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carolina_ass12live sex stripping with hd cam


98 thoughts on “carolina_ass12live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Seems messy. I’d say cut it off. Not sure if you care about how people view you, but guys can be immature.

    Things like this will happen and if it doesn’t work out between you but it gets to a certain level, next thing you know they’re both saying they “passed you around”.

    Unless you really have feelings for him or something which I doubt because you said you don’t want anything serious.. there are millions of other guys out there.

  2. Your priority is to let your obgyn, or family doctor know how you are feeling. You need help faster than your husband can change and PPD is no joke.

  3. You’ve put it best. I think it’s worth adding that no boundary is invalid in a relationship.

    Can some be kinda extreme compared to others’. Sure. But that’s just means the person’s dating pool is limited.

  4. I'm going to offer another opposing view. I was once married to a woman who was so possessive, jealous, controlling, and insecure that any interaction I had with any woman, whether it be professional, family or even a casual “hello” resulted in accusations of cheating.

    It got to the point of her being jealous of my own mother and sisters. It is mentally draining and emotionally damaging. My divorce was literally the happiest day of my life.

  5. You've been with him for 4 years, never happens before, and now you're pissed at him for something he doesn't have any control over, YTA

  6. Yeah but going forward you have to be able to stand up for yourself. Just say it like it is, get it out and when it's out don't apologise for it. Its how you feel and needs no apology. Say what you need to say and let it sit. Don't frame it any sort of way or make it sound better. She's your partner and you have to be able to honestly communicate.

  7. My question is, why would you even consider bringing it up? Don’t put your friend in an awkward position. You now know where you stand with that friendship and you’re not as close as you think. It is what it is.

  8. I agree with most people that this is on your husband, regardless of all the stress of the situation, but someone made a comment that mentioned him being unable to manage his emotions like an adult and that rubbed me the wrong way.

    What he did was managing his emotions like an adult, because, believe it or not, most people don’t know how to manage or handle their emotions properly. You don’t magically learn how to handle emotions when you hit 21, most people never learn how to properly manage their emotions in general, odds are the person that made that comment doesn’t know how to manage their emotions properly either. So there’s no such thing as managing emotions like an adult, it’s just managing emotions.

    It’s not something that’s gonna get better with time, it’s something he’s going to have to learn. The first step to that is that he has to be aware that the way he manages his emotions currently is not healthy, and he has to accept it and want to change. You’ve said this has happened before, but stated it’s not common, what does that mean? Does he only have outbursts like this in particularly stressful situations?

  9. I’m very sorry he did this and you absolutely do not deserve this. But just read the facts of the story. The answer that really makes the most sense unfortunately is that he did what people do in brothels. Regardless of whatever else you do, it would be prudent to get him and you STD tested.

  10. Been in a somewhat similar situation. My ex was very like yours. It leaves you with a lot of trauma. It took me years to process it all and only recently can I look back on it and appreciate just how much it impacted me and my relationships. If your husband loves you he would want you to tell him how you're feeling. It could well be connected to your past, or maybe you're just not meant to be. But you lose nothing by talking to him and it might make it so he can help you work things out. I would certainly say it's worth talking to your doctor and looking at if going back on medication is right for you. But no matter what you do you should be incredibly proud of yourself for getting you and your son out of the situation with your ex.

  11. I wouldnt trust someone who has to ask that. If we share interests as guys then I'd consider that person a friend. Asking for friendship is cringe, keep it simple and do what you enjoy and you'll make friends

  12. It’s terrible and it hurts my feelings – he does not understand because he’s naturally “fit” if that makes sense and I have always struggled and hated how I looked

  13. It annoys me when people ask for advice but a very particular about what they want to hear. People have a right to express their opinion – you don’t have to be an ass to those who don’t agree.

    Anyways, I agree with you. I don’t believe kids should be hit. And I don’t think this is worth leaving over. Not yet anyways. If I were you, I’d ask him why he feels that hitting is the only option. Hear him out, and then suggest other solutions to her negative behavior that will work for the both of you. I’m sure he doesn’t want to die on the “hitting children” hill.

  14. It annoys me when people ask for advice but a very particular about what they want to hear. People have a right to express their opinion – you don’t have to be an ass to those who don’t agree.

