are better boyfriends out there and you deserve one of them.

    But don’t let this live in your head rent free moving forward. Pancakes look pretty appealing. Have you seen what guys tackle looks like?

  61. Tell her she can explore, on her own and break up with her. She is cheating and is stupid too. She left it open….Tell her to explore before she gets in to a committed relationship and good luck.

  62. Thanks for that context. I’m happy to hear that. So the reality is that you’re infatuated with her and putting her up on a pedestal while wearing rose colored glasses. In general, no judgement here. Everyone gets excited in these similar situations.

    But you need to realize she’s not perfect. I’m not saying she’s not amazing or as great as you’ve learned that she is, but you’re currently looking at her as the model of perfection and are worrying that you aren’t good enough. You need to let that go.

    No one’s holding a gun to her head to be with you. It’s not even just one date; it’s multiple dates and it’s still going. As such, you need to be confident in yourself. While you’re here worrying that she’s too good for you? She’s thinking the same.

    The issue becomes not that you’re “too kind” or “too romantic;” those are great attributes. The problem is that many people (and I assume you) see being overbearing as being kind and romantic. It’s not.

    You’re also asking for constant reassurance. That’s a problem and you need to stop. It’s honestly absurd that you’re doing this this early. It’s never good, but it’s really really bad considering you’re at the two week point. Just accept that she’s into you. Her actions will show you if she’s not.

  63. Looking after an elderly loved one is really fucking hard for everyone involved. He seemed happier towards the end during his last 4 years or so once he’d essentially lost all his memories, speech, faculties, etc. Can’t be embarrassed if you don’t know what you’re supposed to be embarrassed about…or what embarrassment is! Can’t be sad over missing memories or things you used to be able to do but can’t anymore when you can’t remember how to go the toilet on your own. That sort of thing.

    Mum only placed him in assisted living when she came home from work one day to the front door unlocked and wide open and the dog running around the cul-de-sac. He’d forgotten that he didn’t live on his own in his flat anymore, managed to take a bus down to his old local and order a pint like he hadn’t been living with us for 3 years! We knew then he needed supervision and security we couldn’t provide, especially considering it was just after the big financial crash and mum absolutely could not afford to quit her job.

    Did your brother and SIL not do anything to help him when he was panicking and confused? Honestly, after that behaviour, I’d refuse to speak to my brother if he pulled shit like that. My own father is a recovering alcoholic who physically, emotionally, and mentally abused me from birth through til I cut him off at 25 aside from pleasantries if I see him at family gatherings. His behaviour has changed around everyone but me, and I have cPTSD because of the abuse. I still wouldn’t pull the shit your brother pulled and my other half wouldn’t allow it either. I’d do what I had to if it came down to it – he has lesions on the brain due to decades of substance abuse and he hasn’t even hit 50 yet – but I wouldn’t go out of my way to be malicious and vindictive.

    You’re absolutely not on your own in this. It’s sadly a very common experience. A lot of the current elderly generation raised kids the best they knew how to, and unfortunately it resulted in a lot of trauma for their children – and I’m sure the children of those children will have the exact same experience too. I always say you can be the best parent in the world but you’ll probably still fuck up your kids in some form or another. It’s inevitable. But when we know better, we do better, and we do our best to break the cycles of generational trauma and abuse.

    Your dad really needs to fill out a will, even if it’s the bare bones of one, as well as an expression of wishes and potentially a springing POA (one that becomes active if he’s incapacitated). I know he doesn’t want to deal with it but it’s important. Things like does he want to be buried or cremated? Does he want a funeral or a celebration/piss up? Are there any charities he would like to make a donation to? Or memorials he would like? Does he want to be resuscitated/intubated or not? Does he want to donate his organs?

    It might help if you fill yours out at the same time, so it’s less of a ‘thing that people do when they’re close to death’ and more of a ‘we need to make a contingency plan in the event of the worst happening’. Hell, add in some funny ones if you want like what would you want in the event you were bitten by a zombie or gained superpowers? It doesn’t have to be doom and gloom but it DOES need to be done.

