Blackhoneyy live webcams for YOU!


Sit while I drop it! Hardcore riding as you love it!!! Control me to get the creamy [107 tokens remaining]

Date: October 17, 2022

17 thoughts on “Blackhoneyy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your definition of love is unhealthy and unsustainable. Obsession is not love. Worship prevents actual connection.

  2. So BEFORE you cuddling for a bit, and then stopped on your time.

    NOW she cuddles with you for 10 minutes, and then changes to the plushie.

    How long did you used to cuddle for?

    For example, if it was 20 minutes, you could simply ask your girlfriend; “Hey can we cuddle for 10 additional minutes, before you change to cuddle the plushie?”

    That way she still gets her plushie cuddles, and you still get the same timeframe of cuddling as before.

  3. If the roles were reversed, people would be making up excuses defending you and your low eex drive… so suck it up buttercup.

  4. Try dating people your own age instead of going after girls barely old enough to drink legally. You must be a creep who can’t get women his own age to put up with him.

  5. Well it's not your FAULT that you are extremely mentally ill and suffered a psychotic break. It's a shitty hand you've been dealt, but it doesn't make you any less of a person because of it.

    I'm sorry your relationship didn't work out, but you're young and you've just started to tackle your mental health.

    I want you to know things can and will get better for you, and there's a lot of understanding people out there that will still accept you despite your illness.

    There's a future out there for you full of ups and downs, sorrow and joy, but you have to stick around to experience it.

    In times like these we start to imagine our lives and futures. And when we're in a shitty place we imagine shitty futures. But that doesn't mean it's true and that will definitely happen.

    You have time. You CAN make it through this. You ate not alone. Just keep moving forward. Good luck.

  6. Just a hustle? Maybe within reason, but if she's financially ruined people by taking advantage of addiction and other mental issues, with no safeguards in place to protect them, that's awful. Would you defend pyramid schemes too?

  7. I don't want to push her away but equally like, I want things to be chill, fun, and slow.

    It's not that way anymore, is it? Was it ever going to be after she informed you of her move in date?

    People are different, it sounds like she has very different expectations than you do about what is reasonable in terms of expectations in a relationship. It's quite common for people from different countries/cultures to have vastly different expectations around timelines to milestones and how to interact as a heterosexual couple.

  8. How is anyone able to access the internet to ask this question and not know that you shouldn’t give your SSN out to randos, I just wanna know where not to send my kids to school in the future.

  9. Because you’re telling me not to have children with my boyfriend …. And you know that’s my dream. You want to hurt my feelings for some reason and I can’t think of anything else other than you’re mad because I don’t want a job.

    People who have jobs are so mad that I don’t want one. Like, you can’t accept it or something.

    Not everyone is cut out for the workplace and that’s okay. I would be better off being a mother and a wife because that’s what I’m passionate about. It’s no different than someone who’s passionate about being an engineer….

  10. Whether they pity you or not will depend mostly on your own attitude the day of. If you are confident and happy, most people won't even notice.

  11. He has explicitly told you he was not ready to be married.

    He also got you a nice gift that you told him you wanted

    You need to calm down and tell him thank you for the gift. Then, have a serious conversation about where you both are in your relationship and affirm that you have the same plans for your mutual future

  12. It's not fixable if she says you either have to get rid of your daughter or she's leaving, surely you see that?

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