    Anyways, I agree with you. I don’t believe kids should be hit. And I don’t think this is worth leaving over. Not yet anyways. If I were you, I’d ask him why he feels that hitting is the only option. Hear him out, and then suggest other solutions to her negative behavior that will work for the both of you. I’m sure he doesn’t want to die on the “hitting children” hill.

  15. Be careful with feedback from an ex on breaking up. It very often isn't sincere or truthful, just a way to smooth things over.

    On the possibility that you really DO need to be more independent – avoid smothering your next partner. Don't attempt to be together every moment, do everything together, etc. In the meantime, before getting involved with someone, make your own plans, follow your own interests, and so on.

  16. I feel like I smoke a lot of weed but that seems like way too much. If he’s winding down and smoking at night that seems reasonable but holding down a job and taking care of a kid blazed all day usually doesn’t work.

  17. I don’t think she is crazy for not wanting to see late wife’s pics on the walls or hear you talk to her photos with her present. This tells me your not really “ready” to date even though you are technically free to. On another note ur gfs pent up jealousy went too far. She clearly snapped and took it out on ur daughter and knew she did and that’s why she desperately tried to apologize and fix this. She knows she screwed up immensely but also can’t live like this. I actually think this is pretty salvageable. You need to truly move on if this is going to work and she needs to be more understanding of your daughters position. Everything is fixable if both are willing to change

  18. Picture yourself looking back at your life in 30 years time. How many of your major life decisions are you going to allow your family to make for you? Will the path of your life give you happiness and satisfaction if you only aim for their life goals?

    If you do decide to get back with your ex, do not argue or be confrontational. Just let anyone know who asks that this the decision you've made that is best for you. You need to be strong enough to repeat that sentence as needed until they realize they can not change your answer.

    Your ex deserves the whole you though so don't do this unless you will stand up for your relationship and him personally. Good luck OP.

  19. I'm the only one who cares about HIM here…the rest of you are for the girl who stopped him from seeing his son be born.

  20. “I need to talk to you about something. I appreciate your desire to cook for us, but from now on, I need you to stop trying to cook unless you're willing to start by finding a simple recipe and then follow it exactly. Your current cooking methods always end up being stressful for us both, and we know that the results are often not great. It's not doing me a favor when you create this big stressful situation in our house. If you'd like me to help with finding some easy recipes, we can do that together.”

  21. I want to give you a slight warning, my narcissistic ex husband would trauma dump on my family the first time he met them. And then would do it regularly after that.

    Not saying your partner is narcissistic, but be wary okay?

    You need to clearly and gently tell your partner not to trauma dump, just for the sheer fact he may not get to know those people or be in contact with them again and it could potentially trigger someone else and that’s entirely unfair.

    See what their reaction is to that and then proceed.

  22. “Hey, I really like you and I like what we did that night and I want us to do that again, you in?”

    Only he knows the answer to that so, ask him.

  23. You need inpatient treatment because you’re a danger to yourself and others. You physically harmed your boyfriend during a mental break. An apology won’t fix that. The best apology would be to check yourself into a facility, get on medication, and get back in touch later. If he loves and cares for you, he will understand. If not, it wasn’t meant to be anyway.

  24. I almost want to end it myself to spare anyone any hurt feelings.

    This has real 'you can't fire me, i quit' energy to it.

  25. Wait I am confused – he is thinking about breaking up because you found out he is cheating on you? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that backwards??

    That's like a criminal threatening to go to jail if the police doesn't stop investigating him?? Lmao

    Please distance yourself from him and take some time to clear your head. The gaslighting here is unreal. You should be breaking up with him on the grounds that he is flirting with some girl.

  26. OP….. you need to figure out whats best for YOUR SON…. you have a druggie with roulette baby in her warping your mind.

    While a crazy woman took you to court just to make your life hell!(also you can file a suit against her, but that has to be a civil suit)


    And get both out of you and your sons life at the EARLIEST time possible

  27. Yup! I’m a daily smoker but these posts make me realize a lot more people use it as a crutch to live life than for fun or to unwind. It’s crazy.