  64. Girl run.

    Is he using the “having a child“ and future faking as a tactic to convince me to not use protection and let him finish in me? Or is he trying to knock me up so I’m trapped?

    Do you really want to find out? He has an anxious attachment style but is okay being attached to you for life with your kid?

  65. I understand. I literally had to max out a credit card at one point. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Most therapists, or even online therapy, have some sort of assisted/reduced payment plans for those who need it. Just don't rule it out because of money. Mental health is more valuable than money.

  66. I just wanted to tell you ARE NOT LESS OF A MAN FOR CRYING.

    This is more a reflection of her personality more than anything.

    Being in tune with one's emotions is very important for keeping us running 100% and if you gotta fucking cry to keep it going go fucking do it.

    The most masculine thing a man can do is whatever he wants!

  67. There most certainly are resources to get this information. I am not an expert on where I live and most certainly would not advise you on where you live. Google party consent on audio or video taping for where you are. There are other considerations for the installation of key loggers etc which are mainly concerned with the ownership of item.

    Take your time. You’ll get there. Good luck again.

  68. I'd talk to her about it see her reasons and then decide after that. Don't do anything hasty. Take the time you need. You can rent a hotel or motel or stay with friends if you want.

  69. This guy has narcissistic tendencies. Don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy of being together for 3 years. This all about him not you, especially on your birthday. If he’s paying off debts, why have an expensive dinner?

  70. Block him and start carrying mace in your pocket. Since more people carry their phone, you can get a taser phone cover so you can feel protected coming and going from your home (sold on Amazon). When you speak with him do not worry about making him uncomfortable, he didn’t worry about your comfort.

  71. “He told my mom one time when they were arguing”

    “this has made her think he’s manipulating me into being with him.

    He thinks I should go no contact”

    I think anyone who tries to convince you to go no contact with your parents and argues with your parents and also has APD is probably not the best choice for a mate. They most likely love bomb and slowly try to get you dependent on them, they won't even realize they are doing it. I would be very careful.

  72. Definitely don't think they're exploiting their sexuality. Both of them have been pretty open and clear about that for as long as I've known either of them.

    I don't want an open marriage and my wife knows this. I do intend for this to just be a one-time thing. They're not the only ones who are excited of course. It's also very exciting for me, but also makes me nervous.

  73. He then went on to say that my personality also was a 7/10 only to immediately regret it and changed it to 6/10 because “You need to be more confident”

    He was already an asshole long before this point but this was where he upgraded to being a gigantic asshole. He deliberately insulted you with the number, then deliberately lowered the number even further to twist the knife.

    He called it brutal honesty.

    You know who says they're brutally honest? Assholes. Because it's always the brutality that's the point.

    I would've dumped him on the spot over this alone, and you've also mentioned this isn't the first incident like this. Why stay with someone who not only thinks they're settling for you but also proudly TELLS you that they think they're settling for you? The first part makes him delusional, the second part makes him delusional and deliberately cruel.

  74. Being sexually active with someone of the same gender isn't bad. I'm bi and sometimes I'm into men too. My friends are a bad example. I liked some guys in my life and I don't mind making out with dudes. I still want to end up w a girl but I don't mind dating or kissing other men. If I were too gay for her I would be scared of touching a girl, but we obviously are intimate together.

    Saying stuff like 'too gay' or calling sexual actions with someone of the same gender 'crazy' is wrong and I'm worried for your internalised homophobia. Or ur just some kid who doesn't know any better yet.

  75. Why don’t you want to divorce him? You’ve just admitted you’re not happy with him. He sounds horrible and you could obviously manage without him.

    It sounds like he’s really jealous and insecure about your success.

  76. yes, leave him and take back the power. itll crush his ego and you will feel great. hes a fucking twat.

  77. Red flag – stop putting your money into this so-called joint account that only has your earnings in it! You should be smarter!

