Breidy Princess live webcams for YOU!


MULTSQUIRT [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: October 8, 2022

9 thoughts on “Breidy Princess live webcams for YOU!

  1. Before I read about the girl I was assuming he was hiding where he was because of shopping for a Christmas gift for you. Also, no he did not come clean right away. He told you he was home watching TV. You had to confront him about lying about that before he revealed hanging with the girl. Had you not caught him lying about his whereabouts and called him out on it, would he have revealed all this on his own?

  2. It sounds like you are more mature and wanting a more traditional BF GF relationship and he’s still a teenage boy who wants to hang with his buddies? He’s not really thinking like a “boyfriend,” more like someone he’s casually dating?

  3. That’s still very vague though. It could just be they want to keep it a small group, possibly have more serious catching up type conversations that they don’t want you there for, etc. I would just keep in mind that like if you were going to brunch or something with a couple female friends and you asked if you could bring your bf, most girls would say “no, it’s a girls day” or at the very least be annoyed that you brought him. If they seem to be avoiding you altogether, that’s when you can be concerned.

  4. Yeah, call it what it is! He’s pro forced birth with exceptions that likely mean a woman has to be actively dying to receive intervention.

  5. You delete it before anyone can even comment? The link refers to invoice. I hope you’re worried about him spending too much because diamonds aren’t truly worth shit but someone who is good with their finances is.

  6. Neither the lab/retriever mix I got as a teen nor the lab and german shepherd I lived with in college ever chewed anything plastic. Leave food out? Absolutely, it's gone. Stuffed animals intended for dogs? Lacy would love them to pieces, sometimes in less than an hour, so she couldn't have them without supervision. But plastic? Not the inevitability you're presenting it as.

    I love dogs and wouldn't be willing to rehome them, but if they're not trained and that was supposed to be your job I understand her being frustrated. A nine year old is still very much a puppy-in-training, mistakes will be made kind of age as well. Do the dogs get enough exercise? I don't mean putting them in the yard or taking them around the block, I mean long walks/runs, fetch, etc. That's the most common source of misbehaviour I've observed in other people's dogs.

    Her giving you the silent treatment is a whole other problem, though. That woukd be a dealbreaker for me regardless of the initial issue.

  7. Have you asked her similar questions about things like respect, values, and responsibility? Or are you only freaking out about how your dick compares?

  8. First of all, IUDs aren't permanent. You can take it out in like 15 mins and get pregnant a few weeks later.

    And second, if she's trying to figure out whether she wants kids then that's currently a no. Anything that isn't 100% yes is no. You can't make this decision unless you're totally sure because it's for life. It's not like going travelling for a week where if you don't like it you don't do it again. It's a huge, actually permanent life change. So if she flip flops and continues to consider it you have to realise that's a no.

    It's you who now needs to decide if kids are a dealbreaker for you and how long you will wait, and then you need to talk to her. Because right now it seems like you are both stalling to avoid the reality of what it means if you want kids and she doesn't.

  9. Sadly, I suspect it's incredibly over optimistic to expect her father to actually take notice of what it says in the Bible.

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