  28. Jealousy is tough to deal with when the circumstances that provoke it are right there in your face on a regular basis. The feelings are always going to be there. The question is whether they will be manageable. I think they would be manageable, for most people. It will be important to hold on to the things that make you feel able to support yourself independently. Your partner may have trouble understanding that, and his willingness to try (or not) will matter a lot.

  29. Woman here. I agree with you that this isn't normal, if everything you're saying is accurate. I don't think it's acceptable to lash out at your partner or kids, it's possible to be in a bad mood without treating others badly. Maybe she has some depression or a personality disorder. She should see a therapist. I feel for you, best of luck.

  30. This is one of those times when the person doesn’t even deserve notice. Get a u-haul, lots of friends, Wait for him to be gone, get your shit, and ghosty, ghosty, ghost.

  31. Idk how close you are or how you feel about your bio dad because for some this would be for some a huge gesture, for me not really it’s just a name, and my dad was completely absent so it was easy for me to ditch the name and that’s what I did, I took my step-fathers last name. I’ve considered him my dad for a long time so changing my name wasn’t something I considered big or extra and I knew he would love it. And you don’t even have to do it right now, I didn’t want to change it at first at 18 because ethnic names look better for college sports, and I didn’t want scouts or anything not recognizing me by my new name as most call by my last name. And high schoolers are annoying and I didn’t want everyone saying I was married or something. Anyway I’m 21 now and changed my last name to his right before Christmas so I decided to present it to him then as a Xmas gift and he cried because it was the “best present ever.”

    So I think that’s a great gift to think about. Not for everybody but meh, I’ll be married one day, whats the difference.

  32. Agreed. I respect her right to make her choice but she has to acknowledge that she made that choice without considering any of the long term implications that come with carrying a pregnancy to term and raising a child for 18+ years. Not to mention if her child is born sick, with disabilities, developmental delays, etc., these are things that will be expensive and mentally taxing. She can’t force her boyfriend to be a parent – she can simply take him to court for child support which will be, at most, a few hundred dollars. During a pretty severe inflation with a looming recession and lack of a job/housing/support system, she’s really dancing on the razors edge here with this choice. It’s up to her whether she has a child or not. It’s just unfortunate that her child is going to be born into instability and end up living a life of insecurity and social welfare because she didn’t think things through with a clear mind.

  33. If he mentions a polyamorous relationship, tell him that you would prefer an “open ” relationship because you feel that you could also love someone else more than him. His response and reaction will tell you everything. I also believe that there is more to your dream (maybe not your sister), and telling you to wake up and look at this situation. I personally would tell him that we are monogamous or we open up our relationship and not poly, or we go our separate ways. Considering what he said and the fact that he wants to talk more, I would leave him and let him go find someone else

  34. Lol had to stop reading the comments but I am going to give the benefit of the doubt and he is probably have the fear of getting trapped so he is making sure that their is no way he can get trapped and financially fucked for the rest of his life

  35. Yeah, the drug test is the obvious choice here. I’d talk to your lawyer first to make sure you do it right where you don’t automatically trigger the kid to be taken from you or something.

  36. No, that’s definitely not what I’d say. And I don’t care about sleeping with him. I’m just into him

  37. I will never cheat again!!! Granted I didn’t do anything physically, and told husband every step of the way— which I guess wasn’t just honest but also a little cruel— I come from a long family history of vengefulness as a means of survival— but I will never do that again. Makes me nauseas just thinking about it.

    Yeah, the fact that he only agreed when he felt threatened by another man only made it worse.

    Bandmate and I have been painfully honest with each other and I’m pretty certain it’s a healthy thing we have. Thank you for your thoughts!

  38. If you like thongs just wear thongs. I’m sure she won’t think you’re rude if you wear a thong! That’s what makes you happy I’m sure there’s male thongs online.

  39. B probably felt awks and didn't feel comfortable, it's not an easy thing. You guys are young, give b the benefit of the doubt. But imo anyone who is friends with A after this sux. Find yaself some femme queers xo

  40. You’re being you’re being so surface level it’s crazy. Just because something is legal it doesn’t make it morally just. If you have to understand what is morally right by relying on an institution tell you, so and not because your brain has figured out why it is morally wrong then I don’t know what to tell you. It used to be legal not that long ago to rape your spouse. It used to be illegal for unmarried women to have credit cards. It is still illegal in some states to get married to child brides with the parents permission. It used to be a illegal for gay couples to get married! If you only can rely on the law to tell you what’s wrong or right, then how do we as a society you’re freaking progress as a society for Christ sake.