  78. Spend some time figuring out why you want to get married. Marriage is such a weird mix of emotional/financial/legal/religious, people can have a million different reasons for wanting it (or not). Once you've done that, think about whether you can achieve some/most of what you want out of marriage without getting married, or if that really is a deal breaker for you.

    If you want to explore what not getting married would look like, talk with your SO about how you'd go about a long term, non married relationship. How would you handle finances? Buying a house? Prioritizing each other's careers?

    In many ways, marriage is a shortcut to a bundle of legal arrangements. If you forego it, be prepared to figure out a more piecemeal approach.

  79. Oh ok.

    Still, I'd go with the fact that her behaviour and sudden appearance of this guy in her life, and you being LD is about as best an indicator as there is that she is at th every least emotionally involved with him.

    It may be best just to ask her whether she still wants you in her life.

  80. Im going to say it… what did you do? I don’t believe anyone deserves that kind of treatment, HOWEVER I do believe that there are moments where someone upsets us so deeply we have reactions like that, because that’s not hitting someone it’s expressing absolute outrage that goes beyond words. So, did you say something or do something in the argument that was super venomous and hurtful and unacceptable. Because if she had that reaction to something you did that, to her, was spit worthy, then that’s concerning and something to be aware of and keep an eye on. And work on. But if she did it and you didn’t do anything severe enough to provoke that, get out now.

  81. Relax. It's a hug, probably nothing more and even if it is the dudes Poly so he probably doesn't really care. He probably understands in some way.

    You need to take a second though.. You need to get all your thoughts in a row and really make sure you get over your ex first.

    Then you sit down with the guy, mention you're interested in him but have no experience with poly stuff and he can tell you some stuff.

  82. You’re most likely wrong in your assumptions, and it could be real life dangerous to put it out like it’s a truth. At least write “it COULD BE”.

    You don’t know, and that’s the truth. I get so annoyed by people who does this like you do.

  83. Good old American popular media. Anne Rice, twilight, white wolf et Al… admit you are a vampire after a romance in full bloom? Hot! Admit you have a vagina? Gross!

    But Aurin! Twilight is Fiction!

    So is OP’s post.

  84. One thing that really helped me when I was going through something like this was an online support group. I don't know if I'm allowed to post links here so I won't post the one I used but a quick Google search will give you a bunch of options. I initially only planned to read other posts but I quickly joined and found comfort talking with, and receiving support from, others who were going through the same thing. Before finding the group I felt like no one really understood what I was going through and I felt like I was going crazy with the thoughts that were going through my mind. My self esteem was in the toilet. The group made a WORLD of difference and made me realize that everything I was thinking and feeling was normal and part of the grieving process. It made me feel understood and less alone with my feelings. Even if you don't join, just reading others' experiences with infidelity might help quite a bit. I'm sure there are subreddits that you could join too but the support group was the better option personally for me.

    However you choose to move forward, you are not alone. Healing will come with time and you'll get there. Wishing you the best.

  85. I don't think he's cheap or trying to mooch, he's probably broke. Grad school is rough and he probably doesn't have time to work, hence the lack of job and subsequent lack of funds. Suggesting HE buy a lucky cat when he can't even afford food or a mousepad seems pretty tone deaf.

    The asking thing seems like a difference in communication style. I know a lot of people were/are raised that they shouldn't ever ask someone so that the person doesn't feel pressured. Others communicate more directly and ask for things with the expectation that the other person will just say no if they won't or can't give what they're asking for. Unless he's trying to pressure you after you say no or acting resentful, it sounds like he's in the second category. If you want to continue seeing him and his just asking for stuff bothers you that much, maybe talk to him and tell him how it makes you feel.

  86. We are the stories we tell ourselves. In her head, she is telling herself a story of the perfect family.

    Either that or she has wanted to leave for a while and now she has a great excuse.

  87. What I am wondering about right now: why isn't a man allowed to cry without it raising so much concern?


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