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Bongaaslive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “Bongaaslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I am not a good person to ask as by my nature can't easily get over being treated like shit even if it puts in worse situation. You shouldn't force yourself to seek meaningless sex cause you won't enjoy it. Plus if you take her back she will likely feel free to pull it again when you two will have worse time in relationship(and these always come eventually). This is exactly issue with second chances it won't be chance cause she won't regret her actions, even she tells you otherwise.

    I don't have anything constructive to add except that once you move on you should try to seek someone else that you will be able to connect with.

  2. Yes it was.

    Your argument is inherently sexist and when you failed at making it palatable you implied their relationships are unhealthy.

  3. If she left you, there's not very much to do. You told her that you want to spend more time together, and her answer was to breakup.

    You can try to reach out to her and ask for another chance, but be prepared for her to reject you. If you yyou can handle that and if you have very strong feelings for her, I say give it a shot. You'll never know what will happen until you try, and you'll probably always wonder “what if?”

  4. This should present as being about your feelings. It should present as being about his feelings. He should want her to not say that because he cares for you and feels uncomfortable with that. He is happy with you and will not have things any other way.

    This shouldn’t look like it’s coming from you. It needs to be all him. But usually happy couples care about each others feelings so that’s how it would come out

  5. I have a dad and two brothers and I know how they respect their wives in public. They would never behave super friendly with a non family member female. And they would never hug a female coworker. So that is a very high bar that was set. My dad is married for 60 years to my mom and my brothers have been married to their wives for 25+ years.

  6. Just say women it ain't that hard. And because it's accusing them of cheating. Asking shows that there is no trust in a relationship

  7. To be honest, it sounds like something happened to change his perspective on this. My guess would be somehow he got into some bullshit traditional masculinity youtuber, or else had his head turned by someone with these “traditionally feminine” qualities. Either way, no, you should not change who you are because after ten years your husband decided he wants someone else. You may as well ask HIM to not be the sort of person who likes demure, feminine women–why isn't HE the one that should change?

    But I don't know how you come back from this.

  8. We weren't regularly using protection, so you're right about that. We have a semi-open relationship, so we do use condoms occasionally, if either of us have recently been with other partners, just in case, but most of the time we don't. I say semi-open because I'm not allowed to be with other men (not that I'd be interested in it anyway) and therefore it would still be cheating if I had sex with another man.

    Thank you for the advice. I'm definitely going to go to him and tell him that he needs to get his sperm count rechecked and that I'm more than willing to do a paternity test. I'm going to do some more research on this NIPT thing, but I hope that that'll put any doubts he has to rest. He's had some trouble with infidelity in the past, so this is a sore subject for him.

  9. He shouldn't have agreed to something that he didn't intend to follow up on. But I also wouldn't agree to call my wife regularly during the day while I'm at work. Break up with him over this if you want, but if you don't want to break up then I would just drop it.

  10. Reading through all these parts makes me scared to get a massage from a professional. I'm one of those people who gets way too relaxed. I think this whole scenario is super awkward and uncomfortable if I put myself in the shoes of both of you. I'm stuck on wtf I would do in her scenario of orgasming on the massage table (it's one of my biggest massage therapy fears). Do you leave? Do you stay? Wtf do you even say. It's just outrageous. I feel for both of you and honestly, I hope some day you both can look back and laugh at it.

  11. DuoLingo, Google Translate, and Google Pixel phones might help them get over most of the language barrier without having to rely so heavily on you. Just some ideas.

  12. It has been three years. He won't even seriously talk about it. Either live with the fact that he probably will never propose or try proposing to him. Yes, he may say no, but at least you will be able to decide what to do.

  13. You mean like what's happening? Where is this alternate reality in which people are not saying his dad assaulted him? Cause right now it appears like you're just talking shit.

  14. For a lack of better term, this is such a half-assed response. You shouldn't continue to be “friends” with someone if they're romantically interested in you to that degree and you hold no reciprocal feelings. It should be “You are pursuing me and I don't like that. I am no longer friends with you to convey that I have absolutely no interest in you like that..” If you're not into them, why not just stop engaging with them? They view every interaction as romantic in the first place.

  15. I wouldn't ask him about it. I would simply say 'you left a mess in the bathroom. Please clean it up.' Let him see how many spots and how often it happens. Make it his responsibility to deal with it.

  16. Imagine how he’ll treat any daughters he might have…over emphasis on their virginities…gross.

  17. I dont care about his past I dont know the full story anyway. But he clearly lied about his living situation and his hair.

  18. Maybe it’s a mind thing like manipulation but it’s hard so me to pull away and he knows that. That’s why I deal with so much from him but I know I need to leave

  19. Babe you need to grow a spine and set some boundaries in your relationship. Does he do this often? Why on earth would you not have taken the possessions you paid for and frequently use as soon as you found out his plans?!

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