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Challengeme1live sex stripping with hd cam


16 thoughts on “Challengeme1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Since a lot of these comments are obviously extremely biased, controlling and obviously u healthy I'm gonna give some proper advice OP. Talk to her about it first, set your boundaries with her and make them clear but do not become toxic. It's one thing to end the friendship with this guy since he came onto her but do not try and control who she can be friends with. IE; she can't be friends with guys. You should be mature enough to trust one another and communicate if your significant other is friends with the opposite gender. She is wrong for not telling you and continuing to hang out with him despite it but definitely COMMUNICATE.

  2. You should talk to your girlfriend. Some people who are asexual still enjoy having sex, some never even want to talk about it. It's possible that you are incompatible, and you need to phase your relationship into something other than a romantic one, but you also might be able to find a way to make things work between you, depending on how she actually experiences her sexuality.

  3. That's kind of how it happened with me. I feel like I was infinitely lucky to just have that change in mentally and not stumble on the last 5ish years.

  4. Vent to someone else.

    I understand what you’re feeling, but it’s not necessarily going to make the next few months easier for you.

    You need to collect yourself and be strategic.

    This is something that can wait.

    You have more self control than him. Use it.

  5. He assaulted you while you were asleep. I would personally file a police report, but if you don't want to go scorched earth, I would just dump him. He violated your autonomy. You deserve better.

  6. You are engaged to be married. You both have already decided that your life will be tied together.

    And, you are arguing over how to “split” bills based on income?????

    WHY are you getting married if you are sitting there arguing over who owes what/how much?

    I've lived with my gf/caregiver for 8 years. Not ONCE have we EVER argued over who owes what, what “split” will be put in place to pay bills, etc. Why? Because we both understand we are together. It's not “my money” or “her money”; it's OUR money. They are OUR bills. Together, we manage the accounts so that neither is drained, because, you know, we're in it TOGETHER.

    You two need to sit down and re-evaluate your engagement if neither of you understand that concept.

  7. Well that’s a lie. Regardless, you paid. That’s enough right there. It’s called intent and the payment proves it.

    Either you’re a troll making this all up or just a terribly selfish partner trying to cover your tracks.

    This relationship is doomed buddy. Best to do the right thing and let her move on now so she can find someone who actually cares.

    You have 0.0 chance of this going away.

  8. That’s a huge display of disrespect. I would be absolutely livid and likely unforgiving. I’m so sorry she did that to you and then accused you of being controlling. She is either delusional or feels so guilty she is trying to make you feel bad so she can be mad at you and relieve some guilt.

    There is 100% an unwritten expectation that privately sharing nudes with someone is for their eyes only. And any further sharing needs permission from the “model” of the photos. She has violated your trust and privacy.

    You just have to decide if you can get past this and move on. It wouldn’t be healthy to remain in the relationship with building resentment over it.

    You also have to figure out if this behaviour was a one off, or if it’s emblematic of other issues that might become a problem down the line in the same way this has.

  9. Just stop. Youre worried about accommodating someone who has zero responsibilities. You do what makes you happiest and most ready for work which is what provides for the family. She can go back to sleep. Or get a job. Or just fuck off.

  10. This relationship doesn’t sound salvageable. There is literally nothing going in its favor. The cheating is almost secondary at this point

  11. Right, as a plus 1 getting invited to the reception and not ceremony is almost an act of mercy.

    I’d ask your gf why weren’t invited. It’s probably either they don’t have space for plus ones or that they think you’d be bored/lonely.

    When my wife was in a bridal party, I purposely skipped the ceremony. I would have had to sit around with a bunch of strangers when my wife was with the bride.

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