Chloeecherry live webcams for YOU!


chloeecherry Public Chat Channel

Date: October 6, 2022

11 thoughts on “Chloeecherry live webcams for YOU!

  1. Nothing teaches someone a lesson like a good partner leaving them for showing they aren't a good long term prospect. Your SO is a nightmare and it these types don't get better as time passes.

  2. Seems odd that he'd be willing to give up blowjobs all together over something seemingly so small and insignificant.

    It's not like you said his was gross compared to your ex or anything.

    Exactly what did he think it tasted like?

  3. Info: why are looking fix this? You asked for an acceptable solution and I don’t know what you even get of if this marriage?

  4. It’s a date, but not necessarily a romantic one. It could be that she just wants to be friends with you.

    If you are interested in being friends, or becoming romantic with her, then accept the invite, have fun and see where it goes.

    Worse case you don’t have fun, and all that happens is you loose an evening of your time.

  5. This is incredibly dodgy. She does not have the ethical integrity to go into this profession. I know it’s hard but I second advice other people have given you here to alert her superiors: her supervisors if you can, the head of her school of studies. She has treated you appallingly and that’s bad enough, but her lack of scruples has much broader implications.

  6. It sounds like they probably have a very good reason for not sharing the note with you. There could be very upsetting things in it. There could be very personal things in it that they don't want others to know about. I would think that if it was a simple goodbye note, they would have given it to you. All of that being said, I completely understand why you want to read it. These are the last words to you by someone you love. I would want to read it as well. Give his parents some time and perhaps they will decide to share the letter with you when they feel that the time is right. I don't think it would be right to keep pushing them for it right now. Losing a child is the very worst thing any parent could go through.

  7. I can’t believe all the people telling you this is your fault and that YOU need to do something different. I can’t believe most of the comments aren’t “leave” because she’s shown she can’t be trusted.

    I was thinking about making a post because I just caught the mother of my child who I’ve been with for 8 years cheating but now I’m thinking people will just say it’s my fault and she was justified.

  8. If you’re having trouble getting over a conversation about the possibility of an open marriage, there’s absolutely no way you’d be able to recover from giving him a “free pass” to sleep with someone else.

    I think therapy would be beneficial. Even if you end up coming to the conclusion that you don’t want to stay together, you’ll know in your heart you did all you could to try to fix it.

    Sign up for therapy and talk to a lawyer so you can have clarity about your options.

  9. Oh my God you guys…

    This is the adultery world we live in now?

    You should have left her from the beginning. Cheating is cheating. And doing it yourself was never going to make it better.

    This relationship is set up to fail.

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