    If we are giving pats on the back to predators waiting around for teenagers to be legal age, then we are failing those teenagers. We should absolutely continue to shame creepy ass people who go after teenagers. It really isn’t that difficult to understand why we should.

  41. You asked him if it was ok to cheat and he saw how big that red flag was and dumped your ass. Hey now you have all the free passes you want OP

  42. He's not a good man. It's that simple.

    Up to you if you want to keep staying with him. Leave, earn your kids respect, and enjoy your remaining years in peace.

  43. Welcome to the 18th century, where being obedient to your moronic overbearing jackass husband is more important than your own kids

  44. Wow. I remember when my gf asked to open things up I was devastated. I agreed, but added some neutral ground rules so that it was easier for me to emotionally handle. I agreed because I didn’t want to lose her and we’ve both used it to our advantage. This guy is not worth keeping. You’re so young, you can do soooo much better, and you absolutely will have more opportunities to use the open option than he will. It really sounds like he hasn’t thought this thing through. My question: is there anything even worth sticking around over? I guarantee that when you use the option, probably we’ll before he has a chance, he will wine long and loud. He’s the manipulator, he just is too stupid to realize it.

  45. You’re having a difficult time trusting her on the trip because you’re 19 and not mature enough to understand. Enjoy this woman while it lasts, but I implore you to hold off any idea of buying a ring or marrying her. Give it a few years. No reason to rush into marriage. You have your whole life ahead of you and she has half of hers left so there’s plenty of time.

  46. You have the RIGHT to change your mind! Just because you have consented before doesn't mean it's a permanent green light! You do not owe that man your body to do with as he pleases!

    If he gets mad…. he can get glad when he's ready but it is not your responsibility to just appease him!

    What about your wants and desires? Why do they not matter as much as his??

    You don't deserve this nor should you stand for it! If YOU don't look out for yourself who will? Your husband certainly isn't! Good luck OP you deserve so much better!

  47. 20 or more guys is, from a logistical standpoint, a lot. Is your wife ok? Is she bipolar or does she have a manic disorder of some kind?

  48. Your an adult do you tell them what to do ? If course not I moved out of my parents house before I was 17 but that's bc I was already in college at the age of 16 . My parents would never say anything about someone I was dating or seeing I would tell them to go to hell if they did

  49. Maybe you’re right, i know it’s okay for her to go out drinking, she goes drinking all the time without me and i’m totally fine with it. I just didn’t like that she didn’t give me a heads up because it’s just so out of character, since we got into an argument i am just worried about how she’s handling the whole situation.

  50. How long have they been friends only before he started dating you?

    They've been friends since they broke up I think, it's another thing that doesn't make me feel good, he and I started dating a few months after they broke up

  51. The wording is slightly confusing. You've brought “up” vibes. Have you actually used one?

    If not, get a corded Hitachi wand a go, and enter her from the edge of the bed with her on her back. At that point she's got the ability to maneuver the vibe however she needs, you're inside of her, and it allows the situation to develop with lots of stimulation. Turn the lighting way, down, too, since it sounds like she's still slightly uncomfortable with her body around you

  52. He doesn’t have to “encourage” her but if she WANTS IT he sure as hell shouldn’t impede it. It’s her choice- surgery is an effective method to fix the issue no matter how many down votes I get! Let her be the one to bring it up/bring the topic to discussion and op just needs to say listen I will support you with whatever choice SHE makes- could be surgery, or more therapy or nothing. Either way she shouldn’t be pushed in either direction about surgery she needs to come to her own conclusions on that. Sounds like that’s where this is headed and that’s absolutely okay!

  53. I think it’s understandable that you’re not comfortable with what’s happening. It’s a being change. If you do decide that you don’t want to be in a relationship like this, it’s ok too.

    She’s going through a discovery time probably. You can let her decide what she wants (because you don’t want her to change because of you!), then if you’re ok with it then that’s cool, but if you’re not, you can go your separate ways and it’s a very valid reason. Still very heart breaking

  54. That'd a really big assumption especially when I don't think OPs mentioned much of anything about her prior marriage.

