Blondecamile live webcams for YOU!


blondecamile Public Chat Channel

Date: October 10, 2022

6 thoughts on “Blondecamile live webcams for YOU!

  1. I don't think there is much you can fix this. You should leave him and save him the pain. Cheating is hard to come back from in any relationship.

  2. Okay yeah sorry I guess a didn’t realize how much I left out, my bad! We do live together now and we split pretty much everything 50/50. Our child wasn’t planned. Everything we’ve needed for our baby was kindly gifted to us at our baby shower so there has been no spending there except for monthly insurance premium.

  3. My guy likes trying weird beers. It’s fun for him to get home to the fridge and there’s a new beer he’s never had before! Or a favorite beer that’s hard to find.

  4. Take the house. That is a huge obve in a lifetime opportunity.

    If and when you are ready to buy, dad can sell it or do whatever he wants with it.

  5. Oh yeah he might have approached this more casually then you so that's why you have those feelings. I would only advise you to take it slowly. Take some time to meet someone truly and if it ends at least you learned some lessons from it.

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