Brenda90 live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 3, 2022

11 thoughts on “Brenda90 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Every time he asked you, “why did you invite me over?” he was actually asking, “did you invite me over to have sex?” He kept asking because he wanted to segue into what you “wanted” from him being there, which was hopefully sex.

    That’s all he wanted. I can even hear the goofy inflection in his voice. It’s like if you tell a man you’re showering and he says, “lol without me?” Both are classic dude-who-just-wants-to-fuck lines.

  2. Has she expressed any interest in wanting you back? If not, then respect her decision to break up, and don’t chase after her trying to change her mind. Sounds like she wasn’t great at communicating anyway.

  3. Yall are both adults, If you're attracted to her then take her up on the offer.

    Your friend may get really upset if she finds out later but she definitely isn't entitled to that information if yall decide not to tell her, just be prepared if she does find out it's a possibility it messes up yalls relationship but most people probably wouldn't care about who their friends/siblings have sex with, unless she has feelings for you.

  4. Oh I mean it’s patently absurd to be jealous of a body pillow that doesn’t have any of the stipulations you mentioned (or is in the shape of an anime character). Yes I did find the attachment extremely funny, but it’s not the problem

  5. She is trying to do monkey branching and you caught her before she could complete that, hence it's your fault according to her. Her ghosting you is your closure that the relationship has ended.

    Change all your passwords and block her, so that you can move on. Your relationship is over.

  6. No – this just isn’t true. It’s one thing in a jokey tone to your mates. In an angry snap at your partner it’s clearly, absolutely never okay. How much if a problem swearing at someone is is a tonal and situational thing, and that it’s colloquially okay to use that word sometimes doesn’t mean it’s okay by default until after a person objects. This one is cut-and-dried unacceptable.

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