    Most people aren't total manipulative assholes despite what reddit may have people believe.

    Could she be a gold digger? Sure, but it's much more likely she jumped into a relationship when she wasn't really ready for one and is finally realizing she fucked up.

    She offered to buy him out so it's not like she's really saving any money here.

  55. read the og post and this update. good fucking job dude. stood your ground even after her sorry attempt. you will find someone who won't question you at all. incredibly sad she couldn't literally clarify with you if you were really going on a trip. of course, to question in the first place was dumb since you had just told her about said trip.

  56. All I can picture is a caveman throwing a woman over his shoulder and pounding his chest.

    You are lucky no one called the police on you

    Time for her to dump you

  57. Ah so a cheating spendthrift who let you hit it raw without a better plan than fraud.

    Sounds wonderful. Continue pining for this walking trashbag and being the side guy.

  58. Put them in the garbage.

    seal them in a small ziplock sandwich bag and take them home and dispose in your own garbage.

    if you want to be extra careful, you can also take the drake approach and put in a small packet full of hot sauce inside the condom before you tie it off

  59. You’re going to end up with a baby if you carry on like this. What’s wrong with using condoms? You can’t even tell the difference if you’re a girl.

  60. Girl he sounds like trash. The way he treats your dog is indicative of his character and it's not good. Ignore and block anyone who says otherwise and move on because anyone who treats a poor animal like that is not worth your time.

  61. Yeah, I am normally fairly “avoid violence” but, in OPs post, “it’s normal to do” and I wonder if the husband has heard a trauma story or two- you know, the kind you rattle off because it’s just what you knew, what had been normalized but, the person you’re talking to is looking at you like o_O.

    I bet he has. Ol dad there clearly uses violence as a language and all the husband did here was make sure he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn’t be doing it again. But more than that, well, if you don’t want it, don’t start it. I don’t particularly care if a bunch of people who’ve probably never experienced much violence beyond a comment thread upsetting them screech about it: no, it’s not something to be afraid of or worried about- but her trying to go back home to visit could be.

    I once watched an all out drunken brawl erupt at a family gathering- because a dear old uncle who’d gotten away with being a creep for way too long popped my sister on the butt and her boyfriend laid him flat- dude got his nose busted so hard the chair flipped back. It was a mess. When you come from people who aren’t exactly like everyone else seems to be: you tend to warn anybody you bring home.

    Now her family is clearly not hillbillies but, if this story is true- whiiiich well, I believe it, because why wouldn’t I? There’s a good chance husband went into this knowing he might. Ever hear someone you love talk about someone who hurt them a lot- and then, you’ve got to go sit there like you didn’t know? It gets to you.

    OP, if you have to keep ties with them- and I get it, not everyone can just cut loose the family they knew: protect yourself, too. As to them being distant, I can almost promise you: first pregnancy announcement and they’ll be back up your butt like it never happened. Dunno about where you’re from- I just know toxic families and that’s how they do. If you’re not having kids- again, give it time: somebody else’ll probably do something and it will be the big family scandal instead of your dad getting exactly what he asked for.

    But don’t go home- you have a home, now: and you know, even if god forbid you wind up not staying together or something: make your home away from people who feel fine about hitting you.

  62. No no, it’s not you are unworthy, it’s because he’s a dog. Even many of the women in those photos have the exact same problem as you do with their men.

    Also, most women could do thirst trap photography. All you need is to have very good quality make up or air brush make up that you know how to apply to look good in the lighting. False eyelashes, knowing the best eyeliner applications to make your eyes pop and look alluring. A Brazilian butt augmentation and lift (which many of those models invest in), or angles that put your butt out more profound. Then know how to position and get the lighting perfect to accent the flattering contours while concealing unflattering stuff. Then if the pictures still make you unhappy, certain things can be airbrushed out, and filters get used. Then you got the perfect thirst trap photo. Funny thing is, guys are not stupid. I think most of them are smart enough to realize what great lengths and processes are done to create fantasy women pics. Nevertheless, they still enjoy gawking at them even when they know this. It’s kind of like how we know WWE wrestling is rigged and really practiced moves with fixed decisions on who wins, yet that doesn’t stop many of us from watching, or even going to matches.

  63. Learn to read dumbass. Stop playing dumb I wasn’t talking about 26 and 20. I was replying to you saying as long as they are legal age it’s ok when it’s not.

  64. “Hey… hope, both you and my sheets are getting better.

    As one set is missing now and i don't have over many… could you please replace them when we meet the next time?”

    Or anything along the lines.

  65. I have two options: throw on my headphones and deal with it or (since I can't always have my headphones on) find a way to politely confront her and ask her to stop.

    Go with option #1 instead or explore other options, e.g. asking your superiors about the option to move to a different work space.

    You're seemingly not close with your coworker, and you say it yourself that you don't know if perhaps something uncontrollable is causing her to make these noises. Either way, it doesn't sound like an issue that has a quick, easy fix, and I think the sum of all these things makes it none of your business to confront her with.

    If you do decide to confront her, you'll be putting yourself in a position where you're suddenly asking quite a lot of someone you're not even close with and who doesn't owe you anything aside from basic courtesy. I don't think there's any “nice” way to go about that.

  66. Seriously? Life is just way too short. How about get rid of a person who is maladaptive and won't change?

  67. Even though he has made you upset, frustrated, and resentful, he is expecting you to cater to him for 28 days like a mother, a sugar momma, a therapist, a wife, a sex doll, who is suppose to act like a ditzy oblivious chick with their head in the sand, all while feigning admiration and respect. Did I leave anything out here?

    You know this is going to backfire horribly if you even attempt it right?

  68. I love the comment section of this one. We are all united in the pursuit of trying to get OP to see this shit is bonkers.

  69. given your partner’s current mental health status, I would caution you to be extreme mindful and considerate of adding to adding any additional negative thoughts to his current state. I get where your mom is coming from, it’s butt crack, like people just aren’t into that and I think the fact that your moms appearance in her house is unfortunately moot, however hypocritical it may be.

    keeping in mind it is your mom’s house and your partner is guest, i would suggest speaking to your mom about this rather than your partner. you came to Reddit to ask this which tells me you might not be that comfortable speaking to your mother about this or you already know she wouldn’t be understanding, but if you give her all the relevant information and then ask her for her opinion on the matter (which – to your advantage- could make her feel respected and in charge and valuable), you might get an answer, that surprises you and she might even consider someone’s mental health over the chance of someone seeing part of a butt crack in the middle of the night.

    you summed it up beautifully here: “The problem: A few days ago, when I came out of my room, my mom asked me to 'help him find a pair of shorts that fits'. He's a little overweight, and (in his own words) he 'has no ass', so he usually wears a belt, and even when he does, his pants usually slip down a bit. On top of that, he's very depressed and has no self esteem (especially about his appearance).”

    sharing that info with your mom being careful to not betray your partner’s confidence, imo would be the first step to resolving this.

    if not, you need to speak with your partner and you can do so in a way that shows you’re doing so bc you care about them and you’re looking to work together for a solution. There’s a lot of information on the Internet. I’ve had a how to delicately and diplomatically speak to somebody about some thing sensitive without extra cause for hurting them emotionally.

  70. I get what you're saying that the length of time together had no bearing on how sure you are since it's impossible to know. I think from my perspective it's more like, yes I can't ever know for sure if I'm going to be with someone until I die. I've never felt this sure though, and therefore I believe we'll be together. It's always a gamble in any relationship, but I personally feel like it's less of a gamble with this man. Either way, I really didn't think waiting a year and half to get engaged and two and half years to get married was considered rushing. Eventually I would like to have kids and I'll be 27 soon. This is not a deciding factor for me, but if I did decide to wait 5 years to get engaged, then I'd be about 32 or 33 by the time I get married. It makes having a family a little harder at that age.

    Also, to be honest, both of us are individually well off. I know when you get down to the actual paperwork of it that marriage is a legal agreement. Neither of us really feel constrained about worrying about waiting for marriage until it will work well for our taxes, health insurance, life insurance, etc. since we're both financially in good places. We'd both get a pre-nup beforehand to protect our own assets.

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